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August 23

1978 - Wednesday - 50° at 7AM beautiful small Green Heron fishing on bank.  Played golf 8-10. Wes cleaned out front pond, casting big rake.  I deadheaded - washed big windows - edged weeds from outside veg. garden - lunch - nap. Wes cut lawn I cut side and around veg garden. We quit work early - to Ruth Scraener's wake at Kane Funeral Home at 7. I went to Alex Ross for meeting Church Arts at 8 pm - home at 11 pm.

1979 - Thursday - 59° at 5:45. Foggy. 50/60 ducks. Broke cap from front tooth when eating cornflakes. Even after 41 years a tragedy! Phoned Dr. Peter Yanity he had appointment 9:45 - temporary cap - back next Monday for fitting. Did liquor store & Stop & Shop shopping Pat here to clean. Wes finished 4th drive wheel. I worked at Ballard 3/5 setting up. Washed vegetable and arranged them in Bushel Basket. Wes had put gas in car and went to bank.

1980 - Saturday - 54° at 6:45. Fair. Mama Duck cares faithfully for her 5 - getting so big hard to pick them from others except they don't fly yet. To Bethel - Emily's for cheese - few groceries [[? Finast - Ticketron for tickets Sept 10th "Mornings at Seven" - no Picasso available. I cooked for tomorrow's dinner. Wes picked blueberries - he cut grass - I picked vegs - very dry in garden - did some watering. Warm day.

1981 - Sunday. 52° at 6 AM. No rain overnight. Fair - warm sun - breeze. To 8 o'clock Mass. Eileen came at 11 - We took more china to Bogus - went over house - planned livingroom fireplace mantel - back here for lunch. Took brass and bird boxes back to Bogus - planned where furniture would go. Eileen left at 4:30. Wes cut linoleum pieces to fit kitchen cabinets - I packed Coalport china.

1982 - Monday - 56° at 6:30. Cloudy - looked like rain most of day - none until mid-afternoon - then  very light. (1/10 inch) Played golf 8 - 10.
I went to bank and Marcus. Pat Haviland delivered load of blue stone 3/8 chips - Wes started spreading on low spots on driveway and making walk at north side. Pat later delivered load of topsoil - I washed hair - picked veg - looked up wildflowers.

August 24

1978 - Thursday. 62° at 7 AM. Cloudy - we hope for rain - no ducks - Wes chased 2 cats from under corn tree. Wright Tree Co. here before 8 AM - 3 men worked pruning pinoak - 8 Moraines - 3 Willows - good work and clean up. Joe Keller here - trim med grass. Wes cleaned out seaweed from big pond - Joe carted it to compost. I picked vegetables - transplanted lettuce - edged and cultivated.

1979 - Friday - 69° at 5:45 - Cloudy. At least 60 Mallards. "Garden Party" flower show today. Rush to load up entries - go to Ballard - got there 7:45 - set up - on  Passing Committee - then judge's clerk for Horticulture - won 31 pts. Bunny - Herbs - Coleus first - miniature Garden second - that was a disappointment thought it was best. Worked until 2 pm - Wes picked me up. Phoned Gizella on her First for perennials - Billie Newell First Hypericum. Put things away - relaxed. Wes had time in shop. Rain, heavy at times during day.

1980 - Sunday - 64° at 6 AM. Fair - Sunny - hot - dry To 8 o'clock Mass. Wes balanced books. I watered  cleaned terrace - prepared dinner. Mostly quiet day. Ross came at 6 o'clock for drink  and dinner. We then went to Hammond Museum Moon Watch - Japanese music

1981 - Monday - 50° at 6 AM - Gathered junk from cellar, garage and barn - old mowers, spreader, snow fencing, tables etc - put at turnaround - Thomas Refuse took away. Took "Diving Falcons" from big windows and cleaned them. Catherine Ghee took miscellaneous articles we would have taken to Tag Sale Shop. Lunch. Mike came - we went to Bogus to discuss door over garage and front walk with Pat Haviland. Garage door installed - tile men working - put Coalport china in kitchen. Thunder and rain at 4 pm. Welcome

1982 - Tuesday - 63° at :15 - Foggy - going to clear. No mass as Father on vacation. Warm, humid day. I played golf with ladies 8 - 10:30 - then prepared vegetables for Garden Club Meeting in Ballard Park Mon third. Helen drove as Wes went to Al Timpanelli's for lunch - Al made an omelet - showed Wes his garden and gave him vegetables and fruit. Wes had spread blue stone chips on driveway and walks - finished the job in p.m. I watered Wood knoll - Something dug into veg moss clump. Worms got zucchini.