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August 21

1978 - Monday - 54° at 5:45. Clear - Humidity low - a good change. To 7:30 Mass - Dlhy Ridge Golf course immediately afterward - front 9 closed - had to play back. A long walk - poor game.
Watered pots - deadheaded - Wes sprayed pond with copper sulphate - I prepared dinner for Alex & Helen here at 6PM. Wes edged perennial garden all afternoon & we staked & trimmed there - glad we did as Rosses inspected it.

1979 - Tuesday - 60° at 6 AM - Foggy - 65 Mallards! Took a long time to walk up to corn tray. Became a beautiful day, Wes had hour in shop - I prepared sheets for judge's clerk Flower Show Friday - watered plants, etc. Joe Keller here 9:30/4:30 - cultivated - trimmed - cut grass. Rolled up blueberry nets - easier than expected. Deadheaded perennial garden. One daylily still has buds. Very few along the road - rest gone. Wes finished leveling back drain - All lawns cut.

1980 - Thursday - 62° at 6AM. Cloudy - some mist during afternoon. To Mass. Wes had shop hour. Played golf 10:30/12:30 - lunch - nap. To Ballard to work at garden - got permit for dump - liquor - dry run to Lil Durkee's at West Redding - returned via Topstone Road. Picked up two ivy rings from Helen - Anne Tracy's and mine. My eyeglasses received from Joanne - had left them there Monday.

1981 - Friday - 43° at 6:30 - Fair. Watered Exbury azaleas in front with bath water - so dry. Wes took record player for repair - spread to laundry - shopped Meekers and Basics. I packed 2 boxes of pictures - took some Christmas supply boxes to Bogus - tile men didn't work - carpenters making den cupboards - Mike painted - more seed put on and watered - digging ditch for water pipe from future well - Jimmy put in doorbell and bathroom lights.

1982 - Saturday - 58° at 6:30 - Fair. Sun 6:12 - 7:46 Cold front went thru during afternoon - looked like rain - none. Wes did shop cleaning - vacuumed den and kitchen. I did a wash - went to Basics. At 10AM went with Gizella to church - arranged flowers with Joan Mannion - Louise's dahlias. Picked blackberries on Bogus. Lunch & nap. Wes moved more soil for perennial bed - dug up Christmas Ferns from North Woods and put them at one end to hide railroad ties - placed stones there - put the Hepatica we saw in woods in our wood knoll.

August 22

1978 - Tuesday - 48° at 7AM - Beautiful day - just a few ducks come for breakfast and fly away again. Deadheaded - only few daylilies left - picked beans tomatoes - squash - cultivated garden. Wes cut dead wood from apple tree - a big job - took all his time. I went to Ballard Park for Garden Club meeting, picking up Helen - 11:15/3:15 - gave them needlepoint to take for Oct. 6th Boutique. Golf 3:30-5:30.

1979 - Wednesday - 56° at 5:50 AM - Very foggy.  Mallards don't fly away when we put out corn.  Must be 50 at least.
Wes had hour in shop. I wrote letters. Picked vegetables for show - leeks - carrots - tomatoes - peppers - took a long time.  Cleaned pots of plants for show.  Wes made tray for herbs. To Ross'es at 3:30 - put miniature plants in box - had dinner with them. Fair day - warm.

1980 - Friday - 61° at 6 A.M. Sprinkles when Wes fed ducks. No more rain - terribly dry - worst ever. Wes had shop hour - we picked vegetables.
Golf 11-1 - good time to play as not many people. Wes was good (49) I was terrible. Lunch - nap.  Brought stones from cellar door and added them to walk at flagpole - looks good. Put old stones at cellar door. Picked wild flowers and marigolds for church.

1981 - Saturday - 50° at 6:30 - Cloudy - chance of showers tonight - hope so. 
Wes to Agway for last corn - only 50 lbs. - Set up two more steel shelves at Bogus - took up bar glassware and more china. Floors in livingroom - bedroom - stairs sanded and stained. Shop painted and pegboard up. Joan Mannon painted shop johnny. Grass seed watered. Picked beans and zucchini - cherry tomatoes - big tomatoes not ripening - too dry.

1982 - Sunday - 44° at 6:30 - Cold night - Sun coming up. Cool - mostly sunny day. To 8 o'clock mass - wore sweaters.
Brought up from North Woods 3 Christmas Ferns for railroad ties in new perennial bed - tray of Hepatica for Wood Knoll - Cut south grass with mower lowered so had to rake clippings. Walked down Bogus and brought back lump of moss and Poly Pody ferns for Wood Knoll rocks. Transplanted 3 Legularia and one adjuncts into new perennial bed. Did some watering. Dry.