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and allow it to remain over night. The next day, give a vigorous shampoo using Madam C.J. Walker's Shampoo.

Cases of this kind usually require about one week of daily treatment, one day applying the solution, and the next day removing it by shampooing. It is possible that your refined patron may be annoyed by these little pests. The operator should safeguard her other patrons by thoroughly sterilizing all tools and equipment used by a patron so infected.

When the hair has thoroughly dried, apply Madam C. J. Walker's Tetter Salve to ward off the possibility of eczema or rash, which might be caused by excessive irritation.




The technical phases of treating the scalp are given here that you may obtain the real foundation of the trade and understand the reasons for performing the various operations as prescribed. They should be carefully studied and adhered to for the technicalities are exceedingly important and the prescribed treatments are the result of many years of practical experience.

The expert beauty operator may prove herself to be more than a doctor for the scalpsick or an agent for cultivating and beautifying the hair. In addition she may become a missionary of cleanliness, moderate habits and disease prevention. The old adage, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," is applicable to the real value of a well trained beauty culturist, and she should extend her professional advice and knowledge with pride, as she is performing a distinct service to her patrons, to her race, and to her country.

The principal consideration is caring for any healthy scalp is to keep it absolutely clean and pliable by regular massage in order to insure perfect circulation and proper nourishment. The hair should be watched closely, for it is a barometer of the condition of the scalp. Diseases of the scalp, no matter how mild, should be looked for and eradicated as soon as possible.

Instill confidence in your patrons and exact that they follow your advice. Patrons should come to you for treatments at regularly appointed periods, and abide by the instructions which you give them in order to retain or regain the health of their scalps and the beauty of their hair. The operator should inform her patrons just how to cooperate by massaging their own scalps night and morning, to obtain the most benefit from your treatments.


Massaging the scalp is of the utmost importance to the general health of the scalp. Its prime object, regardless of the method employed, is to keep the scalp from becoming too fixed to the bones of the skull which are found beneath it. By massage, the scalp is kept soft, pliable and porous; the circulation in the veins feeding the hair roots is increased and there being no disease present, the hair is encouraged to grow.

A scalp massage, as given by Madam C. J. Walker graduates, is