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October 22

1978- Sunday- 44° at 7 AM - Beautiful, warm day - high 70°. Looked at new church after 9:30 Mass - windows in. Had watched Pope John Paul II's installation before Mass. - Cut off daylilies and raked leaves along road from mailbox to gate. After lunch planted narcissi below driveway wall and 30 tulips in back garden- Wes arranging aluminum wire cages against  [??] split last Siberian iris in perennial garden - Had lunch on breezeway.

1979 Monday - 54° at 6am - Beautiful warm day - high 85° Too warm to do much outdoor work - Wes took car to Honda Body Shop, Danbury - rented Ford stationwagon - played golf 11-1. To Agway Bethel for salt hay, cracked corn - birdfoid (50 lbs 12.99) perlite - taking advantage of having the stationwagon. To Pinchbeck for forcing bulbs for  "Preview of Spring" show - only had Tete-a-tete - called Howard Castle on blue bath fan - Nurnberg on diningroom chairs

1980 Wednesday - 27° at 6:30 - Clear. Marie [?] [?] by Garden Club to 1 pm. Wes raked leaves - He turned over compost. After lunch he planted rest of tulip where hemlock used to be - Wes made cage for them. Also planted 25 daffodils there. Wes brought in more soil for that place. I cut side terrace - back and some of front - lots of leaves. To Ruth Sharp's for a drink at 5 o'clock - Anne Winston there.

1981 - Thursday - 46° at 6 AM - Beautiful day - warm - 60° in afternoon. To Mass. Gizella drove me to Ballard for dried flower workshop - home with basket at noon for lunch with Wes on deck. Only one man working on greenhouse - one glass pane broken so that will delay completion [?] next week. Wes completed place of wall garden. I trimmed dead branches of trees on north and planted [?] [?] and [?]  [?] going from pots to protected areas - cut grass on south to clear leave.

1982 - Friday - 34° at 7 AM. Clear beautiful day - To bank - six months certificate due - turned that money into Money Market certificates at 10 3/4% thru Mosley [?] - To Henry Dick on Oriental rugs - they do not trade. Walked up road to look at houses which face L[?]. Lunch - nap - raked leave. Wes graded at vegetable garden (extension of first) and moved up [?] Pigmy Siberian Iris from Bog Garden.

October 23

1978 - Monday - 43° at 7 AM. Slept late had to rush for 7:30 Mass. Beautiful service - high clouds - Indian Summer weather - around 70°. Wes went for fencing at Agway and put in posts along [?] line to keep out white ducks - I cut off daylilies along road below barn - did half by lunchtime. Lots of leaves - raked 5 bundles. L[?] serviced tractor in afternoon - good job - took it all apart Planted tulips and Narcisse in back of garden.

1979 - Tuesday - 54° at 7 AM. Beautiful Indian Summer day after morning fog. Wes had shop hour. Picked up repaired Honda ([?] need bumper replaced - cost $223.59) turned in rented station wagon ($33) picked up Eileen's clock from Mr. Banks ([?] [?] repaired). Worked outside - picked up oak leave and put them on blueberries rest on leaf mold pile. Used lawnboy at front and by shed - back of veg garden - Wes took in[?]. While sometimes here AM - not at night - we feed Mallards in between.

1980 - Thursday. 24° at 6 AM. Full moon in West while we had breakfast. Fair, breezy cold day. Wes to Dr. Yanty at 8:30 for preparatory work for new denture. I cleared the [?] [?] [?] brought the Freemans to look at house cut grounds - Wes returned for grounds tour. Shopped at B[?] for corn - cheese - Basics for groceries. Lunch and nap. Raked 12 bags of leaves - used lawn boys to cut big lawn down to [?] [?] - [?] [?] back at 7:15 to say Freemans wanted to buy house and sign contract now. Someday.

1981 - Friday - 58° at 6 AM. Rain off and on all day. 1.85 inches Saturday morning when rain over.
To Basics for bananas - 29 cents a lb. - and a few groceries - bank for a six months certificate - left check at M[?]. Put shelf paper on kitchen closets - Wes made brass hangers for little maple shelf and [?] that in guest room - two [\/] in bedroom. Locks on bathroom doors - To Tracy's at 5 for a drink.

1982 - Saturday - 29° at 7 AM - Fair - Frost - we are all winterized - last Brown Jordan chairs in crawlspace Glass top table in hay loft. Did wash - cleaned house - shopped Basics - lunch, nap - shop hour for Wes - I made cookies - transplanted [?] into glass box Gizella gave me. Dug up big stone off wall below vegetable beds - moved it to side of compost path. Fred [?] and family stopped by - kids made me nervous running around - pulled off Alpine poppy from wall garden.