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December 21

1978 - Thursday - 40° at 6 AM - Raining Sun 7:17 - 4:31 - cleared at noon - beautiful for a short while - looked like spring - then very high winds and colder.
Pat here to clean - Terry Keller delivered pink poinsettia - Wes made shelf stops for secretary. I polished brass & copper & silver. To Meeker to pick up tray for Yankee Droll feeder. Set up & decorated Christmas trees. Ducks around all day.

1979 Friday 19° at 6 AM. Sun 7:17 - 4:31 Cold dreary winter day. To Mass - called on Jule afterwards - to Ridgefield to shop - groceries - paid real estate taxes - left miniature cyclamen for Pat Coller - did Post Office errand for her - home for lunch - put pine branches around tree - decorated mantel - made bourbon balls. Ron Nurnberg returned dining room chair cushions. Wes finished "Greenhouse Frame" for leaf cuttings tray.

1980 - Sunday - 4° below at 6:30 - Leisurely breakfast account Mass last evening 
Sun 7:16-4:31. Winter arrived just before noon.
Set up tree - at night realized will have to adjust lights.
Made Bourbon Balls. Eileen returned from L.A. yesterday
Out only to feed birds and bring up wood. 
Someone cut off spruce at West End.

1981 - Monday - 9° at 6:15. Made oatmeal in microwave - not as good as our old way
To Bank - Haircut for me - Brunetti’s - Bissett's - left gifts for Mailpersons at Post Office - bought [[trite wine??]] for Rosses and Cyclamen for Ruth Sharp - to Shadow Lake Orchard for apples, being run now by Scotty's helper. Home for lunch in Greenhouse - sun was lovely. 
Raked snow from driveway - Wes split wood.
Winter arrived 5:51 pm - Sun 7:16-4:31

1982 - Tuesday. 31° at 6:15. Dark. Sun 7:19-4:33. Winter arrive 11:39 tonight.
To Mass. To bank for crisp bills for Christmas gifts - Wes' prescription filled - Basics for a few groceries - wine from liquor store there.
Wrapped Christmas presents - Wes split wood. I used last of salt hay to cover Coral Bells - everything in good shape outside. Did a little needlepoint.
Wes made last part of locomotive 

December 22

1978 - Friday - 28° at 6 AM. Sun 7:17 / 4:32 - Fair, beautiful winter day. To 7:30 Mass and Marcus afterwards. Wes put plate stopper in lowest Secretary shelf. I made Bourbon Balls.
  We raked debris (amazing amount) under willow below barn = Wes walked on in to pick up rocks thrown by children near willow. Wes had a couple hours  in shop - I worked on secretary pillow  To Rosses at 5:30 for cocktail party - Wendy, Karen, Pam & Allan there.

1979 - Saturday - 31° at 5:45 - Sun 7:17 - 4:32. To Mass. Wes to Bethel Agaway - water conditioner salt - sunflower seed for Eileen ($13.99 - 50 lbs) - hardware cloth to make Impatiens Tower. I made cookies - Took some to Vargas and Jule - picked up our house keys. 4 Domestic White Ducks decorated our bridge. Two roosted in Moraine. To Penetential Service at 4:15. To Hartcorns at 6:30 for diner. Milder day - but very damp and dreary

1980 - Monday - Minus three at 6:45 - Good to sleep in. Sun 7:17-4:32. Beautiful winter day - cloudy in late afternoon - too cold to stay out - made cookies - waxed floors. Wes completed the piston rings. Hung rope at livingroom window.

1981 - Tuesday - 28° at 6 AM - Lightly snowing - about 1 1/2 inches - temperature rose to 34° in afternoon - cloudy gloomy afternoon. Indoor chores - put up temporary curtains in our bedroom & bath - started apple cone - needs pineapple. Wes shoveled walk & had shop time.  To Brigid & Hugh Mulligan's at 7 pm. lots of St Elizabeth Seton parishners there. Home at midnight.

1982 - Wednesday - 27° at 7 AM - Fair beautiful winter day - high 38° -
I helped Alex and Louise set up crib in Church. trimmed juniper there and taxus on Moreau place - home at lunch time. Wes had worked in shop and split wood after lunch and nap walked out Langobroth and back in Scodon. Swept terrace, picked up leaves. Made Bourbon Balls and Pecan cookies .. Lots of woodpeckers - Brown Creeper around