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THE MADAM C.J. WALKER SCHOOLS Muscles of the Cheek 5. BUCCINATOR (Trumpet Muscle). ORIGIN: The Maxillary bones. INSERTION: The mouth. FUNCTION: Flattens the cheek, draws back corners of the mouth. 6. MASSETER (Muscle of Mastication). ORIGIN: Arch of cheek formed by junction of Temporal and Malar bones. INSERTION: Inferior Maxillary bone. FUNCTION: Raises and lowers the lower jaw. 7. TEMPORAL. ORIGIN: Temporal Fascia. INSERTION: Inferior Maxillary bone. FUNCTION: Brings the front teeth together and retracts the jaw. Muscles of the Eye 8. CORRUGATOR SUPERCILII. ORIGIN: Ridge of the frontal bone nearest the nose. INSERTION: The thick skin of the eyebrows. FUNCTION: Draws the eyebrow downward and toward the nose. 9. OBICULARIS PALPEBRARUM. ORIGIN: Inner margin of the eye socket, Lachrymal bone. INSERTION: Encircles the eye socket. FUNCTION: Closes the eyelids, draws skin of head, temple and cheek together. Muscles of the Nose 10. PYRAMIDALIS NASI. ORIGIN: The occipito-frontalis bone. INSERTION: Top of nose between the eyes. FUNCTION: Depresses the eyebrow, wrinkles the nose. 11. COMPRESSOR NASI. ORIGIN: Bridge of Nose to upper Maxillary Bone. INSERTION: Top of Nose between the eyes. FUNCTION: Compresses the nostril. 12. DEPRESSOR ALAE NASI. ORIGIN: Superior Maxillary Bone. INSERTION: Dividing Wall (septum) and Wing (ALA) of the nose. FUNCTION: Draws wing of the nose downward. 56 TEXT BOOK OF BEAUTY CULTURE Muscles of the Mouth 13. LEVATOR LABII SUPERIORIS NASI. ORIGIN: Nasal process of the Superior Maxillary bone. INSERTION: Nasal cartilage and upper lip. FUNCTION: Elevates the upper lip and dilates the nostril. 14. LEVATOR LABII SUPERIORIS. ORIGIN: Lower margin of the eye sockets. INSERTION: Center of upper lip. FUNCTION: Elevates the upper lip. 15. LEVATOR ANGULI ORIS (Caninus). ORIGIN: Below the eye sockets from the Superior Maxillary bone. INSERTION: Angle of the mouth. FUNCTION: Raises the angle of the mouth, draws it inward. (Note: Levator, means lifter--hence these levator muscles are those tending to lift.) 16. ORBICULARIS ORIS (Ring Muscle). ORIGIN: Dividing wall of Nose and Inferior Maxillary bone. INSERTION: Forms the lips and surrounds the mouth. FUNCTION: Closes the mouth, protrudes the lips. 17. ZYGOMATICUS MAJOR (Laughing Muscle). ORIGIN: Temporal region of the malar bone. INSERTION: Corners of the mouth. FUNCTION: Raises the lips outward. 18. ZYGOMATICUS MINOR (Laughing Muscle). ORIGIN: Front eye socket region of the malar bone. INSERTION: Corners of the mouth into the Septum. FUNCTION: Raises the upper lip outward. 19. RISORIUS (Laughing Muscle). ORIGIN: Fascia above the Masseter Muscle. INSERTION: Angle of the mouth. FUNCTION: Extends the angle of the mouth as in smiling. 20. DEPRESSOR ANGULI ORIS. ORIGIN: Oblique line of the inferior Maxillary bone. INSERTION: Angle of the mouth. FUNCTION: Pulls down the corners of the mouth giving an expression of displeasure. 21. DEPRESSOR LABII INFERIORIS. ORIGIN: Oblique line of the inferior Maxillary bone. INSERTION: Lower lip. FUNCTION: Depresses the lower lip. 57