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October 28

1978 - Saturday - 26° at 6:45 - clear - heavy frost - white ducks in again! Unbelievable.
Wes raked leaves below barn - I cut remainder of daylilies alongside fence. Wes mowed all lawns. I used lawn boy on front, side, back, and trained barn bank. Looked wonderful - Had tea and nap. To Alex Ross’ birthday party at 6:30. Ted and Dot Heene, Larry Graham, Sattlers, Ruth Sharp Father Tighe there. Alex was 70 years old.

1979 - Sunday - on Cape with Ginger & Herb. After big breakfast, to Sacred Heart Church for 9 o'clock Mass. To Captains Table. Yacht Club in Hyannis for lunch. John & Carol left for home. We went to Cape Cod Museum in Brewster - enjoyed exhibits - paintings. To [[?]] Mooring: Herb uses boat dock there now.
Steak dinner - spaghetti squash - bed at 10 pm - Heavy rain during evening  Standard time

1980 - Tuesday - 40° at 5:45. Light rain - 1/4 inch. To Mass. Wes phoned Mike Dellman - Engineering Services - try set up meeting for Bogus Rd property. Followed up [?] - will get in "this week". I left at 11 o'clock for luncheon at Elizabeth Hull's - then onto Garden Club meeting at Jean Safford's home at 4:45. Wes worked in shop. Phoned Alex and Helen Ross in Tennessee for Alex's birthday. Debate between President Carter and Reagan.

1981 - Wednesday - 56° at 6 AM. Mostly fair day. Off and on clouds and high winds - not cold but looked like November. Wes started stripping sod from south turnaround - peeling it off grass - we'll use it for next year's veg garden. I shopped at Basics and Marcus. Took Helen and Alex to lunch at Christopher's for Alex's 73rd birthday. Stopped at Brookfield Lamp Shop for a white globe for standing lamp - cut wood and grass.

1982 - Thursday - 35° at 6 AM. Fair beautiful fall day. To 7:30 Mass 0 to Marcus afterward - the traffic on Route 7 was tremendous - I copied recipes from old Cuisinart book that will go to Eileen with the old machine. Wes worked in shop - I did some leaf raking from wall garden.
Took Helen and Alex to lunch at Le Coq Hardi for Alex's birthday - very good looking place. Home at 3:30. Moved planks behind wood pile. Raked more leaves.

October 29

1978 - Sunday. 36° at 6:30 Standard Time. Cool and beautiful day. To 9:30 Mass. Wes cleaned out leaves from back gutter - cleaned barn lights of swallow nests. I raked terrace of leaves and side of barn. We trimmed white spruce and red spruce at barn gate. After lunch walked trolley line, travelling up hill to De C[?]'s - then curving to north around hill - easy walking at that point as Otto Leppert had built a road on the train bed track came out opposite cemetery on Ridegbury Road.
1979 - Monday - On Cape at Herb and Ginger's - 45° at 8 AM. Sunny. Pancake breakfast and packed - left for Providence (240 miles on trip tomorrow). Pleasant drive the weather was perfect. Drove about city - asked directions of Motor Hotel found Biltmore Plaza - recently renovated - room 1242 - attached parking garage. President Carter had just left Energy Conference - we saw G[?] [?] - lunch at Goddards - nap - walked old city revitalized - malls - beautiful buildings - [?] - Fish [?] at Goddards - bed (bought bulb bowl in Woolworths)

1980 - Wednesday - 29° at 6 AM. Fair - cool - breezy. Wes had lots of shop hours. I drove with Ricky Harrison to Volkswagen for her service - brought her back here; we worked on decorations for small Christmas tree - made [?] candles in rings - had lunch. Returned for her car - Wes and I drove to White Plains for Geraldine Adams' wake. Home at 5 o'clock after trying to find locust pods along Route 6 - no luck.  We finished making candles for the Christmas tree. Wes bought sunflower seed to take to Eileen tomorrow.

1981 - Thursday. 44° at 6 AM. Cloudy most of day. Cool. To Mass. Wes continued stripping sod from turnaround. I worked at Ballard 9-12 - shopped Brunette afterward.
Bought vacuum cleaner (Thompson's) at Vacuum Mart and log basket for sitting room fireplace. Joan Mannion measured guest bath for wallpaper. Wes gave Alex one rubber [?] put three in his shop.

1982 - Friday - 36° at 6:30 - Sun came up with red sun over hill. Beautiful day - quite mild.
I worked at Ballard Garden - last time this season - worked ended with lunch in Greenhouse.
Hoffman Service came to find noise in furnace room was the smoke alarm! Battery gone. Wes took down 4 trees - the beech in center of south woodlot - the one in path on north wood [?] - and one behind bridge tree and one over new wall near Bonsai tree. I raked and blew more leaves.