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July 24

1978 - Monday - 68º at 6AM. Mostly clear - not to be as humid today - much better weather - cooler and a breeze. To 7:30 Mass for Daddy. Played golf 8-10. Wes used weed eater & trimmed leaves - around trees etc.. I cut back lawn - deadheaded - takes time! Picked a lot of blueberries. Wes cut up the tree near veg garden taken down last week.  I took Myrtle to Rectory & planted it there.

1979 - Tuesday - 64º at 5:30.  Hazy.- hot - humid 
Thunder in late afternoon but no rain here.  Joe Keller here at 9 to work. Wes finished grading road - looks great. Joe trimmed - used weed eater.
I had luncheon at Ruth Sharp's - finger bowls!
To Garden Club at Louise McKeon's at 2 pm - demonstration on cuttings - won second for Marigold and third for blueberries. Wes and I went to Ruth's for drink at 5:30. Wes saw hummingbird at Beebalm.

1980 - Thursday - 60º at 5:45. Sunny & cool  
Beautiful. Lucky - it was "neighbors over for a drink evening." Prepared for guests - Rosses, Satlers, Frank Tracy (Anne's mother has operation tomorrow), Billie, Nancy Carroll (Ruth has emphysema) Ducks & birds performed.
Artists here in morning to finish sketching.  Four loads of stone delivered by Duff Pierce for turnaround.
I shopped at Basics. (Mary Giangrave - Artist Teacher)

1981 - Friday - 50º at 6 AM - Cool - fog over pond.
At least 40 Mallards - too many pigeons. Found a dead one under the spruce so Wes killed another one last night
Deadheaded - Father Tighe brought Jane Schultz to look at gardens - stayed for lunch - Roy & Marretta Mitchell came by - they are moving to Florida. Picked vegetables and blackberries. To Bogus to look around - Mike had done more work on sheetrock. Watered "top" nursery - Japanese fern growing. Gave figs to Castles - they gave us drink

1982 - Saturday - 58º at 6:30 - clear beautiful morning - and day. Did wash etc - put livingroom back into order after party arrangement which didn't use as stayed on deck. Went over cliff to pick up plastic barrel rolled over yesterday and saw maidenhair ferns - rattlesnake plantain - hepatica
Later dug up two rattlesnake plantain and planted them in wood knoll. Put stakes and string around beans. Wes worked on north wall.  Had picked up grill cover at Sears and shopped Basics in morning.

July 25

1978 - Tuesday - 64º at 6 AM. Partly cloudy - hope for a shower. About 40 Mallards - gave them last of corn  Not enough. After breakfast to Bethel for corn and groceries
Wes pulled seaweed from pond across dam. I deadheaded - picked flowers. I took blueberries to Garden Club meeting at Mary Luke's - third prize for Specimen of Merit. Had picked up Ruth Sharp - Wes & I went back to her house for a drink. Helen & Alex there  No rain

1979. Wednesday - 64º at 5:45. Hazy, hot, humid Stuck in bad weather - 37 Mallards - heard thunder twice - only light shower here.
Getting garden back in shape day. Put string lines around beans - threw out zucchini and cucumber - cultivated everything before shower. Wes cultivated blueberries - picked 1/2 gallon. Cultivated and trimmed all around house - deadheaded daylilies. Wes cut grass. Billie Newell here at 5:30 for drink and go over Garden Club schedule as she missed Tuesday meeting

1980 - Friday - 55º at 6AM. Beautiful day - sunny and warm. Golf 8-10. John Hartcorn stopped by. Wes picked up flagpole and milk from Marcus.I deadheaded. After lunch Wes had shop hour. I made zucchini soup. We cut grass - big lawn side and what is left of back. Picked zucchini cucumbers and beans. Had to throw out more cucumber plants. Picked flowers for church.

1981 - Saturday - 56º at 6:30 (slept late)  Cloudy. 
16 Mallards but 11 frightened away by the pigeons back later. Watered perennial garden - deadheaded - daylilies are past the peak. Shopped for corn and birdseed - took copper, trivets, frying pans and other items to Tag Sale Shop - left bottles at Reclamation Center - bought cheese and liquor. Wes cut front lawn. I trimmed.  Picked beans. Off & on sun - peculiar day - hope for rain tomorrow.

1982 - Sunday - 58º at 6 AM. Fair beautiful day
Very warm. To 8 o'clock Mass. A relaxing day. Wes sanded front door - I painted it. We used a slider screen taped to the opening to keep out bugs. 
Watered - deadheaded. Early lunch. To Brookfield Theatre to see "E.T."  Had to go early as there are line ups.- Amusing to see the changing of seats and the goings & comings with popcorn. Home at 4 pm - Wes took nap - I watered wood knoll plants. Wes cooked steak on grill - we also cooked zucchini.