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October 14

1978 - Saturday - 61° at 7:30 - light rain (we had good weather on our trip!)
  To Ridgefield - picked up Sacred Heart Alex Ross Print - Meat at Brunetti - groceries Grancentral - Appalachian for material for Tuesday's skirt course - Bethel for corn and cheese - raked leaves - threw tomato plants on compost pulled up stakes = picked lots of strawberries - Wes cleaned wagon of all pruning debris and used it to dump leaves. Yankees won game in 10th inning.

1979 - Sunday - 30° at 6 AM - Very dark - Not a bad day - Cold but clear in afternoon. Lots of ducks - the brown and white one didn't come back. to 8 o'clock Mass. Wes had shop hour - I transplanted house plants. Wes cut front lawn - Wes used Cadet - I used Lawnboy and we raked as went on - lots of good compost
Saw three Pheasants on big lawn - 2 cocks and a hen

1980 - Tuesday - 40° at 6 AM. Very dark - beautiful fall day - clear - windy - cold. One white domestic duck showed up - missing for over a week. Pike is here - To Mass - Phoned Pat Creham - he is working with Town Planner on selling us lot without new plot plan - Arranged with Bedini to make test holes for septic system. Polished some brass & silver. To fish market - Bethel Post Office - Basics. Cut grass - pulled out more frost killed plants - Raked 2 bags of leaves

1981 - Wednesday - 32° at 6 AM - Fair beautiful day - Impatiens frost killed so emptied all pots except [[?]] which were close to house. Ellie and Bruce here to work on stone walls. We off after early lunch for Tarrytown - left birdseed for Eileen - on to A[[?]] for Wes appointment with Dr Ball - enroute home went to Butcher Block on Central Ave. and bought base for dinette table - stopped at Marcus - home at 6 pm.

1982 - Thursday - 53° at 6:30 - Cloudy - cleared to a beautiful day - quite warm. My hand better. Wes drove me to Ridgefield - clean up day along Main Street - he went to Reclamation and cleaners and returned for me at noon - Shopped Brunette - Grandcentral and cheese shop. After lunch and nap Wes worked on vegetable boxes - I cut grass, raked leaves - walked Boo. 

October 15

1978 - Sunday - 34° at 7 AM - Clear - breezy. Cold day - high 49°. Ducks coming for corn - tray working well but needs repairs. Also large numbers of black birds - 
Desk work before 9:30 Mass - I prepared dinner - We balanced check book. We cut grass after lunch - lots of leaves coming down.
Wes picked up Jule at 5 pm - Mary in Canada with car. Joan phoned they reached home 2 pm - had rain Friday and Saturday. Yankees won 3rd game (3 to 2)

1979 - Monday - 30° at 6 AM - Mostly cloudy day - To Mass. Did wash - polished brass. Wes had shop hour - finished second "Cuttings" box.
Emptied terrace pots - all begonias frost killed - and put them away in cellar - Fixed spot in cold cellar to place potatoes. Cut grass below barn - outside fence. Wes finished raking big lawn. Raked, several bags of leaves.

1980 - Wednesday - 40° at 6:30 - Off and on clouds but no rain. Wes had shop hour. After learning Bedini wouldn't do septic hole, went to White Plaines at 10 o'clock, Shopped Bloomingdales for shoe rack, miniature Chrismas tree ornaments. Picked up Mary at Nestle's - to Sassafras for lunch. To Abraham & Straus for wine glasses and winter slippers for me. Looked thru Neiman - Marcus - Home at 4:15. Chased Kilduff's ducks - Mallards unfortunately flew. Watched Phillies win second World Series Game over Royals

1981 - Thursday - 34° at 6 AM - Beautiful day. I worked at Ballard in morning - did shopping at Brunetti Mailed Joan's birthday present. Oliver completed the planting - looks beautiful. Wes helped Jim Freemen take in parsnips & shopped Agway for birdseed.
I cut lawn. Greenhouse to be delivered tomorrow. To Sattlers at 5:30 for drink - on to Waccobuc Country Club for dinner. Received Certificate of Occupancy today and No. 88 Bogus[[guess]]

1982 - Friday - 49° at 6:30 - Fair & Beautiful. Color in trees lovely - lots of leaves coming down. Wes drove me to work at Ballard Garden - We stopped at Stop & Shop enroute and Wes later went to bank, Young's and liquor - returned for me at twelve. After lunch and nap I made pie crust for tomorrow's dinner. Gizela drove us to bag sale at Marion Leppolt's - lots of overpriced stuff. I bought a salad dressing bottle - 
Wes worked on vegetable garden boxes. Eileen came at 5 pm - budget meetings over - spent the night here.