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July 28

1978 - Friday - 66° at 6 AM - Cloudy. Had bad storm at midnight - not measureable rain. 30 Mallards  
To Mass - planted 6 more clumps of Myrtle. Rented car and played 18 holes golf - back nine first (still rough on some holes) finished holes 7/9 with Peter Maplewoke  Home for lunch & nap. - Picked vegetables - squash & beans - then thunderstorms - 1/4 inch rain - hurray! Wes was about to water lawn and I the veg garden. Picked off all day lillies front veg garden fence ruined by heavy rain

1979 - Saturday - Vegetable Tour Day - We're No. 1  64° at 6 AM - Sunny - warm - humid. Cleaned terrace - did final garden chores. Jule came 9:30 (Mary has fever) she drove on back road. Helen & granddaughter Cathy here at 11 to take tickets - Jean Ellis & Katherine Ghee at 1:30/4. Had about 60 viewers - many compliments. Alex Ghee worked with Wes on parking. Jean had her daughter Kitty Kat. To Windmill Diner for dinner - too crowded - on to Hearth Brookfield. 

1980 - Monday - 62° at 6 AM - Hazy - fog on pond  About 40 duck & became mostly fair day - looked like storm in afternoon but nothing here
Golf 8-10. Wes bought corn, milk, bananas, cornflakes. Deadheaded, transplanted lettuce and put in another row of cauliflower where peas were. Duff Price bulldozed rock turn around and brought us 4 loads of small gray stone for it and dressed road.

1981 - Tuesday - 50° at 6 AM. Fair morning - Sun on pond is a beautiful sight - about 40 Mallards. Short-tailed young squirrel did crazy leaps. My back hurts - pulled muscle. To Molly Kitchen with Helen Ross for luncheon. On to Ada Franken's for RGC Meeting - took second for [[strikethrough]] gladiolus [[/strikethrough]] marigolds - gladiolus rejected for mark on flowers. Wes cut lawn over bridges - picked vegetables - spackled fireplace wall in livingroom.

1982 - Wednesday - 66° and raining - point 62 at 7:30 - great & needed it even if it is a golf day. 
Shop time for Wes. I wrote letters. Shopped Basics - gasolene for car - looked at rattan chairs for solar room in shop along Route 6 - ordered towel bar for our bathroom from Danbury Ceramic Tile Co - cooked chicken for tomorrow - Planted Lamium - Sedum and Mint - seeds of "Garden Phlox?" Alex gave us - in between showers - nice to see everything yet. 1.30 inches Thursday morning.

July 29

1978 - Saturday - 50° at 6 AM - Cool night! Fair beautiful morning - 29 ducks. No Mass - Father away until next Friday. Catch up day on chores - sent off bulb order to Holland and White Flower Form - picked gallon blueberries & strawberries, squash. Peppers half size - planted broccoli, carrots, beets, green ice and oak leaf lettuce - cut back lawn - Nate Gillotte brought stones and backhoe to reprop back brook - took "iris" stone from West End - Billie Newell cocktails - dinner Alex & Hen - Stephensons and Jane & Tom Flanagan there.

1979 - Sunday - 62° at 6:15 - Hazy - 43 Mallards - Searing hot morning - Clouded all afternoon - light rain started 3:30 - ended 6 o'clock. - .065 inches. 
To 8 o'clock Mass - took Veg Tour Money ($19 00) to McKeon's following - washed car - put Polyglycoat on during rain - replanted salera, at retirement garden - dead headed - Wes picked 1 gal. blueberries - I picked beans strawberries - our first 3 tomatoes.

1980 - Tuesday. 70° at 6 AM - Cloudy - rain mid morning 75/100 in all - most of day very light - NYC had floods. To Mass. Deadheaded before rain. Wes cancelled Joe Keller working account rain. To Read's to buy wedding present for Lynn Castle - Oneida stainless Frostline - 2 place settings - Had lunch there. Home for nap. Wes in shop. I read papers - NY Times delivered today - Missed yesterday.

1981 - Wednesday - some clouds - high wind - no rain 
Up at 5AM to watch the Royal Wedding - I got out of bed incorrectly and pulled my muscle again. Sat on heating pad and rested most of day. Lou Stahl, Bob Dorsch, Ed Teclaw and Vern Schneider here at 11 oclock - took Wes to lunch at "Thursday" - looked at Bogus house - left 4:30. We had taken rug samples back to Carpet Etceta for others and tried them - Still not right. To Republican Caucus at 8:15 to vote for Liz Leonard for First Selectman - back at 9 pm.

1982 - Thursday - 59° at 6 AM - Beautiful day - warm sun - nice breeze. To Mass - learned Louise McKeon had auto accident yesterday - bones in foot & ribs broken - Prepared for Cornells, Mary Sells & Mary F. here at noon - nice visit until 4:30 - we cleaned up and relaxed. Much cooler in evening.