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November 19 1978 - Sunday - 26° at 6:45 - Clear - To 9:30 Mass. Prepared for Eileen's visit - here at Noon - brought ferns and spathiphyllum for dish garden - put it together. Wes balanced bank statement. Had quiche for lunch and blueberry cake. Eileen cut juniper branch for decorating her house. She left at 4:15. we read papers - relaxed in evening. 1979 - Monday - 28° at 6AM. Very foggy at breakfast time - cleared to a beautiful working day. To Mass. We bought posts for rhododendron screen - Another pair of blue jeans. Picked up wood from Jule. Wes repaired road damaged by topsoil delivery. I planted the Oliver dwarf perennials at weeping hemlock cleaned up bed at shed - pruned Sargeant Crab - made piecrust and pumpkin torte. 1980 - Wednesday - 22° at 6 AM - Fair - Cold day Trees all iced - beautiful sight. Picked up Helen Ross and Evelyn Leeman and on to Ballard Workshop for Flower Arranging - good demonstration. Home for lunch - we shoveled driveway clear of snow. Hobbies. 1981 - Thursday - 43° at 6 AM. Beautiful winter day - mild - around 54° in afternoon. To Mass. Stained board for secretary top and hanging shelf. I worked at Ballard 9-12, then shopped Ridgefield Hardware and Pinchbeck. Wes moved soil off terrace for vegetable garden. Took down stump South woods. Planted crocus bulbs for forcing. Ran lawnmower to use up gasoline. Put net around dwarf pine at mailbox against deer. 1982 - Friday - 42° at 7 AM. Cloudy - Cocktail Party Day. No rain luckily for the party - but pretty cold gloomy day. We cleared furniture from room center - cleaned - set out glasses - liquor, etc. Polly & Mary here at 4 pm - guests starting at 5:30 - Mulligans - Kellers - Hartcorns - Tracys - McKeons - Rosses - Stoddards - Sattlers - Ellises - Billie Mary Luke and Bruce Sobol - Sothings - Vargas - the Jessups never showed - Helen Stephenson phoned couldn't come. Successful party. We had a cup coffee at 9:30 November 20 1978 - Monday - 20° at 6 AM - Clear - Wes beat the arrival of the Mallards with the corn pitcher! Saw Morning Star over hill at breakfast time. Wes had snow tires put on car. I went with Gizella to Ballard Greenhouse flower arrangement workshop. I made Thanksgiving arrangement. Bulldozer spread fill on road and at [[strikethrough]] del [[/strikethrough]] West end bank - getting more for back road. Wes took shed trash across bed bridge - hope to get burning permit. I cut deadheads in perennial garden - cleaned bed foot of Ongara Wall. 1979 - Tuesday - 42° at 6:30. Foggy - cleared some but not bright sunshine of last few days. Wes to Mr Banks - picked up magnifier - left diningroom clock for checkup - striking slowly. I did 2 washes. To Ridgefield for liquor - miniature cyclamen for MQ (still in Hospital). Cleared daylily - astilbe beds across dam. Wes took in birdbaths and grill. Place looks in good shape. 1980 - Thursday - 20° at 6AM - Fair - little warmer in afternoon. To 7:30 Mass. Hobbies. To Agway for corn, thistle seed - have a lot of goldfinch - cord to tie up arborvitae which we did after lunch. Bethel Market for oatmeal - Basics for groceries. When outdoors after lunch, we saw big limb broken from white pine near shed - cleaned it up. Mike Mannion here at 6:15 to talk about house - architect will come on Mon. evening. 1981 - Friday - 44° at 6AM. Rain - thunderstorm in morning - light rain and fog and very dark after noon. .50 inches rain on Saturday morning. Thought more. Greenhouse floor washed (have to do it again). Still leaking where joins house. Howard connected the driveway light. Joan Mannion worked on upstairs bath paper. We bought guest bedspread at JC Penney - birdseed at Agway and large pots for agapanthus - shopped Basics - Wes had haircut Stopped at Powleski's lumberyard to ask for boards for veg garden 1982 - Saturday - 39° at 7:30 - cloudy - gloomy didn't see sun but no rain - not too cold but damp - no good for solar heat. Cleaned up after party - put furniture back - plug in fireplace - relaxed. After lunch to Brookfield hoped to see "Moonlighting" but unfortunately it was gone. Shopped Radio Shed for kitchen speaker - (haven't heard from antenna man) and Caldor for electric heater - vacuum - etc - didn't buy anything.
Transcription Notes:
Name is the "Sothings" not "Sottings" - a couple mentioned at the party. There was a Walter and Elise Sothing in Connecticut. I remember her mentioning an Elise.