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November 29

1978 - Wednesday - 17° at 6 AM - Cloudy - sun came then to give a fair afternoon. Wes worked in shop in morning - then broke free some of big stones in new roadfill - let down output cover over corner taxus at grass terrace - I washed worked in house in morning - joined Wes to put bulbs around front rhododendrons - rearranged bird feeder - squirrels getting into small Droll Yankee - saw 8 squirrels at one time. 

1979 - Thursday - 28° at 6 AM - Fair cold day - Shop hour for Wes. I picked up the two Chippendale Side chairs from Bob Caller. Shopped Brunetti’s for meat- Stop & Shop groceries - wine & cheese - had Lauren & Steve for lunch - Wes had raked leaves in back - put board over end Taxus - we picked up the leaves - put peat moss under and over spruce in big tub - put it in garage. Switched diningroom window table for livingroom with new chairs - think it looks good.

1980 - Saturday - Morning in Williamsville - Cold - snow flurries but not much accumulation. Left Holiday Motel at 7:40 - Thruway Pembroke for breakfast - filled thermos with coffee - good drive down Thruway to Newberry and Route 84. Had picnic lunch in car - passed van on fire near New Paltz - home at 4:15. Chased geese - Eileen realizes how dirty they are - Drink - dinner - early to bed. Good trip.

1981 - Sunday - 34° at 5:45. Re 1978 - we have 9 very fat squirrels at Bogus. Fair cold windy day. To 8 o'clock mass. Did another wash - finished the guests' laundry - ironed tablecloth. Wes moved the hanging plant hook in upstairs bath to give better light - I put fuschia on hook in crawlspace. I touched up brown fruit on heat covers in den. Ate lunch in greenhouse - 70°. To Mary Luke's at 6 pm for cocktails & pasta.

1982 - Monday - 38° at 7 AM - Light rain for an hour - 9/10 in rain gauge. Temperature rose to 52° in PM. Wes brought up 3 wheelbarrows of split logs. I trimmed wall garden - picked leaves from plants - raked upper grass. Used Lawnboy to cut "Boo" spots - then did top of septic field. Brought down couple pails of manure for perennial garden. Wes edged grass and cliff at daylilies. To Ruth Sharp's at 5:15 for a drink.

November 30 

1978 - Thursday - 34° at 6 AM - Cloudy - had some rain during night but not enough to melt snow - became sunny in morning - cloudy again in afternoon. Wes worked in his shop. Pat here to clean house. I went to Greenhouse - worked several hours - shopped Grand Union Yarnbee (light pink wool for cushion) Appalachian Shop (Christmas mats) afterwards. Sewed mats after lunch. Quiet afternoon. Ducks in overflow pool - walked up for corn - squirrels & crows had finished it. 

1979 - Sunday - 25° at 5:45 - Fair cold day - glad we did so much outdoor work in recent days. To Mass, picked up diningroom mantel clock at Mr Banks - bought flowers for table Sunday - shopped Grand Union & Marcus. Polished livingroom brass. To Mary Luke's for a drink at 5:30 - picking up Ruth Sharp - Alex & Helen there returned from their trip on Wednesday.

1980 - Sunday - 32° at 6 AM - Breakfast with Eileen - she left for home at 6:45. To 8 o'clock Mass. Learned there Alex Ross had an accident Saturday - He is okay but the car was wrecked. Met Mike Mannion Bogus Road and made measurements for house - Came back to house and discussed house plans - caught up on some of papers. Mostly sunny, windy cold day. Heard there was heavy rain here while we were away.

1981 - Monday - 28° at 6 AM - clear - cold - sunny windy in morning - wind stopped in afternoon. Lovely relaxing day. To Candle Shop - bought 2 wicker chairs and a table for Greenhouse - to Gregory's [[Nilbon?]] for oak boards for vegetable garden, which were delivered at 5 pm. Mike brought peg boards for garage - installed cap boards around chimneys, recaulked side of house above greenhouse (was leaking) Wes split wood - I cut grape vines & made wreath. Had lunch in Greenhouse 70° 

1982 - Tuesday - 44° at 6 AM - Beautiful sunrise at breakfast time. Good day. Worked outdoors in sweaters only. To 7 o'clock mass. 
To Caldor’s to buy electric heater for Solar - paint for Wes' engine - they didn't have red [[markers?]] for driveway. 
Lunch and nap. Wes split wood. Moved big stone from realigned path to bog garden. I went over cliff and sawed down six small trees.