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December 15

1978 - Friday - 27° at 5:45 - cloudy cold morning cleared in afternoon. To 7:30 Mass. Ducks at corn
Wes polished brass handles of one drawer of secretary.
To Pinchbeck for Christmas tree - red pine $15.00 I put pine sprays at front door, garage and mailbox; roping at light and over diningroom window - small white lights on dogwood. Alex & Helen stopped by - gave us cyclamon & small angel arng

1979 - Saturday. 14° at 6:45 - Slept in - I am fighting a sore throat - better by end of day. House cleared - Hobby hours for Wes - then he polished den brass and cleaned there. I shopped at A&P (Maxwell coffee 2.49 with coupon) before Women's Club luncheon at Red Lion - Shopped Shop & Stop enroute home - Lots of traffic - To Marilyn and John Dellman's at 5:30 for punch - Home at 7 for dinner - saw "Miracle on 34th St." Old movie on T.V. Shah went to Panama

1980 - Monday - 16° at 6:30 - No ducks waiting for corn - couple came in later - Took the Ross' ivy ring and poinsettia back to them - visited poor Pat Coller. - bought meat at Brunetti and liquor and groceries at Copp's Hill - all stores crowded as snow predicted. Home for lunch and nap. Put burlap around leatherleaf and ilex glabra - fed birds - put out another feeder - Light snow in evening  

1981 - Tuesday - 32° at 6 AM. Dark. gloomy winter day - not much snow, about an inch, and light rain off and on during day. To Mass. Wes put up shelf in Powder Room - don't like it - need a print. To Basics - Reeds - bathrobe for me - gloves for Wes - had lunch there - To Brunetti to order Christmas turkey - Wes to Ridgefield hardware - to Caldor for Calculator - liquor store. Home at 4 pm 

1982 - Wednesday - 20° at 7 AM - Slept late - Wes put heat on at 5:45 - good and warm - Sun coming up. Sun 7:15-4:31 - Fair beautiful day. Much milder.
Left at 9 for bank - gas and White Plains - very disappointing shopping at Bloomingdale's - bought red vest for Wes at Saks - On to Consider the Cook at Cross River - bought basket for Powder Room and other kitchen articles there - hardware at shopping center there - home at 3 pm - nap - out for wood - put salt hay on peony -

December 16

1978 - Saturday - 20° at 5:45 - To 7:30 Mass - a beautiful winter day - warmer than yesterday. Wes polished brass handles of another drawer of secretary. I polished dining room table and waxed floors. To Meekers for more little tree lights - only had one string and no feeder tray. We rearranged tree lights and added new string. To Penitential Service at 4:15 & 5 o'clock Mass. To Vargas at 6 for dinner - Jule's birthday dinner - she and Mary sick and in bed.

1979 - Sunday - 29° at 6 AM - Light misty rain part of day - temperature rose to 36°. To 8 o'clock Mass.
Strung cranberries and popcorn for "bird tree". Set up tree at front door - put on lights - Swept terrace
Alex picked up his picture to display at his artist group in Branford. 

1980 - Tuesday - 27° at 6 AM - Cloudy - about 3 inches light snow - Wes shoveled driveway & terrace. More light snow in evening. To 7:30 Mass. Indoor day - did wash. Got Medicare form and doctor bills to send to Metropolitan for refund. Pulled out a lot of old photographs of house & grounds. Saw one Evening Grosbeak on terrace

1981 - Wednesday - 32° at 6 AM - Snowing - about 3 inches more - sun out at 10 am - high 42° but all snow didn't melt. Wes took car for 25,000 mile change - stopped several times on way. I made cookies. Mike plowed out driveway - unknown to us until he came with his fuel bill for house at four. Wes took car after lunch to have 4 snow tires put on. Left at 5:30 - picked up Terry & Lucienne and went to Father Tighe's at Stamford for dinner - all Ridgebury there. Home at 11:20

1982 - Thursday. 53° at 6 AM - ! Raining - heavy at times in morning - Stopped in afternoon.
Believe it was 1 1/2 inches - hard to read -
Finished writing Christmas cards - however three came in will answer tomorrow.
Wes hung basket and fake spider plant in Powder Room - I worked with plants - trimming and thinning. Out only to read rain gauge - Birds not eating heavily may be because it is mild. Holmdens sent Tete-a-Tete - put them planted in frig.