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October 18

1978 - Wednesday - 20° at 7 AM - Fair - lots of Mallards pair Wood Ducks - and 4 Domestics got thru fence! Wes repaired fence. Wes took off hooks above new combination windows. I later painted them when temperature rose above 50°. Waxed floors- polished brass lamps - brought plants in from breezeway. Threw out chrysanthemums- frost got them. Cut off daylilies near little crab. Picked up topiary from Gizella and learned about watering her plants next week.

1979- Thursday- 49° at 6:45. Partly cloudy - clear morning. Cloudy afternoon.
To Doctor Peter Yanity at 10AM - both had teeth cleaned. Come back 6 months. Shopped at fish shore and Stop & Shop and left clothes at cleaners. Wes worked in shop after lunch and nap. I prepared dinner  Helen picked up by Wes at 5:30. Alex still in Rochester.

1980 - Saturday - 64° at 6AM. Very light rain in morning - 1/10 inch - thunderstorm at 5 pm - 1/2 inch 
Chased geese - phoned Kilduff - who managed to keep them in all day. Two Whites and Pike are here. 
Polished brass in livingroom. Wes cleaned gutter early in morning. We raked a few leaves from driveway - maple in front of livingroom dropped almost all

1981 - Sunday - 45° at 6 AM - Watched sunrise - beautiful pink cloud - became cloudy and light rain starting at 2 o’clock - continuing all afternoon - Rain gauge isn’t up. To 8 o’clock Mass. Cleared old logs and brush behind mailbox - Wes brought in wood cut exposed roots from tree at entrance - cleaned out leafmold from stones - no luck yet finding a stone to fit crack. Wes put his clothes in chest - I w[[?]] dresser. Wes balanced books. I made cake

1982 - Monday - 30° at 7 AM - We sleep later now. Fair day - frost killed marigolds.
I worked in Ballard Garden 9 - 12:30. Wes finished two vegetable boxes - now he is raising the ground level south of them, bringing down the so-called top soil. I pulled out frost-killed plants - cut south lawn mostly to remove leaves - transplanted lettuce into new bed. Wes put concrete birdbaths and strawberry pot into crawl space

October 19

1978 - Thursday - 48° at 7 AM - Cloudy - No white domestics - too many Mallards! Wes had 9am appointment with Dr DeCarlo - fixed tooth - no need for cap - home at 11 am. Pat Miller here to clean. I painted bed windows sills and side pieces where our wood storms had been removed. Made sour cream coffee cake, walnut and applesauce oatmeal bread. Thinned more Japanese and Sebereaus[[guess]] in the perennial garden - day lillies at old apple - moved thinned As[[?]] across [[?]]/ With Louise McKeon to St. Stephen's - Jean Safford on flower arranging 

1979 - Friday - 44° at 6 AM - Mostly cloudy day. To Mass. Shop work for an hour. Played golf - first time in a month at Dlby - course very wet.
After lunch Wes repaired Cadet and cut below house I cut back, side and down to Locusts in front. Raked some leaves. Wes cut all wood at shed - brought some to garage. To Ruth Sharp's for drink at 5:30. 

1980 - Sunday - 54° at 6 AM - Clear beautiful day quite warm. To 8 o'clock Mass. Shop hour Picked all of beets and some carrots. Worked at Ballard Garden for 1 1/2 hours. Lunch and nap. Planted tulips at front steps - couldn't finish as ran out of gutter guard mesh to make cages. Carried 5 bags of leaves to back of veg garden. Cut off daylilie at barn.

1981 - Monday - 45° at 6 AM - Fair - Very windy cold day. Work started on Greenhouse - Mike and one other. Shopped Basie's - Meekers - Wes bought jeans 
Ricky here for lunch - we went to Christmas decorations talk and demonstration. Wes gave Ricky wood. Cleaned leafmold from front path rocks - decided not to put stone there - took stones back to road wall. Rearranged railroad ties at edge of driveway - will widen it. Cut grass with mower [[?]] lower, to clean up leaves. Pretty sunset on hill & pond

1982 - Tuesday - 36° at 7 AM - Fog over pond. Beautiful fall day - dry. No Mass - Father away.
Wes had shop hour - I ironed - did desk work - phoned Polly - We'll have cocktail party on Nov. 19th.
Vicks Wildflowers - Anemone Trithum - Mayapple - delivered - planted them on Wood knoll. Watered all plants there and wall garden. Wes finished back vegetable bed - going three boards high - will add one more to others - 

[[note from digital volunteer]] domestics are domestic ducks [[/note from digital volunteer]].