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November 11 

1978 - Saturday - 47˚ at 6:45 - cloudy - white clouds here - we didn't put out corn for Mallards - chased domestics and then put out corn. 
Picked up secretary chair from Wm. Fallman, Georgetown. Nice job. Wes worked on perennial garden drain all day. I cut below barn, across big bridge and side terrace, raking leaves as they were furrowed. Cleaned out bed of lily of valley at new shed. Painted (creosoted) unstained boards of shed and removed white planter box. 

1979 - Sunday - 46˚ at 6AM - cloudy - To 8 o'clock Mass - Rain almost all day. 1.35 inches. 
Wes cleaned up desk work - Took almost all day. I typed 25 copies of "Horticulture Hints" for Garden Club. 
Raised hem of navy/white Quiana robe. Wes went out only to feed ducks and birds.

1980 - Tuesday - 30˚ at 5:45 - Fair, very, very windy - impossible to stay outdoors - picked up fallen branches only. 
Early lunch - to Fabric Shop for blouse pattern - bananas at Stop  & Shop - shoelaces from Genovese - Wes got his new denture at 1 PM - looks good - to Senf Kitchens to look at equipment - same at St Charles at Scots Corners - Home to make zucchini bread and meatloaf for dinner 
Eileen phoned from Houston - coming home tomorrow late pm 

1981 - Wednesday - 38˚ at 6:00. Cloudy - became fair before noon. Boo woke us at midnight - 1 am to 2 am barking at some animal outside. Tony Ongaro placed flagstone for front walk. Dolly Wittman picked up all fireplace screens (3) and irons (2 pair) log dogs and basket. Mike caulked greenhouse in afternoon - need a roofer to put gard on roof (diverter) - raked leaves from greenhouse side - looks neater. Gizella and I went to Albano, Scotts Corner, for demonstration microwave oven. 

1982 - Thursday. 28˚ at 6:30. Beautiful morning. Walked Boo. To Mass
Wes had 10 AM appointment with Dr. Yanity to repair broken filling - I shopped Brunetti - bought rug at Bedients for shop entrance - we cut that to width and placed it. Wes and Alex went to Jessups for manure - slight drizzle in afternoon. I made soup - walked Boo. To Ruth Sharp's for drink at 5:15. 
Breshnev of Russia died yesterday. 

November 12
1978 - Sunday - 46˚ at 7 AM - cloudy - cleared at noon to a beautiful day. 
To 9:30 Mass. Walked to top of mountain - saw many striped maples - lots of laurel - many mossy rocks. Admired view over Shadow Lake and Danbury area. Discovered back of mount is very similar to the side
Prepared dinner for Helen and Alex - here at 5:15. Learned Alex resigning from Church Aesthetics Committee - his work on altar all in vain - not informed altar now being built.

1979 - Monday - 44˚ at 6:50 - Slept late - Cloudy. To Mass - Picked up Sweepstakes sheets from Louise McKeon for Garden Club meeting tomorrow - "delivered" her check for chances to Rectory.
Cleaned up flower bed below driveway. Lovell serviced tractors - has to return to fix water drain plug. I met Billie and Dolly Wittman at Greenhouse - went over fence repairs needed. I trimmed Memorial Garden. Home by lunch nap. Picked lettuce. Took more cuttings of Ilex Glabis and taxsus.

1980 - Wednesday - 32° at 6 AM. Sun 6:40 - 4:40 Fair, Cold, strong winds continuing
Indoor work in early morning - Wes cut wood to bring to Mary Sells - left at 11:45 for Heritage Hills - Cornells there also - had pleasant afternoon - home at 4:30 - Nap - cup of soup - stayed up to see repeat of "Pride and Prejudice" - Wes worked on house plans - Title search not yet received by Pat Crehan - 

1981 - Thursday - 32° at 6 AM - Fair - Windy
Walked Miss Boo before breakfast - No barking last night Left at 8 AM - Picked up bulbs for Greenfingers show from Howsie Nash - Dr Yanity appointments at 8:45 - both cleaned - I got back for filling replacement - shopped Brunetti - ordered turkey - and Bedients - Joan Mannion here after lunch to finish Powder Room wallpapering - Pat Haviland delivered gravel for overhang walk south and west side of house - Wes spread most of it - (3 tons)

1982 - Friday - 49° at 6:30 - Cloudy. Walked Boo. Wes brought down horse manure for the 3 vegetable beds - and the annex - skimmed off soil and put that in the perennial and shade garden. I transplanted the lettuce into the triangle garden. picking some for dinner salad. Scraped up remaining gravel behind perennial bed and put that at new steps where raccoon is digging. Eileen came at four o'clock - Spent the night. Rain started at 8 pm.