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December 23

1978 - Saturday - 18° at 6AM - clear - beautiful winter day - To Mass - Brunetti for rib roast - to Stones for epoxy solvent - to Lexington Gardens for white stones for new plant trays (will not finish the painting until after Christmas account smells) bought Cuisinart French Fry Cutter - decided to cut our own greens as 75¢ a lb there - home to decorate big windows inside - split wood - to 5pm Mass - first in new church.

1979 - Sunday - 34° at 6AM - light rain in A.M. Cleared for a beautiful, mild afternoon - high 52°. After 8AM Mass we picked up our Christmas order at Brunetti's. Place salt hay on heathes and minature perennials - lilies and coralbells in perennial garden. Restuffed duck feeder - tied arborvitae at barn. Washed car.

1980 - Tuesday - 24°at 6AM. Snow flurries in morning - cleared at sunset. To Mass. To Ridgefield - picked up turkey at Brunetti's, bought wine, [[?]] slippers for Eileen. Put tinsel on tree - repositioned star - looks good with lights on. Alex and Helen here at 6:30 for drink and soup - Alex had painted the crib figures. 

1981 - Wednesday - 34° at 6:15 - Very foggy morning but milder - sun came out at noon - burner man seems to have corrected oil leak. Picked up turkey from Brunetti - bought red table runner from linen shop and a few grocery supplies. Wes polished brass [[?]] - I finished apple cone and did more decorating. Washed car.

1982 - Thursday - 28°at 6AM - cloudy. light dusting of snow overnight. Sun 7:20 - 4:35. Some snow flurries during morning - Shoveled half [[?]] from walk. To Mass. To Brunetti Grand [[?]] Cheese Shop - Home for a Martini lunch + nap. Finished wrapping presents - did needlepoint. Wes gave UPS and TR their Christmas bill and I delivered cocktail napkins to Ruth Sharp. Restocked suet feeders. Made Christmas Pie.

December 24 

1978 - Sunday - 12° at 7AM. 6 ducks came for corn. Wes had put out corn before over breakfast - they lie on their feet for warmth! Wes put up rack for Cuisinart cutters - relocated on back of cabinet door over machine. I cooked for tomorrow's dinner - beets - Christmas wreath pie - etc. Decorated chandelier. To 6:30 Carols and 7 pm Mass - new church -snow started as we left house. Home at 8:15 to open presents - Royal Copenhagen Goose! 

1979 - Monday 38° at 6AM - Damp, overcast day - mild, but miserable! To 7:30 Mass. looked for tomorrows - beets, turnip/potato - Christmas wreath pie. Cleaned house. Wes put bird feeder at kitchen window on pulley. He worked in shop. To 7pm Mass - very crowded and noisy. Very foggy driving. Dinner and opened presents.

1980 - Wednesday - 14° at 6AM - Sun 7:18 - 4:33. Fair early. cloudy by noon - snow started about 3pm not much accumulation. looked for Christmas dinner in morning. To [[?]] man at St peter - church was beautiful - picked up Wes' prescription - [[Marcu?]] and gasoline. Glad to be in during afternoon snow. 9 Mallards for corn. 

1981 - Thursday - 28°at 6:45 - Hazy sunshine melted a lot of snow and ice. Wes chipped ice on turnarounds. Roses brought fresh bowl for Christmas. I cooked for tomorrow - did some cleaning. To bank, Markus[[?]] and Shdow Lake Orchard for cider. To 6:30 Mass - driving on Old Mill to see our tree - looked good - GW Highway to see Freeman lights on bridge [[?]] (awful) Mass was [[?]] & noisy - Never again.

1982 - Friday - 34°at 7:30 - slept late - felt good. Foggy - sun 7:20 - 4:35 Fog all morning - some sunshine afternoon - fogged in again by 4PM. - 46°. I started preparation for tomorrow's dinner - made salads - browned meat. Wes split word. In afternoon we cut down little trees in bog garden - thinning out that area - looks good.
[[?]] family sang carols - Howard Castle asked us to come back with them to his house but we reqretted.