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December 29

1978 - Friday - 10° at 6 AM - Beautiful winter day. Sun 7:20/4:36. To 4:30 Mass
To Lord and Taylor, Eastchester, to exchange flannel nightgown and pajamas.  I bought glove - Wes found nothing.  To Olliver's White Plains, where met Eileen, for lunch.  Home at 3:30- nap.  To Ruth Sharp's at 5:30 for eggnog party.

1979 - Saturday - 31° at 6 AM - Another beautiful winter day - we feel lucky. Over 40 in afternoon and sunny. To 7:30 Mass. Called on Helen Ross - her birthday - brought her miniature Cyclamen left silhouette of diving Falcon with Ruth Sharp. Walked our place -- picked up willow branches - Wes brought in wood. Hobbies in afternoon.

1980 - Monday - 34° at 7 AM. Very foggy. Watched 12 Mallards wander over snowy lawn - 14 more came in and they all dived for the corn. Fog until noon - airports shut down - cloudy in afternoon. Wes to Agway for corn and the thistle seed - to bank - To Ridgefield - paid real estate taxes - bought calendar. Met Alex and Helen at Ancient Mariner for Helen's birthday luncheon. Saw creche made by Alex at St. Mary's Home for nap and hobby hour.

1981 - Tuesday - 35° at 6 AM. Fair, sunny day  cold wind but 72° in greenhouse at noon.
To 7:30 o'clock mass. Bought sunflower seed (50 lbs for Eileen - $15.95 plus tax) and thistle seed - Basics and Green Electric for blue bulbs for Outside lights. Lunch and nap - washed hair - Wes had shop time - I unpacked sewing supplies - put them in new cabinet and guest room chest. To Ross' party at 5:15 with Tibor, Gizella - home 7:30

1982 - Wednesday - 52° at 6 AM. Sun 7:22 - 4:39. Cloudy, gloomy day - not cold however.
Wes had shop time - split wood
I threw out old magazines and catalogs. Took Helen, Alex and Wendy Parker to lunch at Rene Chardain - Route 123 & West Lane - good meal Home at 3 for nap - read paper - did needlepoint. To Father Tighe, St. Leo's Stamford - for dinner. Ridgebury neighbors there.

December 30

1978 - Saturday - 18° at 6 AM - Sun 7:20/4:38. Beautiful winter day. To 7:30 Mass - over to Stop and Shop afterwards and filled car with gasoline  Used high test to help car start -
Hobbies balance of day - Thomas McCaffrey of Brookfield picked up cocktail table for refinishing

1979 - Sunday - 37° at 6:15 - Beautiful winter day. To 8 o'clock Mass.
Wes replanted live Christmas tree - ground wasn't frozen - grass still looks green
To Tracy's at 1 pm for cocktail party - lots of good things to eat - back home at 3 for nap. Eileen and Curtises at Auberge Maxime - were to come by - but too late to drive up. Lots of Mallards - 4 White Domestics fly off about 5 pm.

1980 - Tuesday - 35° at 6 AM. Dark Sun 7:20 - 4:37. Cleared to sunny, winter day. Have had towhee on terrace since last week. 19 Mallards in morning and night - eat and fly - I consolidated Russell Jones' cookbooks - put some books in "give-away" box.
We sorted checks for tax - adding up contributions
To Danbury for tank of acetylene for Wes' shop. To Ruth Sharp's for eggnog at 5 pm.

1981 - Wednesday - 24° at 6:30  Fair - cold but sunny - a good winter day. Left at 9:15 - bought gas on to Pleasantville - looking at old houses along Bedford Road in Eileen's "Coloring Book" - to cemetery to see graves and markers. To Saks to exchange blue towels for jeans for me (no better color towel there) 20 Eileen's for lunch & then to Shemen's Nursery Greenwich - bought Lantana Cyclamen - Button Fern - Basket - home at 4:30 pm.

1982 - Thursday - 28° at 6:30 - Saw eclipse of moon 5:30/7 o'clock AM. Fair beautiful day - first in weeks. Sun 7:22 - 4:39. Had luncheon on Solar.
To Basics for supplies. Worked outdoors moving old logs and boards in pallet of wood pile north side of house to place behind trees and in back of wood pile - to improve view from front walk. Much better.
To Timanelle's at 6:30 for dinner - Rosses and Tracys there