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October 12

1978 - Thursday at Mohonk Mtn. House - foggy. Long breakfast - cleared to a beautiful day. We walked about house and garden. Took path to Skytop - Stone Tower - Saw both sides of mountain. Delicious buffet lunch. Wes and I played golf on Mountain Course - Very hilly - two bells to ring. Joan & Hooker hiked more trails. We met at five for cocktails and dinner. Heard talk & saw slides on Shawangunk Mtns (pronounced Shawgum)

1979 - Friday - 38˚ at 7AM - Cloudy - We had a little corn so put it out - 9 Mallards on pond - they ate - more came in - hope not the great numbers before our trip.
Did a wash. To Colonial Honda for back car light repair - they sent us to their body shop - Estimate $311 -  work done October 22. To Agway for corn - Bethel Market for groceries. Lunch - nap - Wes had shop hour - I picked up mail and papers from Gizela. Cleaned den

1980 - Sunday. 39˚ at 6:15 - Mostly fair - some clouds and cold - not good for outdoor work - Besides our day was broken up. To Mass at 8 o'clock. Pulled out zinnias from perennial garden. To Gizella to pick up mail and papers. Lunch and nap. To Alex Ross show at Fox Hill Gallery - home at 4 -  too cold and too late to continue outdoor work. Caught up on paper reading

1981 - Monday - 36˚ at 6:15. Fair cool day - nice in sun. Ellie and Bruce worked on wall garden. Unexpectedly rest of Oliver crew showed up - brought down stone and worked on entrance stones near the clump. Mike worked on doors closing off hayloft and attic - We unpacked China Box No 3 - all the Waterford stemware - and 2 boxes of kitchen pots. I rearranged kitchen shelves. Thinned out north slope - took cuttings to far North End. Last day of Final Danbury Fair.

1982 Tuesday - 42˚ partly cloudy at 630A cloudy all day - no rain. Wes in shop all AM. Gug rested hand - caught up on papers. In PM made new triangle box planted with about 100 tulips. Used 1/2 round ties for box as seen at Reinwalds. Gug's hand very sore - couldn't sleep well during night.

October 13

1978 - Friday - Morning at Mohonk - Foggy. looks like it will clear - did - a beautiful day. Big breakfast - walked around lake - packed - visit to Greenhouse and talk by Director - very informative and entertaining. Lunch and left for home - drove along Huguenot Street, New Paltz to see 18th Century stone houses. Thruway and Route 84 home - one hour - Shopped at Marcus - here at 3 pm - unpacked - cut back and side lawn - raked leaves - impatiens, coleus - Spider plants on terrace killed by frost. Picked couple tomatoes at barn.  

1979 - Saturday 50˚ at 7AM - cloudy - Brown and white wild duck at tray - Looked like a mallard - flew with others when I put out corn so not domestic. Cleared in afternoon. Wes cut off broken limbs of grass terrace dogwood - & cut up the downed limbs of back maple - raked storm debris under West End willows. I composted tomato plants, beets, Swiss chard - garden looks better. Cut back grass terrace - some of front grass - Did another wash - Catching up on trip

1980 - Monday 36˚ at 7:15 - Slept late - felt good. Fair - Holiday for Columbus Day - end of Danbury Fair. About 5 mallard - very nervous - at 5 o'clock they never made it to the corn. Wes had shop hour. I did a wash. Dug dahlia tubers - gladiolus - emptied impatiens tower and terrace pots of soil - composted it. Cut side and front of house - carried 4 bags of leaves to spot behind veg garden. Saw wood duck on pond at dusk.

1981 - Tuesday - 30˚ at 6AM. Fair beautiful day Didn't go to Mass as Wes drove me to Anne Tracy's at 7:30. She drove to Katonah where we took train to N.Y. I went to office - Asked Anne Nappa about Singletons - No news. To Bloomingdale's - looked at Irish exhibits - bought gloves for Joan's birthday and mirror for Wes’ shop lavatory. Worked at GCA show [[?]] in afternoon. Hawsie Nash drove us home. Elie & Bruce worked - wall garden just about finished. Wes went to store - chipped north slope -  took off screens. Mike worked on finishing them. Put car in garage first time

1982 - Wednesday - cloudy - 49˚ 7AM Light rain all day .25 in guage [[gauge]]. Shop hour for Wes. Went to Basics and Meeker's Hdw for brass screws. Finished hanging Irish bell in kitchen hall. Touched up paint. Gug made brown rice vegetable dish - great! Gug's hand getting better. Miss Boo in good shape                                 

Transcription Notes:
I think Gug might be a nickname for Gertrude