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October 6

1978 - Friday - light rain in mourning - had storm and heavy rain in night -
Garden Club then & Housetour day - We left home at 7:45 - picked up Helen Ross's entries - out to Community House. I had 3 entries - 2 second and an honorable mention - Joy topiary - vegetables - chrysanthemum challenge. Eileen came up - went with Wes to Ros' McKeon's - had lunch with me - to Aldrich - I worked at Ruth Sharp's - Wes & Eileen to Mrs. Randolph. I found Wes at Ross' - had cocktail - home for dinner

1979 - Saturday - Washington - Marriott Twin Bridges Beautiful day - so glad to have it after yesterday's rain - left after breakfast for Gunston Hall - spent several hours enjoying the house and grounds. Routes 95 - 64 - 143 & 132 to Williamsburg. 170 miles - arrived at 3 o'clock - Joan & Hooker here since 2 pm. Told us Christopher [[strikethrough]] English [[/strikethrough]] [[?Aver]] died suddenly - heart attack - Oct 4th. Paul & [[strikethrough]] David [[/strikethrough]] wen to Calif. Dinner at Cascades. Walked - saw Introduction movie at Center.

1980 - Monday - 34º at 6:15 - Fair beautiful day Warm in  afternoon. At 8:45 left for Ridgefield. Wes dropped me at Little Red Schoolhouse for workshop Made Artemesia wreath - Wes went to Zoning and Health Depts on Bogus property - then to Pat Credon lawyer. Home for lunch. Pulled up Melon plant - cultivated that area - mowed new grass - Eleanor Girvrese came with books on Solar houses - gave her hanging basket of impatiens.

1981 - Tuesday - 52º at 6 AM. Cloudy morning  Rain at 2 pm. To Mass. Ellie Spengarn and Oliver were here to work on stone wall. With Alex & Helen, Terry Keller & Lucienne Hartcorn we went to Danbury Fair - the last one. Good time. Bought floor mop. Home at noon - rain forced Oliver workers to quit for day. Mike here making doors to hayloft and attic. We washed upstairs windows - Wes continued organizing shop.

1982 - Wednesday - 52º at 6:30 - Fair beautiful day - Made cookies and Pears with walnuts. Wes had shop hour. Golf 10:30 - 12:30 - went thru two foursomes - played better than last Monday.
After lunch and nap, Wes lowered back vegetable box - I watered all plants on south side North and east. Put house water sprinkler on wall garden - Well went dry. George and harlotte Washburn stopped by.

October 7

1978 - Saturday - 36º at 7 AM - Sunny - Fair - Prepared for trip - packed - planted chrysanthemums deployed at yesterday's show etc. Left at 10:45 - Route 84  17 - 81 - 20 - picnic lunch in car enroute - reached Skaneateles at 4 pm - Remembered had left vacation folder at home & couldn't remember name of motel! Finally found Sleepy Hollow almost to Auburn. Joan & Hooker lost way - showed up at 5:30. To Sachs for dinner - too much food - good! Color coming up beautiful rain during evening.

1979 - Saturday - in Williamsburg - to 9 AM Mass at St Bede - breakfast at cafeteria - started out or Busch Gardens Old Country - ticket $9.25/each - decided to go o to Carter's Grove - Toured house and archeological (archaeological) site of old settlement - Marbeu & Heindrid and Wolstenholme - early 1600's - people killed by Indians 1622. To Kingsmill on the James for luncheon (late - 3 pm) to Motes House for nap - drink - watched Pope John Paul's Mass on Mall - Washington - Bus to Lodge Coffee Shop - to the Art Collection Atby Church Rockefeller

1980 - Tuesdday. 40º at 6 AM. Dark - cool but good day- mist over night but not undertrees. To Mass - shop hour. Took Impatiens plant to Eileen - corn and sunflower seed from Agway. bought tile trivet for Hohnding's Anniversary at Booklet - Masons replaced flagstones at French Door landing - Wes cut big lawn - I picked all zucchini, few half ripe tomatoes. Washed and ironed linen napkins given us by Ruth Sharp. Set out clothes for trip

1981 - Wednesday - 50º at 6 AM - 2/10 inch rain in gauge. Sunny, very breezy morning - fleeting showers in afternoon. The Oliver crew worked 9 - 3:30 - clearing woods, making the wall. Valley Tile & Marble two men finished guest bath - grouted holes in tile in bathroom cleaned tile in kitchen and den. Wes shopped Basics - his haircut shop closed - I shopped Caldor's Bedieuts for misc. supplies - card for Joa & Hookker - Wes cut dead cedar South Cliff.

1982 - Thursday - 57º - dark at 6:15 AM! Very foggy early morning - looked like rain most of day - non until evening and then only mist.
To Mass - house chores and shop. Raked leaves from front walk. Pulled Dracena from Strawberry Jar potted it in big grey planter below wall (Wes) threw tomato plants on compost (me) transplanted two alpine plants from terrace wall to top of wall garden - to Meekers for supplies and to bank. Helen and Alex here for a drink at 6 PM - they took us to dinner at Hearth. Locked out of house until Wes went in Solar