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December 19

1978 – Tuesday – 16° at 6:15. – Fair, beautiful winter day. Snow predicted tomorrow, so went to bank, Stop & Shop (their coffee $1.69 with coupon) liquor store (wine for Eileen – champagne for Rosses) Caldor for Wes' waterpik and Qiana sheets. Home for lunch nap, cleaned up cellar – wrapped liquor gifts – delivered to Ross’es. Very little time for hobbies. No checks – lots of birds

1979 – Wednesday – 14° at 6:15 – Cold all day – snow flurries mid-morning – all day – about 2 inches Wes put plow on tractor – brought it to garage – brought Christmas tree in from garage – water in bag was frozen – All Christmas ornaments up from cellar – Terry Keller brought two poinsettias From Lexington Gardens. Picked up Billie Newell – to Arch for dinner. Mary Quarmby very ill – still in hospital –

1980 – Friday – 33° at 6:15 – Cloudy morning – cleared in afternoon increasingly colder and windy. Cleaned house – prepared lunch for Cornell’s & Mary Sells here at 12:30. Pleasant afternoon. Picked up Billie at 6 pm and went to Mary Luke's for drinks. Met Karen and Nagle – Barbara and Bruce Sobol
Saw the Grosbeak again. More cardinals coming to terrace.

1981 – Saturday – 16° at 7 AM – forgot to look at 6:30 Fair, sunny day – cold but 70° in Greenhouse at noon. Did house chores in morning. Wes had time in shop.
To church at 5 pm for Pentecostal Service & Mass then to Kellers for dinner party - neighbors & [?] people the Bells (she is Japanese) Tom Clarke - Father McCormack. Saw Evening Grosbeak at noontime.

1982 - Sunday - 25° at 7 AM - cloudy - went to 32°  in afternoon and stayed there. Looked like snow. Different Sunday morning as no 8 o'clock Mass. I finished decorating the small Christmas tree - made red bows for mirrors. To Harbeorn's at 11:15 for home Mass. Kellers, McKeons, Rosses there -  followed by lunch - very nice gathering - Father Tighe said Mass of course.
En route home we shopped for Christmas tree - made 4 stops to find one - set it in Solar & put on lights - looks wonderful.

December 20

1978 - Wednesday - 18° at 6:30 - cloudy - looked like snow all day, but nothing until rain at night - the temperature rose. Two Evenings Grosbeaks on terrace.
Wes worked in cellar shop.
I finished coasters for Jule - let out seam in long tweed skirt - redid a whole seams in [[?]] blouse - Picked up two metal trays from Danbury Sheet Metal Co. - and paid for them.

1979 - Thursday - 14° at 6 AM - Mary Quarmby died last night at 8:30 - visited Jule stayed until Joe McCarthy arrived. Waiting word from Carl on arrangements.
Beautiful winter day. Wes shoveled terrace and driveway. Cleaned and polished diningroom chairs. Put lights on Christmas tree and around livingroom windows, waited for dark to check them - then put ornaments on tree. Carolina Wren and Evening Grosbeaks on terrace. No Mallards last two days

1980 - Saturday - 6 below at 6:30 - clear cold day. High 19° - 0° again at bedtime.
Had car washed - shopped Basics & Marcus - went to bank. Shop hours for Wes. I took out seams in long skirt - not getting fat just a better line.
To Pentecostal Service at 4:30 - Mass following. To Hardcorns at 7 pm met Carol and Jack Grasso -  
Walter and Lydia - the Kellers & Sister Margaret.

1981 - Sunday. 15° at 7 AM - Fair. Cold day Quiet day for us. Wes put nail in handle of my shovel. I used microwave to make Indian Pudding and our dinner. Took broken zipper from blue tweed skirt. Out only to fill feeder. Lunch in greenhouse - it is warm when sun is out.

1982 - Monday - 29° at 7 AM - Cloudy - a light dusting of snow overnight - gloomy day - no sun but not too cold - rose to 35° for most of day.
Wes split wood - I brushed and shoveled sidewalk and terrace - made cookies - looked for a skirt pattern.
Sent notice to AT&T to stop reinvesting dividends. Ordered Christmas meat from Brunetti by phone. Sun, if we had any, was 7:18 - 4:33.