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As pointed out in the preceding paragraph certain people carry around disease germs and do not themselves become ill. By some unknown power these people have the power to resist or counteract the effect of harmful germs without any evidence of infection. Such power is known as immunity. Persons possessing such power are spoken of as being Immune.

It much be pointed out that immunity exists only against disease caused by germs. There exists no immunity to constitutional disease; as heart trouble, rheumatism, etc.

There are two kinds of immunity: NATURAL IMMUNITY and ACQUIRED IMMUNITY. The natural power of the blood and body cells to throw off infection is called natural immunity. Acquired immunity is the power of resistance to disease developed by the body by its combat with the disease as in the case of Measles, Mumps, Whooping Cough, Small Pox, etc., or by introduction into the body (inoculation) of antitoxins. Most all of us have at one time or another been vaccinated. This was to give us power to resist small pox; thus we have acquired immunity against the disease.

[[caption]] Drop of Germ Laden Water Under Microscope [[/caption]]




To have a perfect knowledge of the scalp and skin and how to care for them is not a guarantee of ability. To be really successful in beauty culture, the operator should have a thorough understanding of fundamentals which affect her practice. Physiology and Anatomy are important to the beautician because they are studies of the fundamentals of life and function as applied to any living structure. But since our concern is chiefly with ourselves and our customers we will regard these studies only in their application to the human body.

PHYSIOLOGY is the science of the life of the body and the functioning of the different parts singly, and in harmonious relation to each other.

ANATOMY is the science of the structure of the body and its parts. Gross or Macroscopic anatomy treats of the larger structures which can be seen with the unaided eye. Histologie or Microscopic anatomy treats of the very small structure which can be seen only by the aid of magnifying lenses or microscopes. Systemic anatomy treats of the systems of the body.

Composition of the Body.

The Body of composed of Cells, Tissues, Organs and Systems. It is estimated that one-fourth of the body is solid matter and three-fourths liquid.

The distinguishing characteristic of the human body is the presence of a spinal column which separates two distinct cavaties-the Dorsal (in the head) and Ventral (in the body). The Dorsal cavity contains the brain. The Ventral cavity contains the heart, lungs, bladder, stomach, liver, pancreas, kidneys, intestines, etc

CELLS: A cell is a minute portion of living substances enclosed in a membrane, or sac, filled with a jelly-like substance called PROTOPLASM. It is the smallest unit capable of carrying on the functions essential to life, which are briefly are, support, breathing, digesting, moving, collecting, excreting, and reproducing. The cell then may be said to be the very beginning of life.