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November 1

1978 - Wednesday - 30° at 6 AM - Fog rising in hill Put out corn tray - have been taking it in at night account raccoon. Fair beautiful day - high around 60. Played golf at noon - quite a few people out. Before going, Wes had started moving veg shed back four feet - I cut off daylilies (half of them) in front of veg garden - pruned and fed blueberries - we continued after golf - Wes finished shed move, I raked leaves at old shed, cardinal garden & across dam - used lawn boy.

 1979 - Thursday - 30° at 6:45 - Foggy - cleared at noon - not a bad day - not as good as last few.
To 9 o'clock Mass for Holyday - Paid bills - Planted crocus muscari - iris reticulata in pots - put them in styrofoam picnic box in garage. Played golf 2 to 4 - course looked good - putting white sand in traps. Raked oak leaves from black oak - raked grass terrace - picked lettuce - one strange domestic duck here in afternoon.

1980 - Saturday - 36° at 5:30 - heard WQXR "night" program with hamel. Fair, windy, cold day. Too cold in morning to go outdoors so did shop and house chores  After lunch finished cleaning up outside fences and pulled debris out of pond along far side
Went to 7:30 AM Mass at St Peters - good to see all the "early risers" over there.

1981 - Sunday. 42° at 6:15. Cloudy - a run of dull weather. To 8 o'clock Mass. Eileen brought up formica table top and bulbs - wouldn't stay for lunch. I planted the bulbs along front walk. Wes worked on table top - didn't have screws big enough. Made Pear Tart - cooked lamb chops on grill

1982 - Monday - 58° at 6:30. Cloudy - Juncos are back. Cleared at noon to a warm beautiful afternoon 
Watered hemlock, and all plants on south side 
Took all plants out of Solar and sprayed them with Malathion as noticed white fly.
 To 12 o'clock Mass for All Saints - lots of well-dressed people from offices.
Used Lawnboy to cut and blow leaves North & South sides.
Over cliff to cut small trees and branches between pond and our view. Wes will have to take saw down.

November 2
1978 - Thursday - 23° at 6:30. Fair - beautiful day high in 60's - a lovely run of weather.
Wes worked on moving veg shed - bought cement blocks for foundation. I went to Ballard Greenhouse - bought few groceries and gasoline. Returned at noon - helped Wes in afternoon leveling veg shed - Picked up small stones for inside cement block. Wes then refilled holes: I raked leaves near big bridge and cut grass. Cut remaining daylilies at veg fence and along road - Good day.

1979 - Friday - 48° at 7AM - Foggy - damp - 25 Mallards - lots of crows.  Sun broke through at 8 o'clock - warm day - about 66°. Planted all forcing bulbs in pots - set up 2 cold frames behind new shed - put pots there surrounded by perlite. Wes cut all grass with Jacobsen - I used lawnboy on back, side - near sheds. Raked grass across big bridge - Pulled carrots - picked lettuce, beets, and leeks. Cut off asparagus ferns. Gave spider and poinsettia to Catherine Ghee. Rain at night. 1.05 inches

1980 - Sunday. 32° at 6AM. Fair beautiful fall day  To 8 o'clock Mass  Wes took Barry Finch to show him Bogus property. Indoor work in morning: I cut back fuchsia - repotted ivy - brought in plants from breezeway. Planted paperwhites - brass pot and clay - and tulips for forcing placed in picnic box in garage. Used lawnboy across little bridge and in dell - raked - about 10 bags - in p.m. To Billie Newell's at 5 pm for drink. Suzanne & John Verdery there

1981 - Monday - 40° at 6 AM - Fair, beautiful day - warmer - lovely to see the sun again. Warm in greenhouse even without all windows in. No work done on anything today - except by us. Wes sanded front door - I filled holes in living room mantel - painted front door gray - good color. Wes took Honda to body shop - rented Mustang, Joan Mannion measured for master bath wallpaper. Found paper for powder room at Sherwin Williams. To Alex & Helen for drink at 5 pm

1982 - Tuesday - Election Day - 54° at 6:30. Fair. Didn't need to put heat up - and doors to livingroom open. It was 77° in afternoon - 70° at cocktail time!
Voted at 8 AM - shopped Basics afterwards.
Played golf 10-12 - lunch & nap
Looked for stones for step to compost path off south wall - found one good one but well after several tryes [[tries]] with other stones couldn't work it out. Up late for election returns.