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September 22

1978 - Friday - 66° at 6:45 - Light mist - 20 ducks cleaned out tray. Breakfast after Mass - first time since summer. Rain most of day - 4/10 inch.
To White Flower Farm - picked up Aquilegea and Heliopsis - bought Madonna lilies & heather - stoneware pot Wes left watch with Mr Banks - not running well. After lunch and nap I went to Ridgefield - Stop & Shop - Cricket Cage for tablemats for Holindere - no  luck - [[?]] from Craigs - to MQ & Jule for dinner at 5 pm.

1979 - Saturday - 64° at 6:30 - Raining - surprised no flood yet as heavy all night - light rain parts of day - At 2 pm - had 3.05 inches. Wes had shop hour - I wrote letters - did Garden Club work  - To White Flower Farm picked up Paperwhites - 3 chrysanthemum - bulb [[?]]. Home for lunch - nap. Wes made 2 boxes for cuttings. I researched and typed directions for forcing paperwhites. To Jessup's at 7 pm - Dan Machlin visiting them for weekend - all his friends there - we admired Jessup's house.

1980 - Monday - 68° at 6:30. Hazy. Watched ducks fly in. Wes fed family of six - all same size now and quite tame.
Golf at 8:30/10. Wes painted overhang back of breezeway. I washed one garage door and shingles near front door. Painted the other garage door. To Ridgefield Wes had haircut - I worked at Ballard Garden. Returned solar book to Barry Finch. Home to compost beans and New Zealand spinach. Very warm & humid - high 86°

1981 - Tuesday - 55° at 6 AM. Some sun in AM. Rain by 4 o'clock - thunderstorm in evening.
Mike & Lee worked on deck until rain stopped them Howard replaced faulty fuses for bathrooms. Wes had tires rotated by Son Nargiss. Lathe moved to outside wall of shop. GE repair man here for microwave oven - has to get new parts. To Garden Club meeting at Mary Luke's - talk on Solar Architecture.

1982 - Wednesday 52° 7 AM Raining Less than .1" light drizzle off and on most of day. Worked in shop Wayside order rec'd. To Ross's for dinner. Met a Jack Carr there.
G in Ireland - Ashford Castle to Rosapenna - visited shrine at Tenock - thru Kilkekley - Wm Butler [[?]] grace at Drumcliffe - to Sligo - prosperous looking - we selected a nice looking ruin as family home - admired mountain Gan Bielben - saw Lord Mountbatten's home - reached Rosapanna at 5 pm - Motel like hotel - Carren Country County Donegal.

September 23

1978 - Saturday - 45° at 7 AM - Beautiful day. To 7:30 Mass Planted the lilies and plants bought yesterday - "serialized" three Siberian / Japanese Iris.
Cut lawns - all except Cadet work and some trimming. I used grass bag on new Lawnboy - had to empty it four times.
To Bethel in morning - bought table mats for Holenden's anniversary - railroad book - Bagello book - beautiful pitcher for us.

1979 - Sunday - 46° at 6 AM - Beautiful fall day. To 8 o'clock Mass. Catherine Ginlo looked over plants for church dedication Saturday. Took off screen - put on three storms - Wes said all looked in good condition.
To Lake Lelinonah (Lellinonah) Shores Condominium, Brookfield Center - Suzanna Chute selling - admired private setting.
Cut grass - getting thin and weak - Five white ducks (Dubay) here all day - Wes will repair fence - they beat Mallards to corn.

1980 - Tuesday. 72° at 6 AM - Cloudy - no overnight rain as hoped for. No Mass as Gilbert Whelens of Environmental Design Association, New Canaan, walked Bogus Road property with u - he was enthusiastic - we phoned Eleanor Grouse offering $39,000 - accepted.
Wes painted garage overhang - I painted shingles, front door. To Garden Club meeting 2 / 5 at Hawsie Nash's - won third, second, first on dried arrangement and dahlias. At cocktail time celebrated owning new property.

1981 - Wednesday - 50° at 6:30. Up at 5:30 but couldn't see the thermometer - much rain at 7 AM. Mostly clear - cold - windy day. Mike worked on deck and baseboards in shop. Carpenter finished laundry shelves. Marble tile put on den plate fireplace and fixed powder room tile - has to return for guest bath. 
I went with Gizella to Mrs Moirles Nelton - Herb Garden - lovely. Cut grass on return - Washed bedroom windows

1982 Thursday 55° 6 AM showers. Planted Wayside order except bulbs. Made 7:30 Mass. Dan McKeon's birthday. Rain showers - cleared by 11 AM just .10". Placed six  2 X 2 flagstones at North deck stair landing. Mowed all lawn. G in Ireland - Rosapenna, County Donegal - bus tour around Atlantic Drive - magnificent views of beaches and mountains - bought woolen material at McNutts Mill - hotel for lunch - walked hills and around golf course in P.M.