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August 13

1978 - Sunday - 64° at 7 AM. Cloudy - 22 ducks
Newspaper strike since Wednesday. Warm, humid day - sun out in afternoon. To 9:30 Mass.
Wes balanced books - set up new check register
I deadheaded - repotted some houseplants.  Transplanted ivy outside hedge bedroom side. Cultivated salvia at retirement garden. Man stopped by to admire and take pictures - gave us bottle of honey.

1979 - Monday - 54° at 6 o'clock. Cloudy - cleared to a beautiful cool day - 9/10 inch rain in gauge - total for 2 day rainfall was 3.3.  To Mass - Wes had his shop hour then worked on making "Garden Path" box smaller.
I washed my 3 Irish sweaters - deadheaded - last daylily is out on barn bank. Played golf 1:45/2:45 - lots of people - we had quick game - poor score - picked blueberries - 1/2 container - squash - strawberries - beans - some plants fell over in soft ground - early to bed - very tired.

1980 - Wednesday. 56° at 6 AM. Cool night. Beautiful day - sorry we didn't get rain. Prepared for trip tomorrow. Stripped garden of vegetables - took ivy wreaths to Helen - Wes cut lawn - I cut side and back where grass is growing - put all plants on terrace for Joe to water - Wes put more soil at flag walk  Too many mallards. Putting corn in back for Mama Duck & 6 littles. Golf 8/10. Packed at night.

1981 - Thursday - 61° at 6 AM - Hazy - hot in sun - everything melting - never saw it so bad. Danbury has water restrictions - down to 65% of capacity.
To Mass - Joe Keller weeded blueberry and raspberry and astilbe patches - Wes cleaned cellar of articles for dump - I deadheaded and threw out squash, cucumbers and carrots - beans still producing a little. Alex Ross took one of cellar work tables. To Bogus - cleaned up old log junk on south end. Work continuing on kitchen - carpenters working

1982 - Friday - 52° at 7 AM. Slept late - cold night Fair - beautiful day - cool.
Front screen door installed. Picked Goldenrod and Ironweed with Gizella along Old Mill Road
Golf 11-2pm - teed off 11:30 with Mr. Lewis (Marion) & Jeff 
Slow as loads of players. Late lunch & nap.
To Kellers at 5:30/7:15 for cocktails. Back home to change clothes - pack hamburgers and picnic supplies and go to Lake Picnic - home at midnight.

August 14

1978 - Monday - 70° at 5:45. Humid - Hazy.  9 Ducks 14 during day. To Mass. Played golf with Paul 8:30/10:30. To Pharmacy for Wes' pills - Finast for banana & Meekers for new grass clippers for me - lost first pair.  
Deadheaded. Wes cut lawn. I trimmed back, side and veg garden. Picked tomatoes, beans, squash and strawberries. Wes trimmed dogwoods in back and pacysandra. To "Windsong" at 5 for service - Billie Newell away.

1979 - Tuesday - 60° at 6 AM - cloudy - some sun but mostly stormy looking - did rain at 3:30 but cleared at dinnertime. Wes cleaned gutter. We retrimmed front hemlock.
Planted dwarf evergreens on bank (Chamaecyparis obtusa filicoides and Picea abies pygmaea) not used for flower show.
Joe Keller here - cultivated along fence - did all trimming. Wes folded up blueberry net on frame to dry. I shopped Bethel Market & Miss Emily's. Helen here for dinner (Alex in Rochester) and we went to 8pm Mass.

1980 - Thursday. 58° at 5:30. Up early to prepare for trip to Williamsville. Eileen came up at 7:30 - we left at 8 o'clock - very pleasant drive - picnic lunch outside Binghampton - route 20 to 318 to N.Y. Thruway - arrived 4 o'clock - Joan home - Hooker came at 6pm. Walked around admiring garden.

1981 - Friday - 56° at 6AM. Hazy - warm - looked like rain in afternoon but none. Decided to use black slate on livingroom fireplace Called Valley Marble. To Verplanck & Buchanan to leave material with Campbell's - sell Wes' Winchester Rifle - to Amawalk Fish Market for lunch. Cut parts of lawn that needed it - deadheaded. To Bogus - kitchen finished (cabinets) carpenters working on stair rail - Pat Hairland spread some soil & worked on terrace wall.

1982 - Saturday - 51° at 6:30. Fair - beautiful day with a front going thru in afternoon that looked like rain any minute - none - cleared again.
Wes cleaned shop and vacuumed. I did a wash. With Gizella to church at 10 o'clock to arrange flowers. Joan Mannion also helped. Deadheaded at Louise's after. Transplanted Sweet Woodruff and Sedum along cliff wall. Moved fern from roadside to opening in stones same spot. Wes put Milorganite on grass - cut north side. To Danbury - bought card for McPherson's Anniversary - mailed Billie's birthday card