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September 28

1978 - Thursday - Partly cloudy - front coming in  at noon. Pat here - She will bring in mail and feed ducks before leaving. Made lunch-packed. left for Fallsview at 10:30. Picnic lunch along 84 - at Fallsview at 1 pm - Room 421 Executive Wing -  large - very nice. Golf 2 - 4:30 - course beautiful - not our scores! Cocktail - nap -  bouquet. Met Ray McNabb - Rob Heffe - Lou + Edith Straihl - Dick & Jo Berardi Art & Peggy Benline - Earl Ferguson & wife - Emil Stein.

1979- Friday at Fallsview - cloudy
Played 9 holes after breakfast - packed - left for home.  Wes says last time will attend conference.  Stopped at Holiday Inn.  Routes 9  and 84, Fishkill for lunch.  Shopped at Brewster for hooks and chicken  Everything in good shape at home ducks waiting for corn. Direen  took hanging plants and begonia to church - we hung them in the hall.

1980 - Sunday - 31° at 6:15. Fog rising from pond. Cold, clear, beautiful day - suit wearing day - high 68°. To 8 o'clock Mass. Wes balanced books and  made deviled eggs and delivered them to church for Father McBride's reception - dropped off daylily at Louise McKeon's. Worked in perennial garden - terribly dry. To Fr. McBride's reception at 4:30. Phoned Bet & Mike as hadn't heard from them - they are well.

1981 - Monday - 50° at 6 AM. Clear - Home from Boston. I shopped Basics and Agway for bird [?] - squirrel (raccoon?) had broken big-top feeder - lower part disappeared - Wed cut down 2 trees at side of driveway - cut logs in 7 foot lengths to make compost holder at South side - carried brush and kindling to cliff and woodpile. I cleaned deck sliders - did wash - set up laundry shelves. Oliver will come Thursday - Country Design on 5th. Jane Schultz sending us tickets to Bloomingdale's Irish program on Mon. 5th.

1982 - Tuesday - 53° at 6:30. Dark - need light on for breakfast - cloudy in A.M. Cleared before noon to warm day. To Mass. Wes had shop hour. I cut flower, prepared tuberous begonia for Garden Club - 12 noon at Keller Tavern Garden House - begonia took first. Wes put stone behind shade garden. Father Tighe came for potluck supper at 4 pm - he is going to Ireland October 14th.

September 29

1978 - Friday - At Fallsview - Beautiful day. Slept until 7:40 - Long breakfast. Golf at 10-12. Luncheon at 1 pm - left afterwards for home - good trip - stopped at Marcus for milk and ice cream - here at 3:45. Picked lots of winter squash strawberries, one zucchini, tomatoes and peppers. Fed ducks waiting for corn. Fallsview had hard frost - very little here. Pope John Paul I died - 33 day reign.

1979 - Saturday - 64° at 7 AM - Light rain - need it - everything very dry. About 80 ducks. Very little rain. 
Wes had shop hour. I worked & cooked chicken for tomorrow. Wrapped birthday presents for Bet & Kelly. Voted for library - picked up Holland bulbs from Rosses' - bought corn for ducks - gas - shopped Stop & Shop - coffee with coupon $1.99 Church dedication 2 pm - reception following To Hearth for dinner with Helen & Alex.

1980 - Monday - 44° at 6:45 - Slept late - Cloudy but no rain - cool all day. Arranged lights in cellar for poinsettias - watered all plants on breezeway. Wes had shop hour - then cut small limb  from pinoak - filled holes near weeping birch at dam painted chimneys. I put a coat on "missed" strip on cellar door - picked zucchini - some leaves blackened by yesterday's cold weather. First episode of "Tinker Taylor" on 13.

1981 - Tuesday - 40 ° at 6 AM. Clear, beautiful day - cool - wore sweaters. Straightened up garage - trying to make more room. Mike still uses half. I washed one upstairs window - Wes cut out two stumps by driveway - tree he cut down yesterday. He straightened up shop - put the motor on bench. I cut grass - we put on the fertilizer brought from G N Hwy. Mike sprayed stain on north side of house. Alex stopped by to admire deck. He cancelled his order for "bug" house alarm.

1982 - Wednesday - 54° at 6:30. Did house chores - planted the Wayside Leucojum Aestivum bulbs - Played golf 9-11:30. Trees turning color beautiful - most cloudy and windy - cleared a little in afternoon so I transplanted some perennials to more forward spots in garden. Wes went for cement bricks to finish bottom flag step at north end of deck. Major T.V. came to discuss possibility of speaker in dinette end of kitchen - will advise. Wes catching my cold.