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October 16

1978 - Monday-25° at 6 AM. Full moon last night. Frost killed all remaining pots except dusty miller. To 7:30 mass. Wes to Dr DiCarlo 10 o’clock appointment to cap tooth. Billie Newell picked me up and we looked in the memorial garden - shopped Brunetti and Squash’s after lunch. Wes dumped leaves and cleaned gutters. I thinned more perennials-dug up last dahlias. Picked strawberries-mostly frozen. Too sleepy to go to Women's Club. Pope John Paul II elected.

1979 - Tuesday - 30° at 7 AM - Fair 60 ducks for breakfast - beautiful day. 5 white ducks flew in from road at driveway - don't know if they are Dubay's or Kilduff's. Gizela gave us Artemesia Silver King - planted it two spots in perennial garden. Rearranged a few perennials and cut some back - thinned others. To Westport for 10 o'clock symposium on Native Plants at Nature Center for Environmental Activities - good talk by David Longland of New England Wild Flower Society - To Helen Ross for Lasagna at 6 pm. Alex in Rochester.

1980 Thursday - 40° at 6 AM. Warm day. Indian summer weather. To Mass. Helen & Alex going on trip - She gave me her ivy wreath to care for. I went to greenhouse for Pine Cone Wreath workshop - picked up new glasses -bought 2 cactus plants at Woolworths - home at noon. George Venorisi finished repair at French door- Wes painted new shingles. I cleaned terrace pots - Wes had turned pump on- watered Exburys - very dry.

1981 - Friday - 44° at 6:30 - Mostly fair - some clouds in the afternoon and wind. Saw I had ruined bumper of car backing into tree last night - Wes took it to Body Shop- over $700 - fix in November as have to order parts. Sad. Cooked for tomorrow night's dinner. Took papers and bottles to Reclamation - shopped for liquor and few groceries. To Atchley for my appointment with Dr. Wiedel - Wes to Dr. Puchner to ask for change of day in next weeks appointment. Dr Puchner took him right away. Bought soaker hose at Rosedale. Mike painted door. Greenhouse parts delivered.

1982 Saturday - cloudy - windy and cold - an indoor day. Eileen and Boo here - they left for home after breakfast. Wes dismantled Boo's run. Wes cleaned house - I prepared dinner for Tracy’s and Hartcorn's here at 6 pm- everything went well. We attended the Ridgefield Orchestra concert at 8:30 pm. We returned home at 11 pm did dishes. 
Put fuchsia in garage- afraid of frost. 
[Note: Mayo Tuzuski (Tsuzuski), pianist, soloist at orchestra- Same as last year.]

October 17

1978 - Tuesday - 30° at 7 AM - Clear - 2 white & 2 Dark domestic ducks chasing Mallards from corn tray - Wes put up fence
I worked at Ballard Greenhouse 9:30 - 11 - work ran out so home for lunch with Wes who had made wooden brackets for planting box. I attended first of three classes on applique sheet at Appalachion Shop - Home at 3 pm - Wes took car to Brewster - got ride home (choke - heater, shift cable) I split three Astilbe and added compost to bed. Yankees won 6th game & Series

1979 - Wednesday - 35° at 7 AM - Cloudy Wes had shop hour - I did Garden Club work for Meeting on 31st. Wes cleaned gutters. Planted Narcissi at St. Elizabeth Seton Church sign
Trimmed grass in afternoon - near shed - across little bridge. Cut out dead branches from red and black pine.
Wes serviced Cadet - needs to go to shop.
Clear morning - Cloudy, gloomy in afternoon. 

1980 - Friday - 50° at 6:15 - Warm sunny day - high about 75°. Shop hour. To Dr. Yanity at 9:45 teeth cleaned - no cavities. Shopped for groceries, fish and liquor. Early lunch. Lovell serviced tractor. Wes dug up compost pile - put some on perennial garden transferred some to pile next to new shed. Raked leaves from terrace. Father here for dinner at 5:30 - left 7:15. We went to Castles to meet Mel & Nancy Morris, new neighbors

1981 - Saturday - 42° at 6 AM - Beautiful day - we need rain. Used soaker hose on top of wall garden. Wes put of couple of shelves in shop. I prepared for dinner. Chest of drawers came up from Eileen in afternoon. Cleaned house. Gets very dusty. Leeanne and John Hardcore here at six - quick dinner - to Ridgefield Orchestra Concert at 8:30 - Mayo Tsuzuski Pianist - very good . 

1982 - Sunday - 37° at 6:30 - My wrist getting better every day - Fair cold windy day.
To 8 o'clock Mass. Wes took off remaining house screens - only solar left. Put most deck chairs in crawlspace - also the Fuchsia. Brought in gardenia - will give small one to Ricky - dug up Amarellis bulb from holding bed. Dug up Lambs Ears to give to Madeline
Wes split wood - had fire for dinner. I used rain water for Azaleas - very dry.