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August 17

1978 - Thursday - 76° at 6:30. Hazy, hot, humid - 14 ducks. Played golf 8-10 with Bill Fraser. Deadheaded. Picked blueberries - 1/2 gallon - last picking - took off nets -  dried them - folded & stored - I cut side and outside fence. Rear lawn yellowing To Ruth Sharp's at 4:30 for a swim and drink.

1979 - Friday - 39° at 6 AM! Clear - beautiful, cool day - 2 sweaters worn to Mass. Played golf after - first out - I was so bad stopped keeping score - Wes had 52 - To Ballard Garden with Wes - cultivated long border - trees and rose bushes - stopped at Caldor & Stop & Shop enroute home - Deadheaded perennial garden - Wes found bird had taken all blueberries  - nets were lifted for drying - Swallows (3 - second nest) left nest. Trimmed front - cut side terrace - Killed ground hog at cocktail time. To St. Elizabeth Seton Hall 8pm - GOP Candidates - P & Z answered questions

1980 - Sunday - in Williamsville - To St. Pius X church for 8 o'clock Mass - leisurely breakfast - Joan drove us to Artpark Lewiston (Hooker at work) saw frozen souffle demonstration - other art/crafts - Picnic lunch there - then drove around Niagara gorge area  - overlook at whirlpool - visited Tiffany Gift Shop - bought Glassworks "Wood Duck" stained glass circle - Dinner at home - Hooker returned (after eating with us) to his shop.

1981 - Monday - 42° at 6 AM. Clear fog over pond - Breezy lovely day - if you like it dry. Packed China Box No. 2 - Deadheaded - watered - Wes went for haircut - to bank - Shopped Basics. Painted spots on back overhang. I made a blueberry pie. Cut front and side terrace. To Bogus - cleared front of wood debris - Howard and Jimmy putting in light fixtures & switches - Carpenters started den bookcase over mantel - Plumber hooked up sink.

1982 - Tuesday - 65° at 6 AM - Partly cloudy. To Mass. Picked up flower basket from church. Shopped Caldor - bought cushions for Solar arm chairs Bought paint, grass seed and potting soil at Bedrents Left clothes at cleaner. Home for lunch and nap. Put 2 pot tomatoes on compost - big ones and Sweet 100 coming in. Took geranium clippings. Picked veggies for dinner. To golf course at 2 pm - played 4 holes when storm came - just reached car in time - strong winds and heavy rain - 32/100 inch. Glad to have it.

August 18

1978 - Friday - 60° at 5:45 - a little cooler - better sleeping - beautiful day - very warm in sun but breezy. To 7:30 Mass - golf afterward - lots of people - slow - home at 11 o'clock - Wes bought corn - new pruning saw - I deadheaded - watered pots. To "Strawberry Patch" lunch with Alex and Helen - 50th anniversary their engagement. To Ballard Gardens to work - home again to pick vegetables and strawberries. MacIntosh has been - if Beck & Quint came we weren't around

1979 - Saturday - 46° at 6 AM - cloudy - 20 Mallards - 30 later - To 7:30 Mass - Rain started en route home - Continued all day. 75/100 INCH 
Wes worked in shop - last of 4 wheels spoiled unfortunately. I ordered bulbs from NYBG, Brecks and WFF. Did Garden Club telephoning - Passing Committee for coming weekend Flower Show. Put on heat for dinner - indoor temperature 60°. Put on electric blanket when changed bed.

1980 - Monday - Morning in Williamsville - cloudy left at 6:30 for home - some light rain before De Witt - sunny there - met Kelly at Marriott, Exit 35, for breakfast. Drove on Thomas Dewey Thruway to Taconic - beautiful scenery - then route 84 home - here before 4 o'clock. No rain here since we left. Joe Keller had watered all pots. Eileen helped pick vegetables and melons - 10 of them - before she left for Tarrytown. Good trip but glad to be home.

1981 - Tuesday. 40° at 6 AM. Fair - chilly! Mallards flew off when Wes put out corn - came back later - To Mass. Packed China Box #3 - Waterford & other glass. Wes worked dismantling shop - gave fans to Mike & Jimmy electrical material to Howard - paint supplies to Mike - Spray painted breezeway table & chairs. Put coat brown paint on serving table. To Bogus - more light fixtures in - stove connected - fan not working well - one cabinet light not holding on - topsoil being spread - very dusty - fireplace in den to be changed.

1982 - Wednesday - 61° at 6 AM - Partly cloudy - became clear beautiful day - sunny and breezy. Left at 8:30 for Wes appointment with Dr Regan - parked in garage at Metropolitan Museum of Art - there at 10 - Walked to 94th Street - Wes' eyes OK - received new prescription for eyedrops. Went through Cooper Hewitt Museum - had hotdog at Met Museum - flute concert - shopped at Foodtown Cross River enroute home. Nap. Broke up agapanthus into five sections - not easy. Cooked chicken Kiev in microwave - good.   

[[note from digital volunteer]] WFF - White Flower Farm [[/note from digital volunteer]].