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September 30

1978 - Saturday - Breakfast before Mass - Very dark and foggy - Many ducks at corn - 32° at 6:30 - [[became?]] beautiful, cool, breezy day. 11 Canada Geese came in before Mass - We chased them afterwards. To Tinker Shop to pick up black iron table - left Alex' Sacred Heart [[perdue?]] for framing Transplanted in perennial garden - threw away some plants, thinned a lot of others. Played golf 3 to 5 with  [[Jerry?]] Young man with powerful stroke. Took plants in for protection

1979 - Sunday - 60° at 7:00 - Light rain most of day
Prepared luncheon. Eileen here at noon. Brought us loads of bread and the Wilkinson long handed shears for Jule. Pleasant day. She left at 4:30. 
Jerry Duncan and son Robert came by - we picked up all hanging plants from Church hall - guests still there from afternoon concert.

1980 - Tuesday - 52° at 5:45 - No Mass as left 7:40 for N.Y.C. - Wes dropped me at Dr Espy - changed prescription for reading glasses - Wes went to Algonquin where I found him at 11 o'clock - walked to Altman’s had lunch - bought writing paper for Bit & Kelly - to Macy's Cellar - back to Algonquin (tea at Grand Hyatt - Eileen joined us there - drink & dinner - to "Suicide" with Derek Jacobi - benefit for Channel 13 - awful & ridiculous - walked back to Algonquin

1981 - Wednesday - 38° at 6:45. Slept late - felt good. Kitchen temperature 60° - didn't put heat on - last night's den fire was warm. We set up [[?]] Mike worked on staining house - hand painting. I shopped [[Bediout?]] for miscellaneous supplies - Burnett's liquor - [[???]] picked up additional tax bill. After lunch to Brookfield Lamp Shop - bought two shades for den - lights for powder room - two shades to try on blue lamp in dining area

1982 - Thursday - 55° at 4:15 - Slept in [[account?]] Wes' cold - my cough - Wes is better today.
Gloomy cloudy day with light sprinkles in morning - cleared late afternoon when I cut the grass and Wes split wood for a fire. Put heat on in afternoon. Wrapped birthday presents - phoned [[Bill?]] - will go to the Lock Haven Freddy Oct 8th. Fixed waistband of long plaid skirt.

October 1

1978 - Sunday - 56° at 7 AM. Cloudy- light rain in morning (mist) heavy rain about 7:30 pm. One inch in gauge Monday morning. 
To 9:30 Mass- picked up Dorothy Stark who had operation 2 weeks ago. Prepared for Eileen's visit- here at 12:30- she had gone thru heavy rain below here. Eileen brought leather top for secretary- looks great. Pleasant day. Eileen left at 5pm. Did desk work in evening.

1979 - Monday- 57° at 6 AM. Cloudy. light rain in morning. heavy at [[times?]] to P.M. 1 inch in gauge. 
Wes took Honda to shop for first check at 8AM- changed spark plugs. We are to use more non-leaded gasoline.
I worked-wrote letters- brought hanging plants into house. 
We took samples of fabric for diningroom chairs to Mr [[Neerabey?]]- Eileen's Banjo cloth to Mr Bank- shop for [[Darren Malkie?]]- bought sunflower seed at Agway. Potted up away the bulbs.

1980- Wednesday at Algonquin, NYC. Beautiful day- if you like it dry- warm- in high 70's. Had breakfast with Eileen- checked out and drove Eileen to Harrison office. Admired loud cafes and building- wanted to see Bill Love but he left yesterday. To White Plains - Macys - A&S - Galleria. No luck shopping- Home via [[Caldors?]]. Wes bought [[roses?]] Remington- bananas from Stop & Shop- later to Bethel for corn- mailed birthday presents to Bob & [[Nelly?]].

1981 - Thursday- dark morning- couldn't see thermometer- it was 
38° and kept that for some time. Cold damp day not over 52°- light rain in morning- heavy during thunderstorm at night. Took extra lampshade back to Brookfield Lamp Shop. Mailed packages (here follows) to Bob and Kelly from Brookfield P.O. - bought paper holder and towel ring at Waterworks for powder room- shopped [[Bosies?]]- Mike reversed door from garage and weatherstripped it - Put some on birdfeeder to foil squirrel. [[hang?]] roof out of big stone.

1982 - Friday - 52° at 6:30 - clear beautiful day - quite warm. Planted poeny [[peony]] and dwarf Narcissus. Worked at Ballard Garden 9-12 - picked up fresh [[filler privets?]] and African Violet for Castles anniversary. Wes worked the shop and put cement bush at North step. We planted 13 daylilies - 12 new and one transplant - along North wall. Brought up 5 ferns 3 for corner of steps at North end of deck - other deciduous one to Wood Knoll. Ate last of our beans and almost the last zucchini.