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Keep Well, by consulting your Doctor if needs be.
Eat proper Food.
Regularly and Slowly.
Exercise Regularly out of Doors. 
Breathe Deeply. 
Take Rest and Recreation Daily. 
Wear, Clean, Loose, Comfortable Clothing. 
Avoid High-Heel, Tight Fitting Shoes for Work. 
Bathe Frequently, Deodorize. 
Brush the Teeth Twice Daily, Use and Antiseptic Mouth Wash. 
Wash the Hands Before and After Serving Each Customer. 
Eliminate Body Waste, Regularly. 
Keep your Hair Clean and Well arranged. Massage Your Scalp. 
Sleep and Work in Well Ventilated Rooms. 
Never Overheat Your Quarters. 
Let Fresh Air and the Sunshine Come in Regularly.


Sanitation does not differ so much from hygiene. It is the establishment of conditions favorable to the health of persons and communities. Certain health administrative bodies of our city, state, and national governments concern themselves with the establishment of these conditions and set up restrictions and prohibitions which are called Sanitary Laws. The aim of these laws is to preserve health, prevent disease and increase the length of our useful life. That each beautician might contribute her share to the sum total of a sanitary community it is imperative that she be well grounded in the fundamentals of the actual sanitary rules and regulations of the community in which she lives and conducts her shop. It is further important that she do this to the end that there may be no grounds for prosecution by health authorities because of some violation. Then there is a third good reason why the up-to-date beautician should regard sanitation as worthy of her important consideration: a strict observance of the rules of hygiene and the laws of sanitation will create a feeling of confidence on the part of her customers. Those appreciative of clean, well ordered sourroundings will tell others and soon there will be a steady stream of dependable patronage to your clean, sanitary shop.



Many set rules of sanitation exist in almost every community. We shall not attempt to summarize them here since it is up to you to acquaint yourself with the rules and regulations of your particular community.


Sterilization is the process of destroying bacteria, thereby rendering anything sterile or free from germs, whether they are capable of producing disease or not. It is very important that the beautician have knowledge of the various means employed to accomplish this because from the study of bacteriology we have seen the danger of germs and learned the importance of diminishing their tendency to spread and cause disease. There can be little possibility of infection in a shop where the rules of personal hygiene, sanitation and sterilization are adhered to religiously. To this end every shop should be equipped with the chemicals and apparatus necessary to sterilize all the tools and equipment used by the beautician.

Definition of Terms Used in Sterilization

ANTISEPTIC is any substance which does not destroy germs but prevents their growth or multiplication as Mercurochrome, Peroxide.

DISINFECTANT is any substance usually liquid or gas which destroys germs as Lysol, Carbolic Acid, Formalin, Chlorozone.

DISINFECTION is the process of destroying germs.

GERMICIDE is any substance which destroys germs, Disinfectant and germicide mean the same thing.

ASEPSIS is the term applied to the absence or freedom from germ life.

SEPSIS is applied to the presence of germs.

SEPTIC means the presence of numerous germs, as in putrid tissue.

ASEPTIC means freedom from putrid or germ laden tissue.

PROPHYLAXIS is the measure or step taken to prevent disease or its further spread.

PROPHYLACTIC is the substance used in carrying out the steps to prevent disease.