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July 22

1978-Saturday- 70º at 6 AM. Slept well thru hot night. 28 ducks for corn. Hazy, hot, & humid
Picked blueberries from old bushes - good quantity. 
Deadheaded daylilies - a big job but looks better. 
Picked broccoli, lettuce, beets and carrots for dinner. 
Eileen and Mary F here at 2:30 for afternoon - good to see them. Picked first green beans.

1979 - Sunday - 60º at 6 AM - Hazy - hot and very humid - terrible weather - no rain. To 8 o'clock Mass. Breakfast following with Alex - Helen - granddaughter Cathy 
Deadheaded daylilies - watered veg garden and perennials Rabbit or something had eaten lettuce. Covered transplanted lettuce. Had good nap. To Billie Newell's at 5:30 for cocktail party - 140 people - tent - beautiful setting. Home at 8 o'clock to have Jule's zucchini soup.

1980 - Tuesday - 68º at 5:45. 95/100 in rain gauge About 60 mallards. Warm humid day, but good to know everything had a drink. I arranged wild flowers for Garden Club meeting at noon in Tavern Garden House - won third - first for zinnia. Joe Keller worked 9/2 - took out one of white birch stumps across pond. Wes cleaned gutters We picked blueberries - strawberries - cocktail tomatos squash - beans - peas (too much) Mama Duck & 7 around

1981 - Wednesday - 65º at 6:30. Beautiful day. 45 Mallards-. Fair - breezy - lovely.
Put fungus control on back grass for dollar spot and sprayed hemlocks for red spider. Deadheaded Picked vegetables - gave squash and cucumbers to Mike. Put screens on den windows - the last ones. Took white Japanese Iris (we hope it is) to Bogus. Trimmed tree cut by crane and cut out several small trees damaged. 

1982 - Thursday - 57º at 6 AM - Beautiful day - cool night. To Mass. I shopped Bethel Cheese and The Market there. Wes had shop hour. He buried big stone on top of wall garden. I weeded there. Looked for stones for new wall off deck - north side. Wes had brought couple loads of topsoil to finish wall at south side. I trimmed up a couple trees along wood path - dug out maple leaf viburnum coming int wood path. To Sattlers at 5:30 for cocktail. Sears Repair man couldn't find trouble with grill tank.

July 23

1978 - Sunday - 70º at 6:30 AM - Hazy, hot & humid. 30 Mallards. Deadheaded front gardens before 9:30 Mass. Wes did desk work.
Cut lawns - except back as too hot - put sprinklers on front lawn
To Billie Newell's to swim at 4:30.
Have been using the fan in bedroom window these humid nights. (Anniversary Daddy's death - 13 years)

1979 - Monday - 62º at 5:45- Foggy - more of same hot humid weather - 34 Mallards - To 7:30 Mass. Played golf 8-10. Wes worked on road - I worked in garden, picked beans, cucumber plant wilting - raccoon in garden - climbed down its pole? Thunder heard at 2 o'clock - uncovered vegetables - closed windows. I had 3 o'clock date with Louise McKeon on sweepstakes - storm hit enroute - had to wait in their drive - hail size marbles. 1.6 inches rain. Vegs down. To 8 oclock meeting garden tour - still on. Challenge potted cucumber ripped by hail

1980 - Wednesday - 70º at 6 AM - Light rain - .65 in gauge when Wes fed ducks before breakfast.- .75 later in morning - cleared so we could work outdoors after dropping off vegetables to Castles, Helen & Ross' and shopping Ridgefield. Bought traps for Japanese beetles. Deadheaded. Picked squash & cucumbers. 7 little ducks have learned to eat corn and come frequently. Scraped Gypsy moths from trees sprayed there.

1981 - Thursday - 50º at 5:45. Fai - sunny - not too humid. To Mass. Joe Keller worked. I shopped Basics - bananas 4 lbs/$1.00  - vegetables high - squash 49¢ a lb - ditto cucumber. Naturally we don't have to buy. Joe trimmed weeds on back road - bushes near dam. Trimmed grass. I deadheaded - watered veg garden. We went to Bogus with Joe and gathered sticks - did some tree trimming. Mike working on walls.

1982 - Friday - 60º at 6:30 - Forgot to look at 6 AM. Cloudy morning - cleared at noon - Warm and a bit humid - not too bad. Golf 8-10. To bank & Marcus - picked Queen Anne's Lace along way for party. Cleaned house - made snaks. Wes worked on the wall off deck for a couple hours - I watered. Billie - Sattler's - Dan McKeon and Louise's brother, Peter Hoguet, [[strikethrough]] Sattl [[/strikethrough]] Tracys - (Ross' must have forgotten) here at 5:30