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August 7

1978 - Monday - 70° at 5:45 AM 31 Ducks. Raining
To Mass. House chores in morning during rain. Wes took car to Brewster Ford- stalling frequently. Can't shift into reverse - need new cable. When rain let up (1.35 IN) deadheaded - picked vegetable - good number of cucumber so made cucumber/white vinegar dish. Over 30 ducks around all day - too many. Sylvia Lerner (from Wety) stopped by at 5 pm to walk around.

1979 - Tuesday - 48° at 6:15! Cold to us! Four Mallards flew away before breakfast. Wes had an hour in shop. I prepared for Garden Club Board meeting tomorrow. Joe Kooler here to work. Wes & Joe cut out grass along with spruce and bow and straightened and planted pacysandra there. Wes edged back of house and put more stones at cellar door. I deadheaded, cultivated , pruned red pine - cultivated veg garden - picked beans tomatoes, etc. To Muppet Moore in Danbury at 9:45.

1980 - Thursday - 60° at 6 am. Foggy - hot + humid day. To Mass. Deadheaded +picked veg and berries. To Agway for corn - Wes looked at lamp posts at [[?]] - few groceries at Bosies - finished washing house over breezeway. Edith Mcffley brought prints of office development along road - we spent couple hours studying them. Salty appeared - tried to put across road - Sam Ghee took for night

1981 - Friday - 54° at 6:25. Sunny - beautiful morning - you have to like orange grass. I took books to thrift shop - shopped Stop + Shop + for wine - Joe gave me 4 boxes - Brunetté - cheese shop - Wes waited for pickup of kitchen cabinets from barn - didn't come until 1:30. Mike brought month's bills - deadheaded - prepared terrace for guests. To Bogus - took log dogs[[?]] for fireplace + cleaned south bed. Freeman's + French's here at 7 pm for drink - we walk to French's house for dinner. Home at 11:30.

1982. Saturday - 58° at 6 am. Fair - not too hot or humid - dry. I went to cheese shop Bethel and market there- bought snacks for tonight. Joan Mannion, Gizela and I arranged 2 baskets of flowers for church - took them there. Joan gave us a quart of blueberries. After lunch + nap Wes continued cliff wall - almost finished - I watered - swept terrace and walk. Ruth Sharpe and Martha here for a drink and look around at 5pm.

August 8

1978 - Tuesday - 70° at 7 am - Thunderstorm during night - 4/10 inch. 33 ducks - too many! Heard katydids last night. Very humid morning. I went for haircut Wes then took cadet wheel to nutmeg for repair. Deadheaded - day lilies becoming thin. Played 9 holes at Dlhp 1:30/3:30. Wes used Jacobsin to cut grass - need it. I picked beans, squash, cucumbers and blueberries which are scarce also. Cooler and a nice breeze in afternoon. 

1979 - Wednesday - 64° at 6am - cloudy. Put the corn out before the 4 mallards came so they ate today. Wes in shop and I did house chores for one hour. Picked up Helen and went to Joan Minot's - Board of Managers meeting 10 o'clock. Met Wes + Alex at Touchstone's for lunch. Then to Oliver's Nursery, Fairfield - Greenfield Hills section - bought plants for miniature garden - Had drink with them and home at 7 pm - interesting afternoon - warm day.

1980 - Friday - 60° at 6am. Hazy - must be at least 10 mallards. Mama duck has six little ones now. Hot and humid day. No thunderstorm here. Golf 8-9:45 fast game - lots of players. Returned development plans to Edith Muffley. Worked at Ballard Garden - left newspapers, returned bottles to Stop + Shop - bought liquor - paint supplies at Sears (paint on sale next week so will buy then). Jackie Puerdbeck[[?]] and Sandy [[?]] took pictures of place - Ghee children brought back kitten. Called Claws.

1981. Saturday - 62° at 6 am - Cloudy. Hope for rain. Light rain - not under trees. Eileen came at 9 o'clock - brought packing boxes and packing material. Like Pselato marble sample for livingroom. To Bogus to discuss sitting room book shelves and fireplace enclosure. Men working on wood floors and particle board upstairs. Eileen provided the lunch sandwiches - She left about 3:30. We went to Ruth Sharp's for a cocktail at 5 0'clock.

1982 - Sunday - 62° at 6am - Fair morning, cloudy afternoon - looked like rain - none until after midnight. To 8 o'clock mass. Wes made out checks - he picked blueberries at Mannions. I prepared dinner - Eileen here at noon - brought several Emerald Gaiety and Forsythia. Wes cooked steak - very good - walked about and down Bogus with Peg. After she left at 5 pm - we planted the Emerald Gaiety on bank at [[?]] - one Forsythia on North slope and the rest in top planting box.