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October 26

1978 - Thursday - 54° at 6:45 - Pat here to clean.  Light rain off and on all day.  No out door work.  I washed kitchen floor.  To Ridgefield to Stop & Shop A [[?]] for drugs - to Applalachian Shop but Linda not there to approve my [?] have to proceed on my own.  To Ruth [?] at 5:30 for cocktail - (Sayvage Slauter?). Picked up Helen & Alex & took them to [?] for Alex’ birthday dinner.

1979 - Friday - 39° at 6AM - Packed, did last minute chores - left at 11 AM for Oliver [?] - bought through and perennial plants - Corn.  Thruway ([?]) farmers at Milford - to I95 - to I95 at [?] to Cape - Arrived [?] at 5:30 - [?] came at 6. good talk - drink [?]

1980 - Saturday - 42° at 6AM standard time. Partly cloudy. Still very windy but thank God not like yesterday for our luncheon. To 8 o'clock mass - asked Mike [?] if he would build house for us - said yes. Polly and Irene here at 11:15 - Guests [?]. Jessups - Sattlers - [?] Jack Stephenson - Mary Luke + [?] Lee at 12:30/4 - Good food - Good [?]. Relaxed in evening.

1981 - Monday - 46° at 6:30. Rain during night .7 inches. Misty rain during day - indoor work.
Took beige runner to Ziegler to have 17” cut from end - shopped for vacuum - saw Thompson and Electrolux - renewed Wes’ prescription - batteries and wood filler sticks at Meekers - fireplace shop closed - bought sandwiches at Deli - home for nap - Wes took mantel off wall - I put more shelf liners in kitchen - Pat Haviland moved [[?]] and trailer - preparatory to CL&P cutting down big oak.

1982 - Tuesday - 41° at 6AM, raining lightly - nothing measurable - cleared late in afternoon. To Mass I picked up Louise McKeon and Helen Ross and went to Charlotte Camillos' for Garden Club Meeting at 10AM. Home for lunch at 1PM - Wes had worked in shop, Cuisinart Pro 7 delivered - anniversary present. We read instructions and practiced. Outdoors to rake leaves on front walk - wall garden, driveway - used Lawnboy on South lawn.

October 27

1978 - Friday - 48° at 6AM - Breakfast in dark before mass - stars beautiful. Beautiful day - quite cold - had to work with a jacket on. Raked big lawn - back and side - Wes unloaded 15 bags from wagon
I finished planting bulbs and brought coldframe back to barn to hold indoor forcing bulbs - 10 pots there - 2 crocus in refrigerator. Put oak leaves and salt hay over coldframe. Looked good to see green grass at cocktail time

1979 - Saturday - on Cape with Ginger & Herb. After big breakfast, left for Chatham where took boat for Monomoy Island - cold, wet trip - windy - but sun out on island. Bird Refuge - saw thousands of gulls, Black Ducks, Scotia Ducks. Picnic lunch on beach. Then 2 pm boat back - to Mass. Audubon Sanctuary, Wellfleet - walked trails - saw American Egret - Great Blue Heron pair - Yellow Legs - [[Treater & Lessas?]] - Dinner & bed.

1980 - Monday - 42° at 6:30. Fair - beautiful day
Pulled willow limb from front pond - Wes cut it in sections as he pulled it out - spent most of morning cleaning up all willow debris. I went to [[?]] Wreath workshop at Red schoolhouse 9-12 - watered Gizella’s plants enroute home. Wes put plug in inlet pipe. I cut down some of perennial garden. Met Mike Mannion at Bogus property 3:30 - walked area - he came back to house to talk about house plan

1981 - Tuesday - 50° at 6 AM - Foggy - Misty rain part of day - very foggy as not cold. To Mass.
Jack Masterson worked on Greenhouse but couldn’t finish as new pane not yet received. I filled holes in wood trim of upstairs windows. Wes hung the eagle over livingroom fireplace. I picked up Helen and went to Garden Club meeting at Kathy Ryan’s - home at 5 pm
(.4 inch rain Weds AM)

1982 - Wednesday - 34° at 6:30 - Beautiful sunrise and day - a little milder, high about 54°.
Moved stones - Wes buried them to make retaining wall behind shade garden extension. Raked leaves - used Lawnboy on north grass. After lunch and nap played golf - quite a few people playing - course was beautiful. Went to Wooster School for meeting on airport noise abatement only to find it was held last night.