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September 16

1978- Saturday- 56° at 7AM- Foggy- Off and on sunny- some light sprinkles- cleared in evening. Wes sanded overhang of bedroom. I went to [[?]] shop +shop (coffee- check fall nuts- 1.99 without coupon) to Craig's to order [[?]] ring- had Wes' [[prescription?]] for bladder infection filled at Genooese- to Quilt Show at Raw Ridge High School- after [[?]] we bought new [[lawnboy?]]- to Bethel to locate [[?]] for [[tickets?]] to [[?]] Monday Kelly [[?]]- bad left barbecue at School near Boston.

1979- Sunday- 44° at 6:30. Fair beautiful day. cool + sunny. To8 o'clock Mass.  Made yellow pear tomato marmalade. Did work wash. To Ross' at 1 pm for luncheon. Fathers Tighe and Shrubs- Tracy's- Cellar & Bob and Mary Eugelle. Home at 4 pm- bad heap- to Helen's at 6 pm- Picked up Mary & Jale Vargas, Casbles,Vargas cousin from Hungary there.  Home at 11:30. Big social day.

1980- Tuesday 48° at 6AM. Prtly sunny and Cloudy- cool- sweaters most of the day. To Mass. Checked Ross' and Malcom's + Holland bulles and delivered them. Helen + to Pinchbeak for [[Pointsettia?]] Workshop - dropping off day lilies at Polly Farcelli's [[?]] and shopping stop + shop Brunetti. Home for lunch. Wes had taken up screw from dining room + den Played golf 1:30/3:30- Wes [[?]] cart as broke his. Trimmed pine across little bridge + near big garden.

1981- Wednesday- 58° at 4AM. Overslept- Light rain here 6:37- 7:03. Rain off and on during day. Mike Painted bathrooms- put latches in pocket doors in bedroom- painted heat grills-put step in garage entrance- Wes hung mirror in powder room- Aunt Conny's [[peabelle?]] in here- Vaiga's duck in devette- sconce in livingroom- GE repaired dishwasher- Warner plumber changed water tap at front walk- Alex + Helen brought Ruth- Billie- May Luke there at 5:30 for drinks to Eileen's at 7:30 to check on Boo- she was delayed returning from Washington

Thursday: 64° @ 6AM slight drizzle appreciated. To Mass @ 730A with Miss Boo in car. Lousy cloudy day but no rain. Sun out at 4pm. Fred Grouse here at 730P for advice on getting his house started- plans to start in April. Had a sudden rain at 9PM but only 0.05' Need much more.  Louise Mckeon called invited me to dinner Sat nite. Day in Waterford- towed grass factory- three county ferry to [[Rorknoisela?]] Hotel- old- handsome- dinner- tropical vegetation-

September 17

1978- Sunday- 46° at 7AM- Sunny. Ducks flew where put corn out- came back later. A beautiful fall day. To 9:30 Mass- caught a chipmunk- took [[?]] down the road- stopped at Halpner's to inquire re [[hisforce?]] survey- new neighbors [[Kreunik?]]- no one home- [[?]]. Used new lawnboy with grass bag on  rear. Wes continued sanding bedroom overhang- I went to Peter Parley School needle work exhibit- to gallery Alex Ross exhibit- Wes cut all lawns - I picked strawberries & zucchini. 

1979- Monday- 40° at 6AM. Fall. Fog over pond. At least 125 ducks. To 7:30 Mass. Wes had hour in shop. I shopped for tomorrow's dinner at [[Bueretle's?]]. Golf 10-12. Called GE Repair on refrig - freezer. I went to church site- met Louise McKeon on finishing landscaping- to Roth's nursery, Armonk - bought trees and shrubs- home [[?]] Raddfield - L[[?]] shopped Brieuelli's and her laundry. Wes had cleaned up willow debris from last storm- freezer repaired again (we hope)

1980 - Wednesday - 46° at 6:30 - Cloudy - After shop hour = measured land on Bogus Road and walked it again - stopped at Eleanor Grouse's to tell of our weekend. Phoned [Gilbert?] [Wheler?] of New Canaan to arrange consultation next Tuesday. George [?] and son here to start work on cellar door and board replacement on East End - will have to bring in compressor. Wes cut grass where needed. I painted diningroom window. To Ruth Sharp for drink at 5 pm. Thunderstorm at 10 pm.

1981 - Thursday - 49° at 6 AM - Fair morning. Cloudy later. To Mass. Wood for deck delivered - [?] [?] [?] [?]. Wright Tree men (4) worked on trees around house - cleaning out dead wood. We left at 9:30 for Rosedale - looked at [lawn?] lights for [?] walk - bought rain gauge - to Bloomingdale and [[Alfonou?]] for dinette table (no luck) - Laurence Hospital to see Mr. Singleton - Home to cut grass and plant Coreopsis from Gizella.

1982 - Friday -  52° at 7 AM Clear lovely day. Gizella Varga asked me for lunch. Sat on their back terrace for sandwich and milk. Moved stones, mowed lawn and watered. Dinner with Tracy's and Nancy Carroll Draper. Nice evening. Nancy starts Monday on an extended "Australian trip". Gin Ireland at Parknasilla - [?] [?] of[[ Scerref?]] - beautiful views.