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August 19

1978 - Saturday - 48° at 6 am - Clear - Cool night 
6 Mallards - number has decreased greatly in past week. 14 Mallards later on.  Cleaned and waxed Eileen's secretary - Wes removed top for leather renewal. Bought corn at Agway - bank - Marcus - new pruning saw at Meeker's - Cut grass - deadheaded - cultivated and trimmed. Very dry again - back grass burned - disease or insects.  To Mary Luke's party for August birthday girls 6:30 pm - picked up Ruth Sharp

1979 - Sunday - 60° at 6 AM. Cloudy - 30 ducks - cleared at dinner time - much warmer.
To 8 o'clock Mass. Wes worked in shop. I shaped the ivy bunny, sprayed plants at barn for white fly - a terrible infestation there. At 2:30 to Louise McKeon's to mark up Sweepstakes board for Flower Show next Friday.

1980 - Tuesday - 64° at 6:30 - slept in - no mass as getting back into routine. Had our melon for breakfast. Cloudy - only 20 Mallards thank God. Joe Keller came at 12:30 - gave us the morning to get back into routine after trip. Wes went for milk & butter. We put back all terrace and hanging plants and fern. I fed then cut grass in afternoon. Wes killed Copperhead with Lawnboy. Picked vegs and cultivated garden. Deadheaded - only couple daylilies left.

1981 - Wednesday - 42° at 5:45 - Fair - warm day, nights and morning cool. Drove to White Plains - I took 7:45 train to NYC - saw Mr. Long. Back to Brewster on 10:48. Wes had met Eileen on North Broadway to give her the pellet gun. He met me in Brewster at 12:30 - to lunch at Thursday's. Took rest of white/gold china to Bogus - sittingroom fireplace cabinet finished - more lights as plumber connecting radiator - topsoil being spread - terrace wall finished and backfilled.

1982 - Thursday - 53° at 6 AM. Sun coming thru fog over pond. Fair beautiful day. To Mass. Wes took me to Irene Stoddards' and she drove to Ballard Garden where we weeded - home at 11:15. Picked beans, zucchini and cucumbers - we have too many cucumbers - small amounts of other vegetables. Lunch and nap. Wes put on grass seed near new wall areas. Started moving soil to extend perennial garden from Japanese Maple to Crab. I cut grass - both sides -lots of crabgrass. Watered selected plants.

August 20

1978 - Sunday - 68° at 7 AM. Foggy - hazy - Partly fair during day - not as humid - breezy. We need rain.
To 9:30 Mass. Gathered vegetables - to Eileen's at 11:30 - visit with her - left secretary board top - on to Bronxville, lunch with Mary - her bird died yesterday. Home at 5 pm picked strawberries & vegs. Tiber here at 6:30 to ask if he could put his car in barn when in college.

1979 - Monday - 54° at 5:45 AM - Foggy. Over 30 ducks. Around most of day - ate lots of corn.
To Mass at 7:30. We had hour in shop. I sprayed plants for white fly - new sod for fungus - lots of that all over lawn. Pulled more onions - pulled beets & cleaned them for show. Played golf 12:30 / 2:30. Wes [[?]] [[?]] into box at back drain. Finished Sweepstakes chart for flower show & took it to the McKeons. I went to 8 o'clock Women's Club meeting at Jean Stuart's house - home at 10:20.

1980 - Wednesday - 65° at 6AM. Thunderstorm in night - unexpected and welcome - only 2/10 inch rain Cloudy all day. looked like rain but none - cool. Changed our plan to play golf. Bought corn at Agway and groceries at Basics - bank for cash. Picked blueberries from old and new bushes - a lot. I cut grass terrace and back where grass is growing - trimmed front & around veg garden. Picked vegetables

1981 - Thursday - 44° at 6AM - Fair - very breezy and dry. Joe Keller worked at various cleanup jobs - No grass to cut. Albano repaired stove fan at Bogus. Tile men started - plumber continuing on that - carpenters on our bookcases - finished stair rails. Took up Blue Danube china. Pat Haviland and crew finished spreading topsoil - rolled - seeded. Wes got lathe ready for moving I put second coat on iron serving table. Watered Arbor - vitae with bath water - watered veg garden and perennials.

1982 - Friday - 64° at 6AM. Partly cloudy - cleared for morning - then clouds. supposed to be thunderstorms - looked like it but only four drops here. Played golf 8 - 10 - I went with Gizela to Louise's to pick flowers for Sunday's arrangement in church. Home for lunch & nap. Cultivated in hopes of rain. Wes moved soil for new perennial bed on south lawn. Sattlers cancelled dinner at Waccabue as Mark had bad back.