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November 21

1978 - Tuesday - 32° at 6 AM - Cloudy - slow flurries all day long.
Took French Door screens to Apex for repair (Newtown) to Lexington gardens for brackets - flower supplies, Chrysanthemum - to Ridgefield Grand Union (fruit) had stopped in Bethel - cracked corn - picked up Bargello setup for secretary chair cushion - lunch at Ancient Mariner - liquor store - home - Wes burned old sheds - Fire Dept. came to check on blaze - I made blueberry sauce - Muffins - Spiced fruit

1979 - Wednesday - 30° at 5:45 - Foggy - cleared to a beautiful warm day. Eileen came up - we packed her car and left at 10:50 for Lock Haven - Routes 84 - 81 - 80 - picnic lunch enroute - arrived 4:30.
Joan & Hooker came soon after. Wes & I stayed at Keystone Motel - Eileen brought Heather - Jean Mar minded Lisa. Skeet stayed with Gus & Carolyn - To children's mass at 7 pm - saw Bridget & Sarah there

1980 - Friday - 15° at 6:30 - Frosty morning beautiful sunny day - warmer in afternoon. Took silver teapot to Alessi Silver clinic - will repair and resilver - takes 8 weeks. Transferred $10,000 from Ridgefield Saving Bank to Union Trust for property closing Monday. Madeline Morrison here to work on sachets. Wes put plow on tractor - cover over corner taxus - put lock on Jule's bird feeder

1981 - Saturday - 40° at 6 AM - fell to 38 at 6:45. Windy dreary cold day - no rain. Joan Mannion finished papering guest bath - looks good. Wes washed greenhouse tile - I put grout in den tile - cleaned garage - put rakes, lawnboy [[Lawn-boy]] and watering cans in crawl space. Put netting on plants against deer. Made ivy spiral.

1982 - Sunday - 44° at 6:30. Cloudy - Foggy - no sun or rain just fog ooze. To 8 o'clock Mass. Wes in shop. I made icebox chocolate cookies and pie crust - put them in frig - didn't bake. After lunch we put wire cages around azaleas on north fence - putting leaves around the small azaleas to protect from west sun. Put rose netting over them and taxus and Ilex glabra outside shop,TV reception poor for "To Serve Them all my Days" - disappointing

November 22

1978 - Wednesday - 30° at 6 AM - Cloudy - Light snow on ground - not on terrace or roads. Pat here one day early to clean. I looked for Thanksgiving Holiday. Wes bought new shower bar and installed it in his bathroom. He also installed brackets for hanging plants over dinette window. Dreary, cold day. Reinwalds and Skeet arrived 10:30 pm.

1979 - Thanksgiving Day - in Lock Haven - Breakfast with group - foggy, light rain day, but warm. Sally & Barbara arriving at noon. John & Jerry in NYC with John's sister. Great dinner and evening. We went to 10 o'clock Mass at St Agnes Church

1980 - Saturday - 36° at 6 AM - Fair - little milder. Morning spent on indoor chores - out before noon to take in white bench and chairs - bird baths. To movie theatre at Commerce Park for 3 pm showing of "Ordinary People" - very good - shopped Meekers and fabric store for sachet stuffing.

1981 - Sunday. 34° at 6 AM - Clearing - saw new moon at breakfast time. To 8 o'clock Mass. Wes balanced books - I hung "glass works" window ducks in kitchen - prepared for Eileen's visit - here at 11:30 with a big bread order, the blue guest room mirror - bun pans and flowers. Pleasant afternoon. After she left we hung the shelf in blue guest room (Eileen had also brought maple arm chair) shelf in guest bathroom - brass sconces in blue guest room and the mirror - Complete!

1982 - Monday. 52° at 7 AM - Foggy - some light mist in morning - cloudy all day. Wes had 10 o'clock appointment with Dr Yanity - one filling replaced. Dropped off papers in Reclamation enroute. I shopped Grand Central and Youngs for Euoy[[?]] - a wiltproof. Sprayed rhododendron (small ones) laurel, leucothoe, ilex and taxus. Wes worked in shop - couldn't weld bracket on boiler. I added a row of stitching to Boris Gerdinov needlepoint - rolled out 2 piecrusts - baked the chocolate icebox cookies. Wes split wood - put chips on path