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November 23

1978 - Thanksgiving Day - Reinwalds  and Skeet here - we went to 9:30 Children's Mass at St. Peter's. Eileen - Joan & Hooker & Mom here at noon. Dinner at 2 pm - turkey (from Brunetti’s) delicious - Magnum of champagne from Paris compliments of Eileen. Saw Holmden’s slides of October trip and some of our old ones - Eileen's group left at 8 pm for Tarrytown.

1979 - Friday - in Lock Haven - After long and delicious breakfast - went in two cars to Boalsberg near State College - craft and gift shops - lunched at Duffy's Tavern - day was so mild and sunny didn't need a coat - Also visited "Farm House" in Lock Haven where I bought fireplace stool - oak. Supper and talk with group.

1980 - Sunday - 17° at 6 AM - Cold, dreary day - better after lunch. To 8 o'clock Mass. 
Indoor hobbies in morning - made cranberry torte - pie crusts. Wes balanced books. 
After lunch we went to Ballard Garden and cleaned up long garden for the season. 
Raked leaves at astilbe bed front of livingroom. 
Chased geese twice - what a nuisance.

1981 - Monday - 28° at 6:30. Slept late - Sunny cold winter day - Wes to bank - Meekers for curtain rods for guestrooms. Scrubbed greenhouse floor again and I spot cleaned den. Howard located [[?]] path lights in Hartford - to be shipped down. To Greenwich in afternoon for 7" bulb pan (planted tulips.) Stopped at A&P for groceries. Men here to put guard on roof over greenhouse & said it couldn't be done.

1982 - Tuesday - 52° at 6 AM - Cloudy - dreary day but not cold. To Mass. Did a wash. Wes in shop - again not successful. Called Adalia at 10 AM - went down to pick up Sarouk rug - Stopped at Bridge Nursery enroute home - bought 2 ivies and miniature cyclamen and parsley - home for lunch. 
Fred Grouse road put in - we walked up later. Brought chips down to fill spots near veg. bins - Wes buried corner piece of half round log.

November 24 

1978 - Friday - beautiful day - 36° in morning - warm sun. Left at 8 AM for Eileen's - together the two cars went to NY Botanical Gardens - saw Snuf [[Snuff]] Mill Conservatory and Shop. Back to Tarrytown Hilton for lunch. To Alter's for bread - Skeet bought Turtle[[?]] which we used for centerpiece at supper. Home at 4:30 with Reinwalds - supper - All to bed early. 
(Reinwalds and Skeet with us)

1979 - Saturday - At Lock Haven - Left at 9:30 after breakfast for home. Light rain - very mild - cloudy only at Port Jervis - home at 3 pm - unloaded car - Eileen left for home. 
Dinner - read papers - a wonderful holiday

1980 - Monday - 36° at 6:30 - Light rain most of day. 
To bank to sign up for loan to buy Bogus Road property - borrowed $30,000 at 19% interest for 90 days. After lunch to Gemsa [[Gemza]] & Daly (attorneys for Eleanor Grouse) in Danbury for closing. Mike Mannion brought Charles Lester here at 7:30 pm & discussed plans for house and contractual arrangements. Prices scary.

1981 - Tuesday. 23° at 6 AM. To Mass. Fair cold day. Made guestbeds - put out towels - hung temporary draperies at windows. Wes split wood, almost filling bin. Made macaroons and brownies. Cooked turnip - rolled out pie crusts. Took bunny ivy apart - planted spiral - took Eileen's fuchsia apart -  put two plants in our[[?]] “Swingtime[[?]]” - Mike closed the greenhouse - stained the wood grey - Busy day

1982 - Wednesday - 49° at 6:45. Light rain .1 in gauge. Very windy - sun out in afternoon. 
Went early to Stop & Shop (everyone else did too) and Brunetti to pick up turkey. 
Rest of day I cooked for tomorrow - Wes split wood and cleaned den