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3.  Spirilli: Spiral or corkscrew shaped, considered as curved rods having one to eight curves.

[[image - BACILLI]] 
[[image - COCCI]]
[[image - SPIRILLA]]

Some bacteria have both an active and inactive stage.  Such bacteria when in the inactive stage are known as the spore. We mention this stage of bacteria because it is a form of self-preservation affected by the germ when attempts are made to destroy it.  Hence certain disinfectants and sterilizers may not entirely destroy a bacterium but stunt it and cause it to assume the spore stage in which it remains until favorable conditions arise by which it can change back into an active state.  This point is well to remember since a following chapter will treat upon how to prevent and destroy germs and the efficacy of the various methods.  The cocci germ is found in meningitis and pneumonia; the bacilli in whooping cough and diphtheria; the spirilli in cholera and syphilis, etc.

STREPTOCOCCUS is a group of cocci arranged in strings and are responsible for blood poisoning, diphtheria, erysipelas, etc.

STAPHYLOCOCCUS is a family of cocci irregularly clustered like a bunch of grapes.  They form pus in limited space, rarely over the entire body and are to be found in boils, abscesses, acne and other local skin infections.

Since bacteria are present everywhere, in the food we eat, the clothes we wear, lodged between our teeth, present on our hands, and infect all about us, it is fortunate that all bacteria are not harmful.  Many types of bacteria are useful to man such as in curing fodder and tobacco, tanning leather, making cheese and bread.  Fermented milk contains germs reputedly very helpful to mankind.  We see then that bacteria can be classed as harmless and harmful. 

SAPROPHYTES are normally harmless bacteria.

PATHOGENIE is the name applied to harmful bacteria.

PARASITE BACTERIA are bacteria incapable of living or multiplying without animal tissue.

HALF PARASITE BACTERIA are bacteria that enter the body and attack only certain kinds of tissue.

FULL PARASITE BACTERIA enter the body and attack all kinds of tissue.

VIRULENCE is the degree with which bacteria may enter the body and disarrange its ordinary processes.  It varies in different



types of bacteria and the number which may attack the tissue.  To say a germ is Virulent means that it is poisonous.

TOXIN is the poison produced by germs or bacteria.  This toxin is the cause of many types of disease.

VIRUS is the poison of an infectious disease.

ANTI-TOXIN is any agent used to aid the body offset the poison of bacteria.  Some authorities claim that it, like toxin is bacteria.  We do know that it is used in the treatment of certain infectious diseases and also to fortify us against these diseases.

TOXEMIA is blood-poisoning, a condition where the blood contains toxin produced by the body or bacteria.

PYEMIA is a poisoned condition of the blood due to the presence of specific bacteria which produce abscesses and other pus formations.

INFECTION means the invasion of body tissue by harmful bacteria.  In short, catching disease.  There are three general kinds of infection; a local infection is one in which the disease toxic or poison is confined to only a certain part of the body, as in pimples, boils, abscesses.

A mixed infection is one in which more than one kind of germ is present in the diseased part at the same time, as in small pox, chicken pox.

A general infection is the result of harmful bacteria entering the blood stream and circulates throughout the entire body, causing general illness.  Such a condition is known as Septicemia.  Fevers, inflammation and swelling characterize this type of infection.

Other types of infection are Terminal, acquired when we are tired, overworked, and have little power to resist bacteria; congenital, which we inherit or is developed before birth; acquired which we contract after birth.

GERM-CARRIERS are things or persons which transmit bacteria from one place to another.  Healthy persons may be laden with germs but because of their personal resistance do not become sick themselves but upon contact with others infect them and cause them to become ill.  Such persons are called HUMAN GERM CARRIERS.