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October 24

1978 - Tuesday - 29° at 1am - Fair - We chased 9 Canada Geese at breakfast time. Wes worked on fences at Ghee line. I prepared for RGC meeting - made dried arrangement (third prize). Left at noon for 2nd Applique Skirt class at Appalachian Shop - later on to Miss Hull’s for meeting - home at 4:30 - Wes had raked leaves from front of house - saved 5 bags of pi oak leaves -

1979 - Wednesday - 52° at 6am - Rain during night very little. Became fair afternoon. Shop hour for Wes. I shortened wool tweed skirt. Took Eileen’s banjo clock to her (vacation day - new bed frame delivered) She gave us lunch - to Greenwich McArdle's Seed Co. - bought bulbs and [[?]] for "Preview of Spring" show March 7th. Home for nap
To Louise McKeon’s at 8pm - picking up Gizela - for meet the candidates.

1980 - Friday - 22° at 6:30 - Fair, cold
Wes met Bedine at Bogus property to set up percolation test - hope to do it in afternoon. 
I polished silver. To bank, Sop & Shop - wine sto - Pinchbeck for flowers. Raked leaves from roadside of house and barn driveway - 10 bags at least. Wes cleaned gutters (rain expected tomorrow) put in 2 replacement raspberry bushes.

1981 - Saturday - 38° at 7am - Slept late! Clear - cool beautiful day. To New Canaan to return wallpapers - order guest room drapery - ask for more samples - picked up George Sontag’s picture - left car repair estimate at Cornall's - bought clothes pole at Ridgefield supply. Wes put that up in attic after lunch. - I raked leaves - brought geraniums and "[[Sarugoime?]]" into greenhouse - put plastic over open side. Frost reported tonight.

1982 - Sunday - 32° at 6:15 - (Dark)- Fair day - cold wind - sunny. To 8 o'clock Mass.
We balanced checkbook. I did a wash.
To North Salem Historical Socuby House Tour - 7 houses from Purdy’s to [[?]] Center to North Salem - luncheon at White Elephant on Keeler Lane - all very enjoyable.
After nap - dug out two more stones on south side - put one on wall off vegetable boxes - others back of shade garden.
To Billie Newell's at 5:30 for drink

October 25

1978 - Wednesday - 24° at 7 AM - Saw white duck fly over dam - it's going to be hard to keep them out. Louise McKeon and Vera Nelligan picked me up - went to Amber Room Danbury for Awards Luncheon of Federated Garden clubs of Conn.- worked at Registration Desk 10/12:30 - Luncheon following - home at 3:30 - Wes had put up duck fence, having bought high fencing - to bank - leaf mulch for new lawnboy. I used it on back, side, and at sheds - worked well. Staked out position for new shed.

1979 - Thursday - 43° at 6 AM - Fair, cool, fall day - windy. To Honda Body Shop - made arrangements to have tail light changed after lunch - picked up copy of repair bill - sent it to insurance with check for amount overpaid. I distributed bulbs for March flower show - left at Squash’s and Greenhouse. Raked leaves from barn gate & dell. Cut back, side, front, below barn (Cadet) across little bridge (Jacobsen) Planted Tete-a-tete Daffodil and Palestrina tulips for March Show.

1980 - Saturday - 44° at 6:30 - Light rain at 8:30 increasingly heavy during day. 2.3 inches at 3 o'clock and still raining.
Check Ross' house - bought ice, milk, cream, etc at Marcus. Cleaned house - set table up in den for lunch tomorrow. Polished den brass.
To Tracy's at 6pm for drinks and on to Ridgefield Orchestra concert - home at 11pm. 

1981 - Sunday - 30° at 5:30. Standard time - up early - stopped clocks for an hour - beautiful sunrise but clouded up after 8 o’clock Mass - gloomy - not an outdoor day. Did lots of indoor jobs - hung George Solting picture at stairs - hooks in closets - transferred our clothes from guestrooms to new clothes pole in attic. Waxed slate on livingroom fireplace - we removed brass fire screen - To Ruth Sharp’s at 5 pm for a drink - Father Tighe Jessups & Rosses there.

1982 - Monday - 35° at 7am - Cloudy - Rain began before noon - continued lightly all day (8/10 Tues. A.M.)
I went to Ridgefield for a haircut - Shopped Brunetti had my blue glasses repaired - bought supplies at Stop & Shop for Ballard luncheon Friday and chablis.
Wes had shop hour - then to Ace and car wash.
Lunch and nap. I made coffeecake for Friday -  meatloaf for us - actually did some needlepoint - Wes continued in shop. Watched "Smiley's People" in evening.