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called, but much abused classification Nordic, or, the American Indian. The more complete the process of amalgamation or the greater the infusion of other bloods, the more the hair is inclined to be oval or round and straight.

When this amalgamation or blood infusion takes place we cannot prophesy that the progeny will be a perfect blend. The result may be a light pigmentation with decidedly Negroid hair, features, and bodily characteristics or it may result in a dark skin with Nordic features and oval or round hair texture, the Albino being an exception to this rule.


Straight oily hair is very elastic and will stretch about one-fifth of its entire length. Curly hair and flat hair is not so elastic which is another reason why it should not be permanently waved.


The life of a hair is from 2 to 7 years. A person should lose from 25 to 50 hairs each day. The hair should grow about one-half inch a month or seven inches in a year if it is well nourished and not choked by dandruff.


There are an average of 600 hairs in an eyebrow. Eyebrows and eyelashes are renewed every six months.

The hairs in the human head vary in number as well as color and texture. The diameter of hair ranges from 1/140th of an inch to 1/500th of an inch. There are more than 100,000 hairs in the average human head. The very light blonde, which is the finest hair of all, may have from 140,000 to 160,000 hairs to the head. The darker haired people have about 100,000 hairs and the red haired people, who have the fewest hairs of any, about 90,000 on the head.


It is perfectly natural for hair to fall and we should not be unduly alarmed when we comb out a few hairs each time we dress the hair. Constant care of the hair will preserve and improve its appearance.

It has been said that hair contained a fluid from roots to ends, which kept people from cutting the hair without fear of bleeding. Our knowledge of the growth and development of hair now permits



permits us to trim, singe, and shingle at any time an operator may deem it necessary. The hair gets its blood supply or nourishment from the papilla. The hair grows and develops into an insensitive growth when only a short distance from the mother of the hair. The hair therefore cannot lose any moisture, nor can it bleed.

Cutting and trimming the hair does not make hair grow, nor does singeing. Hair growers are scalp aids and stimulants. Hair tonics allay extreme oiliness and help to cleanse the scalp. Heat does not grow hair. It has been said that egg shampoos aid in the growth of hair but that is not true. Egg shampoos aid in softening the hair, and in making it more attractive.

The sunlight is beneficial to the skin and hair. Too long exposure to sunlight, however, may prove detrimental. Streaks in the hair, brittleness, and lack of lustre are some of the bad results obtained by people who disregard warnings against exposure. Thus we find it necessary to take our sunlight in doses of from one-half hour to an hour per day but not longer.

Atmospheric conditions affect hair, as does moisture, wind, both heat and light of the sun.

Permanently waved or curled hair reacts the same as naturally curly hair in damp weather or around large bodies of water.

Oxidation in hair dyeing is when the peroxide combines with the cortex in the second layer of hair and burns it up.