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symptoms are dizziness, paleness, weakness and partial or total unconsciousness.  Either lower the patient to a reclining position or bend the head forward between the knees.  Apply cold towels, loosen clothing, place patient in fresh, circulating air and allow her to smell aromatic spirits of ammonia until consciousness is regained.

A.  Cuts - Pour on 10% hydrogen peroxide, iodine or mercurochrome.  Cover with "New-Skin."

B.  Pimples - Comedone Wounds - Daub with sterile cotton wet with hydrogen peroxide.

C.  Hang Nails, Injured Cuticles, etc. - Daub with sterile cotton and peroxide.  Apply mercurochrome.

D.  Burns, Scalds - Cleanse with sterile cotton and peroxide, and apply soda water, or UNGUENTINE.

E.  Fainting - Saturate sterile cotton with ammonia and pass to and fro before the nose.  Apply cold, water-soaked towels to forehead.  Loosen garments about the neck.

F.  Nausea - 1/2 Teaspoonful essence of peppermint in a 1/4 glass of sweetened water.

G.  Poisoning - Warm water, starch solution, flour paste or lime water to induce vomiting.




We know in a general way that certain diseases spread easily.  To know something of the reasons for this is expected of every beautician for the very important reasons of protecting her health, the health of her customer, and of the health of others about her.

Disease is any condition of the body which prevents inharmonious action of the organs and tissues because of some abnormal condition or change.  There are two general kinds of disease, namely: constitutional, and communicable, contagious or infectious disease.

Disease is believed to be caused by some minutely small organism known as a germ or bacteria.  Disease caused by the transfer of these germs by personal contact from person to person, otherwise known as a contagious disease is what we beauticians must be most concerned about.  Some common contagious diseases are diphtheria, influenza, typhoid fever, tuberculosis and social diseases like syphillis and gonorrhea.

BACTERIOLOGY is the science or study of germs or bacteria.

Bacteria is used as a general term to cover germs (singular, Bacterium).

MICROBES, Micro-organisms and other simple classes of animal and vegetable life.  They are colorless organisms composed of one cell and are present in the air, water, soil and in all forms of living matter.  They are everywhere.  Bacteria varies in size and shape.  Some forms are so small that several thousands of them are required to equal an inch in length.  Millions could be spread over a surface no larger than a dime.  Other bacteria are so small they have never been seen by ordinary microscopes.  Never are bacteria visible to the naked eye.  A single drop of water many contain millions of bacteria.  There are many divisions and subdivisions of bacteria classified according to various characteristics.  For our purpose the following three general forms will suffice:

1.  Bacilli: Rod shaped; short, thick or thin, the length is greater than the width.

2.  Cocci:  Round or globular shaped, rarely a perfect circle and always a little flattened usually in groups or pairs.