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December 13

1978 - Wednesday - 22° at 6AM - Beautiful sky at breakfast time. Watched 3 Mallards fly by - we haven't put out corn since pond froze and last snow.
Left at 8:45 for bank and white Plaines - 10 o'clock appointments with Dr. DeCarlo - cleaning only - No cavaties. Learned he would return July 1st. To new restaurant "Viebarea[[guess]] Station" for lunch - Shopped Altmans - Bergdorf's - Bloomingdale's - Very little luck. Home at 330.

1979: Thursday - 36 degrees at 6AM - Raining - most of day & lightly in late afternoon - Hobby hour in AM. To Filenes's at 11:30 - she gave us lunch. To Altman's bought towels for Wes' bath, dish rack; Bloomingdale for basement clock - Salton hot tray (on order) Bergdorf's for sweater/jacket and tie for Wes. To Elks for Jessee Fresco's retirement party (I drove as Wes's contact out of place) Lots of former associates there - home at 8 pm 

1980 - Saturday - 32 degrees at 6AM - clear sunny winter day. Hostess at Aldrich Flower Show 9 - 12 Lunch with Wes - Alex and Helen at Topsbones following
Mailed Christmas cards - looked for Christmas presents for Mary and Eileen - No luck. Home for nap - Returned to Aldrich to bring back all entries. 

1981 - Sunday - 22° at 6 AM  - stars and moonlight beautiful winter day - 72° in Solar Room at 11 am. To 8 o'clock Mass. Wrote Christmas cards - almost finished. To Alex & Helen's at 11:30 from there in Billie's car, as her guests. To The Inn for luncheon. Home at 3 pm - to airport Farmers Market for balsam, strap for tree base - lit tree at dark - need couple more light strings. Caught up on papers 

1982 - Monday - 10° at 7 AM  clear. Kitchen very cold - Solar 40°. Will have to take plants out in cold weather and keep door closed. Distributed some plants around house - upstairs south windows and in living room Later in afternoon brought remaining plants into kitchen and closed door to Solar for the night. To Dr. Yanity who repaired my broke back tooth - to Reclamation center - Bedients - Brunetti - Print Shop with botanic prints Eileen gave us - home for late lunch & nap. Wes split wood - I filled bird feeder - cleaned walk. Write 10 more Christmas cards. 

December 14

1978 - Thursday - 30° at 6 AM - High gusty winds Sun 712 - 429. Pat here to clean.
I worked at Ballard Greenhouse 9:30/11 - then grocery shopped and found a French cuff shirt for Wes' Christmas. Made date nut loaf and brownies
No outdoor work account high winds

1979 - Friday - 28° at 545. Sun 7:12 - 4:29 Fair and cold - No outdoor activity except for birds and ducks - Hobby hour - I finished velvet skirt Restrung pearl bracelet. To bank after lunch (deposited [[?]]een & ICP chick) picked up tap at automotive store - Marcies for eggs and ice cream. Make blueberry muffins & coffee cake.

1980 - Sunday. 20° at 6 AM - cold - high winds - snow flurries at 3 o'clock - cleared at sunset To 8 o'clock Mass. To Marbenich home - they are selling some of their trees and donating money to church - Not for us - very skinny. Bought Douglas Fir and [[?]] at Covered Bridge - too cold to decorate. Brought out red candle - all brass candlesticks.

1981 - Monday - 22° at 6:30. Sun 7:12 - 4:29. Cloudy morning - Left at 8:45 for gas and bank - on to Garfield Wolar Greentrough, bought 2 lamps for garage. - to Altman for grey towels. Notepad for Mary - Bloomingdales for bathroom hook - more dowels. To Pas[[?]]ow at 12 - met Delta & Vernon Schneider - Ed Teelaw - Bob & Davis Doesch, Lon & Edythe Straehl - good time and luncheon - home at 4 pm just when snow started - turned to sleet before going to bed.

1982 - Tuesday - 16° at 6 AM  - Fair - Not as cold as yesterday - Solar was 26° with door closed - Kept it shut all day although it went to 60° at noon.
To Mass.
Wrote more Christmas cards - Wes split wood and put reflectors in driveway to protect stone wall
I shoveled snow from stone terrace - filled bird feeders - put out more suet in wire holder. Cooked pork tenderloin and chicken