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enough to emphasize the importance of developing a positive, attractive personality.

No better word for describing a pleasing personality can be found than CHARM and if we set about to make ourselves a magnet to charm and attract people to us by our very pleasant personality, there is no force great enough to keep us from achieving a full measure of success, providing of course, our energies are guided in useful enterprise.

As a beautician you will keep your thoughts and conversation with your customers clean and wholesome, orderly and constructive. You will be solicitous, courteous, accommodating and filled with the insatiable desire to please. You will strive to improve your technique as a beautician, your speed and your creative ability, remembering that proficiency will carry you far, but that conceit and selfishness can easily prove your downfall. You will match yourself against the best but retain your modesty. You'll grow in competency but shrink with a will to serve. You'll be alive, vibrant, buoyant, optimistic, and happy-because you'll be a success.

All of these factors go to make a good beauty doctor and we are sure that you, as a budding beautician will keep them in mind and those sterling qualities which you do not possess in full degree or which may have remained dormant and undeveloped will be stressed and encouraged to grow until you are a worthy, happy example of all that goes to typify beauty of mind, spirit and body.




These are subjects with which every operator should be thoroughly acquainted since by the practical daily application of your knowledge of them you will do much to safeguard your own health and the health of your customers. 

HYGIENE is the science of preserving and improving health. The name hygiene comes from Hygeia, the Greek goddess of health, who represented the absence of disease.

PERSONAL HYGIENE is the science of preserving and improving individual health whereas Public Hygiene is the science of preserving and improving the health of the public in general. They do not differ except in the scope of application, because hygienic precautions taken for the individual should be identical to those taken for the public and vice versa. For instance we choose a clean brush for ourselves, this is personal hygiene. It then is just as important that we use a clean brush on our customer, a matter of public hygiene. We make the rules for personal hygiene by realizing the importance of diet, rest and recreation, the care of our teeth, daily evacuation; elimination of body odors by frequent baths and change of clothing.

The rules for public hygiene are made by the governmental health departments which regulate beauty shops and coordinate the licensing of operators. Since personal hygiene is of great importance to the beautician let us discuss it briefly as applied to us.

Keeping Well and Fit for the daily exactions of the profession means more than being free of disease. Low vitality, constant headaches, nervousness and other disorders may come from disregard of the simple rules of hygiene and ignoring well-known laws of health. Our bodies are complicated structures made up of a series of delicate organisms which must be cared for diligently and intelligently if they are to function properly.

Food of the proper kind, eaten regularly is one of the most important steps to be taken to keep the parts of the body functioning normally and to aid in general health. We will go more fully into foods and their general value in the chapter on Diet and Weight control but at this point we can emphasize that merely eating nutritious food is not enough to guarantee health. All too