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September 10

1978 - Sunday - 37° at 7 am - Heat on for breakfast. Beautiful day - breezy and cool. To 9:30 mass - split Siberian Iris and Day lily in perennial garden. Picked up Mel and Margaret Winger at noon and took them to Inn for brunch - very good. After nap moved phlox to front perennial garden - dug poppy for Alex & Helen - went there at 5:30 for cocktail - Met Isabel Farrington - Stacks and Fred & Betty Esser

1979 - Monday - 43° at 6AM. Foggy. Beat the ducks with the corn - must be over 100 came in - too many to count. To 7:30 Mass. Beautiful day - fog lifted 9 AM. Hour in shop. To bank - left papers at Mary Brook - Manie and gasoline. Played golf 11 to 1 - good game - lunch & nap. Hoffman cleaned burner (2 days early) Wright cut out hurricane damage in red maple over terrace - hung new heavy chain. Wes cut west end and big lawn. I threw out bush beans - Some yellow squash. To [[?]] + J for dinner.

1980 - Wednesday. 62° at 6AM. Cloudy. Light sprinkles overnight - clear beautiful day - warm sun. Left at 8:15 (Wright Tree here to cut down white spruce at barn, trim cherry maple and willow) for NYC - at Algonquin at 10 - taxi to Dr. Regan - Wes has drops for infection - To American Wing at Met - lunch there - saw Mr. Long at 2 o'clock. Subway to Bloomingdales - no luck on razor but tea at Le Train Bleu - to Dr. Wendel - ok - to Algonquin for nap - Walked to "Morning's at Seven" - good - late supper at Algonquin.

1981 - Thursday - 43° at 6AM - Fair - Fog on pond below us - pink sky - turned into beautiful fall day - cool morning - warm in sun. 

Unpacked few more items - tried arranging rug runners - doesn't work well - need new Oriental! Mike brought August bills - started making Wes' shop door - Wes put up second knife set - repaired hose lamp. Cleaned off rocks and debris at entrance - Followed deer trail to northeast end near lake. Rosses for drinks. They gave us Olives gift certificate.

1982 - Friday - 54° at 6:30. Slept late. Fair - warm day - sun was hot. Golf 8 - 10 - course was beautiful - we were first out. Wes put up wire pen for Boo at South side. I picked beans and tomatoes. Met Ricky & Madeline Morrison at Ballard Garden at one o'clock - discussed changes and care - to bank for cash & deposit of Texaco dividend. Watered wall garden and wood knoll. 

September 11

1978 - Monday - 62° at 6 am - Had light rain in night. No golf day. 

Examined storm windows - separated those that needed work - repaired those that needed putty. Called window cleaner - coming 19th. 

Wes serviced Jacobee [[Jacobi]] mower - I cultivated veg garden - threw away 2 tomato plants - picked beans (very few) & strawberries & beets. Beck and Quint returned  Hi-Li [[Jai Alai]] at 6pm, thank God.

1979 - Tuesday - 54° at 6:30. Fair. Over 100 ducks. Hour in shop for Wes. I transplanted Spotty phylum & Agapanthus into larger pots. Prepared seed flats for miniature cyclamen. New tooth cap not in so appointment with Dr. Yamby cancelled - I drove to Ridgefield - bought bananas 39¢ a pound - had copies made for Garden Board tomorrow - bought jelly glasses at Redeents. Lunch - nap - golf 3/5 - slow foursome ahead - fast nestle single. Wes cut down miniature landscape box to 20 x 13" 3/4 x 6" 1/4.

1980 - Thursday - in NYC at The Algonquin - After breakfast walked to Conran's - admired store bought teapot - walked to Russian Tea Room for lunch - walked to Algonquin - checked out - left garage at 1:45. Home at 2:45. Chased 9 Canada geese for an hour before they flew - fed ducks - admired tree work by Wright completed yesterday - unpacked - enjoyable trip to city!

1981 - Friday - 55° at 6:15 AM - Beautiful day warm sun Masons came to stack steps - unexpectedly  Mike worked on Wes' shop door. Wes went to Danbury with him - bought hardware at Meckers. Put up Black Chippendale mirror in diningroom. Aunt Lorny's pretau and gambrel lamps in den. I waxed part of Livingroom floor to remove scratches - washed two windows - trimmed trees at roadside - watered transplants in bog.

1982 - Saturday - 54° at 7AM - Fair - Beautiful day. Last minute packing for Gug's trip. At 4 pm went to Tarrytown Met the 2 girls showing Boo's cousin at Lynhurst dog show Wes brought Miss Boo back to Ridgefield. Eileen and Gug took off for Ireland.

Car at 4:45 from Tarrytown to JFK - Aer Lingus Flight 106 at 9 PM - Huge plane - 747 - seats not all filled but loads of people - slept only a little - landed Shannon then on to Dublin