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August 29 

1978 - Tuesday - 72˚ at 7AM - 3/4 inch rain last night - Foggy. Five ducks. Very humid day - but we weeded anyway. 
Wes dug up weeping hemlock - not doing well on front lawn - and planted it on back, back of breezeway - hope it lives. I cut lawn there and Wes applied insect and fertilizer - watered it in. I transplanted Gizela's bleeding heart to Ongaro wall - Hoffman serviced burner - Beck & Quint man took Macintosh at 6:45.     

1979 - Wednesday - 68˚ at 5:45. Cloudy - 80 duck by time we finished breakfast - For record - weeping hemlock doing well - still thin but looks much better than last year. Hobby work then to Sally Moss' for picture "Fast New Canaan Express" - more corn for ducks - some groceries - coffee $2.59. Cut outside fence. Golf at 1 pm - played 4 holes - rained out. Just reached home when thunderstorm hit - heavy rain.
Did small wash - hung in garage - dryer not operating. Ducks back for early supper account storm. 1.45 INCHES

1980 - Friday - 65° at 6:30 (Forgot to look earlier) Cloudy - no rain. Joe Keller came - Wes started weeding - trimming etc - we then played golf 9:30 to 11:30 - not best game but fun - lots of people.
Worked in garden. Wes seeded new patch at St Francis and where stumps came out. Cut grass - I cut side terrace. Swept terrace. Too many Mallards

1981 - Saturday - awoke early at Ethan Allen Inn. To 146 G W Hwy for breakfast - Eileen cleaned house while I cleaned refrigerator / freezer selling to Peter Heron who came for it at 10:30 - Eileen left after lunch - we worked at new home - plumber here until 1 pm - Mike Mannion worked all day with Joan - slept here first time - after a shower taken at 246 G.W. - one toilet, no hot water or shower at Bogus.

1982 - Sunday - 43° at 6 AM - Clear and cold! Beautiful day. To 8 o'clock Mass.
Moved big stones from Wood Knoll to back of railroad ties. Wes finished wall at north side and brought in more soil. I scraped leaf mold from big rock in that area - moved myrtle so Wes cold change grade, brought up a couple of Christmas fern and a wood fern and poly pody and partridgeberry from south cliff. To Billie Newell's cocktail party at 5:30 - home 7:30.

August 30

1978 - Wednesday - 60° at 6:30 AM. Saw a muskrat. Fairly good weather in morning - humid and cloudy most of afternoon. Golf 8 - 10. I cultivated veg garden - picked vegetables - threw out last of yellow squash. Joe Keller here for afternoon grass cutting - Wes cut all lawns. I started transplanting - Japanesee Iris - Delphinium - daylily from back terrace etc. Wes dug out ilex and threw it away. Conn. Extension Soc said "dollar spot" fungus was on back grass - fertilize and renovate.

1979 - Thursday - 62° at 5:50 AM. Cloudy - off and on sun but extremely humid - high 85°. Hobby hour Golf 10/12. Lunch - nap. Little showers - had to bring in clothes and shoes which were drying. Wes trimmed pacysandra bed in back of house - I picked quantity tomatoes, beans, squash - gave some to Ghee's. Planted lettuce as some went to seed. Sprayed for white fly.

1980 - Saturday - 68° at 6:30. Foggy in early morning - warm - humid - a good breeze.
A mostly lazy day. - heat is getting us. Picked vegetables. Wes shot a big muskrat. Washed car. Read paper.
To McKeon's at 5:30 - cocktail party for [[?]] Met Barry Fuich Dr & Jean Tempanelli, Mrs Keblen of Ned Mountain Road - Dr & Mrs Polonius

1981 - Sunday- at Bogus - up at 6 AM - Breakfast at 246 G.W - took articles to Bogus - then 8 o'clock Mass - back to 246 to put on work clothes and take up more articles. "Al" staining in den. Shopped Basics - got more packages to Bogus - had lunch there. Freemans phoned - wanted to measure house so dashed down to pick up clothes - gave them keys. Brought book on kitchen equipment - had drink - dinner at #246 - returned to Bogus to sleep.

1982 - Monday - 52° at 6 AM. Cloudy - cleared to a beautiful day. Golf 8-10:30 teamed up with 2 men - who had some good shots - not consistent.
Put away loungers - Wes cleaned Hav-a-Heart traps gave big one back to Vargas. I took flowers from church - left baskets and key at Louise McKeons - left cancer questionnaires at Sobols and Hartcorns - went to bank - had permanent - billions of curls - home at 2:30. Wes had graded North side - put more chips on path to woods - moved stones to fences under deck.