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December 27

1978- Wednesday- 22° at 6:15- Fair - Saw mink on far bank of pond at breakfast time. Sun 7:19/4:35. 5 ducks in for corn. Fair day except for few snow flurries at noon. I shopped Brunetti's for pot roast for dinner - Shopped at "Silk Purse" to look at cupboard. Wes worked in shop.
MQ & Jule here at 5 pm for dinner - Mary going to Canada Friday. 

1979- Thursday- 31° at 6:30. Mostly fair winter day - Sun 7:19-4:34 - breezy
Quiet day - hobby work - I finished velvet vest. 
Howard Castle came in to look at bathroom switch - needs replacement - discussed lights over livingroom door - told us Woods were in Cleveland.
Watched Mallards flyoff - 4 white ducks also fly home.  

1980- Saturday - 10° at 6:15. Fair, beautiful winter day. Prepared house for visit of Freemans here 9:45/10:30. Took measurements, asked questions, nothing said about contract - they return from vacation on Jan 12th. Did wash. Wes fed birds and ducks who fly in during day for corn. Eileen stopped by going home from Hartford with big new dog - Buttons, Bichon Frise, Parfait Kennel  There are now 6 Grosbeaks on terrace.

1981 - Sunday - 32° at 6AM - Dark  Sun 7:19-4:34 Light flurries - icy rain - at bedtime it was 34° To 8 o'clock Mass.
Prepared for guests invited 2-5 - came about 3 pm - Judy Judson (Don's father ill) Castles - Vargas Haushens - Vivien sick so Hermes didn't come - Wilkes and Eleanor. Not much food eaten.

1982 - Monday - 28° at 7 AM - Cloudy day. damp - few sprinkles in afternoon. Snow 7:21-4:39. 
Shop hours for Wes. Paid Real Estate and Conn. Dividend taxes  Wrote to Mystic Seaport Museum who reversed package to Holmden's and Reinwalds. To bank and Marcus before lunch. Wes split wood - we rolled big log down into  back of bog garden area - Wes moved gasoline barrels to north a bit so they won't show from front walk - raked up chips to put on path to wood pile - did a few more sheets for new telephone directory. "Tinker Tailor" repeat at night - enjoyed it.

December 28

1978 - Thursday - 20° at 6 AM - cold, sunny day Sun 7:20/4:35.
Wes worked in shop
Pat Melles here to clean
Helene Merrick here at 12:30 - plan Sweepstakes for Year.
Took nap before going to Helen & Alex at 6 pm for dinner - Lucienne & John Hartcorn there - Kellers regretted as relatives visiting.

1979 - Friday - 30° at 6 AM. Sun 719-4:35 - Beautiful winter day - sunny and breezy. To Mass.
I transplanted 6 Tiny Dill Cucumbers at Ballard Greenhouses - took "Onward & Upward in the Garden" book to Madeline Green. shopped Brunetti's and Grand Central. Wes went to bank - [[Mailers?]] & gas - $1.16 for regular - Jimmy (Castle Electric) changed bathroom [[switch?]]. To Ruth Sharp's at 7 pm. eggnog-buffet.

1980 - Sunday - 26° at 6 AM - Sun 7:20-4:36
Part sleet and snow in morning - very light.
To 8 o'clock Mass. Quick day of hobbying and catching up on papers. Watched "Shadow Box"on TV in evening.

1981 - Monday. 28° at 7 am. Fair. Sun 7:20 -(paper said 7:19) 4:35. Mostly sunny day - good to see if Cotton Patch Design delivered sewing machine cabinet at 10:30 - set up machine and asked if They ran out of gasoline on Sophia Hill and returned to take what we had in red can. We took Helen & Alex to Stone Henge [[Stonehenge]] for her birthday luncheon. Home at 3:30 for a long nap. Read papers - had soup.

1982 - Tuesday - 46° at 6 AM - Dark - cloudy day - mild but no sun - mist all morning - put out Rosemary plant. Sun 7:21-4:38.
To Mass. I finished telephone directory - sent for vitamins.
We worked in shop.
To Ruth Sharp's at 5 - Eggnog party - big crowd. Home at 6:45 for soup and coffee. Dropped Wes off at Morris' for Mel's birthday cake and I went out with Gizela to Rectory for landscaping meeting. Castles brought Wes home at 10:15. I reached home at 10:45

Transcription Notes:
[[note]] There was a Stonehenge Restaurant in Ridgefield which closed in 2017. I think she just didn't spell it correctly. It is the only thing that makes sense. Researched this to find a name for the place.