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often through the anxiety to earn money rapidly and by the sheer ambition to realize a dream of financial independence beauticians neglect taking the proper amount of exercise to insure normal functions of the organs and thus fall victims of drowsiness and constipation which lead to headaches, nervousness and other constitutional disorders.  A few rational exercises like out door walking, deep breathing, motoring, etc., will develop the muscles and stimulate the organs to healthful activity.

REST AND RECREATION are indispensable to beauticians and can not be over emphasized.  Even though ambition may drive us to work long hours, remember never to overwork.  Be cautious not to press the body too much lest the damage done may offset the financial gain.  When the day's business is over take in a show, go for a walk, visit a friend or indulge in some other change of environment and activity.

COMFORT is also important to the beautician.  One can not do their best work in clothes that do not permit freedom of action and which are not porous enough to permit free air circulation.  Make certain then that your work clothes are not too tight and are made of materials such as will give your body a chance to breathe.  Particular attention should be paid to the shoes in which you work.  Beauticians are called upon to remain on their feet for hours at a time and unless the feet are in properly fitted, comfortable shoes great discomfort will result.  Much of the tiredness at the close of the day may be traced to work in shoes with heels too high to permit the proper distribution of body weight.  Avoid high-heel, tight-fitting shoes for work.

CLEANLINESS is another important practice for beauticians.  When it is remembered that the body throws off about 1 1/2 pounds of waste matter through the sweat glands every twenty-four hours, it can readily be seen how important it is to bathe the entire body frequently.  A bath once a week is by no means enough.

No part of the body harbors more germs than the mouth.  Millions of germs are lodged between the teeth and it is only by frequent brushing with a good dentrifice and rinsing with a good mouth wash that we are able to keep these germs in check and retard decaying teeth.

Germs come to us unaware, as has been pointed out, through water, food, animals, flies and human disease carriers but by the practice of cleanliness in all our surroundings and person we can do much to prevent them attaching us with any serious result.



All too often beauticians are guilty of personal neglect which unfailingly results in bad breath and offensive body odor.  This we caution you is one of the most damaging things to any ambitious beautician.  Nothing can prejudice the mind of a customer so quickly and nothing can hinder your financial success as to be guilty of offensive body odors.  It is the Sin of Sins.

For your own protection, as well as the protection of your patron bathe frequently, wear clean, washable uniforms and change them two or more times a week, cleanse your teeth at least twice a day, use a good mouth wash, keep your hair clean and neatly arranged and wash the hands before and after serving each customer.

ELIMINATIONS are vitally important to the beautician.  The organs of elimination of the waste matter of the body are the skin, the lungs, the kidneys and the bowels.  It has already been pointed out the importance of a frequent bath to keep the skin clean and free to perform its function of waste elimination.  Equal attention must be accorded the other organs of elimination if one is to remain healthy.  The lungs throw off poisonous gas from the body.  The kidneys extract urine from the blood and excrete it.  The bowels eliminate unused parts of the food we eat.  All of this waste matter if full of toxin or poison and should be eliminated from the body regularly.  Nature with slight encouragement will do this for us if for some reason she doesn't, corrective measures should be employed.  Do not become careless about cooperating with the organs of elimination.  Never be too busy to obey Nature's call.

FRESH AIR and SUNSHINE cost absolutely nothing yet, far too few beauticians realize their benefits.  Nothing is more hygienic and helps to retard the growth of germ life than these agents, yet it is a common fault of beauticians to work day in and day out in dark, overheated, smoke-filled quarters with utter disregard of their danger.  It is highly important that your living quarters and work room be flooded with a constant supply of fresh, clean air at all times.  Colds and pneumonia can result from too much heat as well as from exposure to too much cold.  An understanding of the right temperatures is important to the health and comfort of yourself and your patron and if you would be happy, healthy and successful.  It is well than you make certain that warmth, fresh air and sunshine be provided in adequate amount at all times.