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November 5

1978 - Sunday - 32° at 7am. Partly Cloudy. Watched Mallards land for corn at breakfast time. Day began mostly fair and very mild.
I made icing for the "Bishop's Chocolate Cake" and finished the chocolate roll. Wes balanced his books. To the Rectory at 11:45, met Louise McKeon there - served luncheon to Bishop and his aide, Father Medensky and Dan McKeon. Eileen came at 1:30 - Wes cooked a good steak - we had a good afternoon. Paper strike settled.

1979 - Monday - 24° at 6 AM. Clear - beautiful day. To Mass. Cleaned house. Wes had shop hour and then cut down cherry and small wormwood at west end. I cut off astilbe (front of livingroom) and raked leaves from that bed. Lunch. Played 7 holes golf 1:30/3:30. To Mary Sells, Heritage Hills, at 4:10 for dinner. Cornels and Duncan and Madeline Omstead there. Home at 11 pm.

1980 - Wednesday - 35° at 6:30 - Fair  - fog in hill. Wes to Bogus property at 9 AM. Mike Dellman - Bedeni digger - Mike Mannion there on septic system was designed and approved by Sanitarian. Wes & I to Atchley - 12:15 appointment Dr. Ball - blood pressure 130/80 - had cardiogram. Lunch at Red Coach - took new Sprain Brook Parkway to Hawthorne Circle - home at 4 pm. Phoned Pat Crehan to prepare purchase contract on Bogus Property.
Heard Dick Hendy died.

1981 - Thursday - 36° at 6 AM. Fair - fog over pond. Beautiful morning - clouded up late afternoon. To Mass. (Alex & Helen in Pittsburgh). Gizella and I went to "Jewel Box" Sinningia workshop. Home for lunch. Wes finished stripping turn-around. Flagstone and Belgian Block delivered at 2:45. I painted inside front door - didn't sand it first - a mistake. Waxed floor - put furniture and rugs back. Wes hung Chagall and 2 Small Alex Ross pictures.

1982 - Friday - 54° at 6:30 - Cloudy - rained all night - 75/100 in rain gauge - cleared to a beautiful day. Left at 9 AM for NYB Garden - saw the Japanese chrysanthemum show - bought print at shop - to Atchley - Wes had noon appointment with Dr. Baer - pressure 124/88 - lunch in cafeteria - I had 2:15 appointment with Dr. Wiedel - ok - to Hepperdrome Garage at 3:35 - Algonquin Room 309 - bought slacks at Brooks - dinner at Italian restaurant 44th Street - Amadeus - Broadhurst - very good.

November 6

1978 - Monday - 38° at 6 AM. Foggy turned into beautiful warm day - lunch on terrace. To Mass. Wes cleaned gutters - then we washed them. Wes sanded back board (behind gutters) I painted it after lunch while Wes was rototilling the veg garden. Added 3/4 bag of peat to new patch there and rototilled that section. I used lawnboy on side and front lawn - cutting down to Locusts - raked residue. John Murray & Son here to discuss fill will deliver next week.

1979 - Tuesday - Election Day - 24° at 6:30. Clear - became cloudy in afternoon. Voted at 8:30 at High School. Shop hour for Wes. I met Billie Newell at Ballard - we cleaned out most of the long garden. Bought gasoline ($1.08 gal) to bank and Marcus. Played 9 holes with Billie at Dlhy Ridge - very wet - no sun unfortunately - used carts - Wes' stuck in mud. To Jule's at 5 pm for drink and soup - Eleanor Grouse there.

1980 - Thursday - 19° at 6 AM. Beautiful day. Wes went to 7:30 Mass, taking Helen Ross'ivy wreath to give her. Gizella picked me up at 8 o'clock - to Keeler Tavern Bus to Metropolitan Museum of Art - guided tour of American Wing at 10:30/12:30 - lunch at Museum - strolled again thru garden court - saw Viking exhibit - Temple of Dendur - bus returned to Ridgefield 3:30 - home at 5:30. Wes had raked leaves at sheds - to Dick Hendy's wake in White Plains at 2 o'clock.

1981 - Friday - 54° at 6:30. Slept late. Raining .57 inch at 9 AM. None after that. Mostly cloudy day. Jule - Gizella and Alice Castle here for coffee at 8:15. Jule had spent night with Gizella. We picked up cleaned den sofa cover - Tete-a-tete bulbs at Ballard - pork chops from Brunetti - liquor - Agway Bethel for bird seed. Ordered powder room paper from Sherwin Williams - hot dog for lunch - Wes placed Belgian Block at turnaround - 25 pieces. I planted amaryllis and tulips in pots.
1982 - Saturday - at the Algonquin - cold, windy, sunny day - breakfast - walked to Altman - Plymouth Sloanes - Lord and Taylor - Florentine not open - looked at loveseats - soup coupes - fireplace screens - bought slip and bra - bus to Met. Museum Art - "Search for Alexander" show - luncheon (brunch) in Executive Dining Room - bus downtown - bought work jacket at Kreegers for Wes - to 5:10 Mass at St. Christopher's Chapel 43rd Street between 5th and Madison - dinner at Lindy's Times Square.