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November 25

1978 - Saturday - 37° at 6:30 - Partly Cloudy - became sunny. Long breakfast. Reinwalds and Skeet left for Lock Haven at 9:45 - phoned later reached there about 5 pm after several stops. Joan, Hooker & Betty had left Helen’s at 7:45 for Pam & Tig’s. We went to dump - having missed T.R Friday. Did lots of washes and reset bedrooms - Planted several veg bought from Botanical Garden in ring pot. We cleared willow debris from pond. Very cold, wind in afternoon.

1979 - Sunday - 56° at 6:45 - Partly cloudy - cleared to warm - 72° - a bonus day. To 9:30 Mass as had a "coffee" for Kathy Guido and Marian Siegel for their service on the Social Committee. To Marcus afterwards. Then worked outdoors - Wes raked willow debris - we cut off daylilies at veg. garden and around tree across big bridge - used lawn boy there and at shed. Dug rest of carrots - pulled leeks & some lettuce. Planted cuttings of Emerald Gaiety among moss at foot of Ongars wall.

1980 - Tuesday - 44° at 6AM - Prepared dinner - Eileen coming at 5 pm - and pumpkin pies to take to Williamsville in the morning. To Garden Club meeting at 2 pm - slides of English garden. Eileen came with loads of bread - had a pleasant evening - watched "Little Lord Fauntleroy".

1981 - Wednesday - 24° at 6 AM - Fair - Prepared for holiday - picked up turkey and ham at Brunetti's - Bit's picture at Frame & Art Shop - to bank - Marcus & Basics - cooked vegetables - made pies - dusted house - Joan & Hooker and Pam came about four.

1982 - Thanksgiving - 27° at 6:30. Fair - sunny beautiful windy cold day - first time the sun was out in a long time. Finished preparations for dinner - Eileen, Boo, Mary and Irma here at noon - pleasant afternoon - good fire - house looked pretty. Bit phoned at dinnertime - Kelly phoned at 6 pm.

November 26

1978 - Sunday - 19° at 6:30 - Clear - Ice on both ponds. Raccoon had overturned corn tray - ducks were in tray and flew away when I refilled it - never returned all morning. Four landed on ice in afternoon but flew off without eating. To 9:30 Mass. Wes put dirt in garden shed today - had to pick it free. I planted Ivy Ring with small ivy bought at Botanical Garden. MQ and Jule here for dinner at 5 pm. Had ham not cooked for Reinwalds because they left day early.

1979 - Monday - 61° at 5:45. Raining - all day. High winds - lucky no loss of power - 2.90 inches. Indoor day - wrote letters to girls - sent them recipe for Pumpkin torte - cleaned house - did needlepoint. Bob Coller phoned we can pick up chairs Thursday - Wes phoned Warren Malkin on diningroom clock - ready Friday. Wes worked in shop.

1980 - Wednesday - clear and cold. Eileen stayed overnight with us - packed car and left at 8:30 for Williamsville - good trip - ate our lunch at Binghamton rest area. Light snow at Syracuse. Reached Joan & Hooker's at 4:30 - Reinwalds had just arrived.

1981 - Thanksgiving Day - Beautiful morning - clouded up in evening and a light rain. Joan, Hooker, Pam here - We had breakfast then to St. Elizabeth Seton's for 9 AM service - Deacon Joe Molnar, Eileen, Bit, Mike & Skeet came there - had coffeecake here following - Kelly and Barbara arrived after one o'clock - We had dinner - a 19 lb. turkey too big for our oven - Pleasant day - They left for Tarrytown at 10 pm.

1982 - Friday - 29° at 7 AM. Cloudy - some drizzle in afternoon - very high winds in evening. Quiet day cleaning up after Thanksgiving - put plug back in fireplace - washed napkins - ironed. Wes picked up repaired front door screen - made pulls for den draperies.I put another row around border of Boris Godunov needlepoint. Read "Smiley's People" - Eileen brought it up yesterday.