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the pores of the scalp, cement the strands of hair together, counteract the oils and destroy the natural color of the hair.  Concentrated lye has supposedly been used in the manufacture of some of these preparations.  Madam C. J. Walker operators should never, under any circumstances, permit the thought of using preparations of this kind to enter their minds.  Patrons of Madam C. J. Walker Beauty Shops should be warned of the possible serious consequences resulting from their use.  It should always be remembered and stressed to patrons that the widely used preparations manufactured by The Madam C. J. Walker Manufacturing Company are absolutely free from strong alkalies and other quick acting and detrimental chemicals.


Prepare the patron for examination and treatment in the usual way by placing a hairdresser's cloth, or shampoo apron, around the patron, over a sanitary paper neck strip.  It should be long enough to extend  down the front into the lap and for some distance down the back of the patron.  Then tuck or pin a towel around the patron's neck.  The operator takes her position directly in back of patron and removes any hair pins, combs, etc., from the hair.  She removes all tangles from the hair with a sterile comb and her fingers.  Next, part the hair from the center of the forehead to the back of the neck and likewise from ear to ear and tie each section of the hair, thus divided, loosely.  If the hair is short or bobbed, tie or stick pins into the knots.  Now the hair is arranged so that the scalp may be easily examined. 


The following are indications of a healthy scalp: 1. Soft and pliable to the pinching of the fingers; 2. slight oily coating; 3. ease of detecting pores or indentations with the naked eye; 4. and the absence of scales, scurf or cakes of dandruff, bald patches, tiny pimples and sores.

If the scalp does not have the above appearance, you may be positive that there is some ailment which requires your attention and great care should be taken in diagnosing and determining the trouble and the treatment which it demands.  Most probably, many scalp diseases will be encountered in one's years of experience in practicing the profession of beauty culture. 

The expert operator should be able to diagnose the common scalp diseases on sight and begin the required treatment immediately



immediately. Study the chapters on scalp treatment and scalp diseases
thoroughly as the conditions discussed in them are liable to be met with at any time and the efficient operator must be familiar with the symptoms and treatments necessary to affect a cure and restore the health and beauty to the hair or when to advise the patron to see a doctor.


In treating scalp diseases, like other diseases of the body, the right remedy must be used or the time and effort consumed in the giving of treatment will be lost.  The success of any beauty culturist depends upon the speed as well as the efficiency with which she performs her operations.  It is important, therefore, that no loss of time results from seeking the best remedy to use by experimenting with unknown preparations for treating a patron's scalp.  Of course, experience will teach much, but let that knowledge come as time passes.  Never subject yourself to criticism or possible legal entanglements by applying untried or unproven remedies to the scalps of those who seek your professional services.

Remember the beautician is not a physician and must be careful of attempting to handle scalp affections which confront her.  When in doubt about the disease, direct the patron to her own physician, with the tactful explanation that you consider her case sufficiently complex to warrant his advice.

With the diligent study of the several good text books of beauty culture and training received in the approved schools of beauty culture modern day beauticians have become so familiar with the scalp and skin and so well versed in the use of appliances and remedies to render some measure of relief that they come more and more into recognition as the logical guardians of Milady's scalp and hair health.

But this recognition carries responsibilities with it and lest your own good reputation suffer irreparable damage it is well to make no extravagant promises that are impossible of fulfillment.

Madam C. J. Walker's Hair and Toilet Preparations are opposed to harmful germ life and are formulated especially to preserve the health of the scalp and skin.  They firm, tone and nourish the scalp and beautify the skin.  The hair preparations are all carefully manufactured as salves or ointments, such compounds having been found to best reach the diseased parts of the scalp.  They possess deep penetrating powers which remain until absorbed by