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1. CRUST OR SCAB-Dried secretion from a lesion.
2. SCALE-A thin particle of cast-off skin, as dandruff. 
3. EXCORIATION-A raw surface of skin, an abrasion.
4. FISSURE-A crack or crevice in the skin, as in chapped hands and lips. 
5. ULCER-An open sore, usually deep seated and contains pus. Avoid touching or treating.
6. SCAR-The mark left by a wound after healing, as from cuts, smallpox, etc.


A DISEASE is any departure from a normal state of health.

A SKIN DISEASE is an infection of the skin characterized by a lesion, which may consist of scales, pimples, itching, irritation or some other abnormal condition.

AN ACUTE DISEASE is one manifested by symptoms of more or less violent character. 

A CHRONIC DISEASE is one of long duration, usually marked by no violent character.

AN INFECTIOUS DISEASE is one due to pathogenic microorganisms taken into the body by coming in contact with a lesion or its secretion.

A CONGENITAL DISEASE is one that is present in the infant at birth.

A SEASONAL DISEASE is one that is more prevalent at certain seasons of the year, or is influenced by the weather, as prickly heat in summer; and forms of eczema more prevalent in cold weather, etc.

AN OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE is one that is due to certain kinds of employment, such as dermatitis, caused by coming in contact with dyes, paints, chemicals, etc.
A DEFICIENCY DISEASE is one that comes from the lack of some element in the diet; such as rickets, scurvy, etc. 

A PARASITIC DISEASE is one that is caused by vegetable or animal parasites, such as lice, scabies, ringworm, etc. 

A PATHOGENIC DISEASE is one produced by a disease-producing bacteria, such as staphylococcus and streptococcus, pus-forming bacteria. 



A SYSTEMATIC DISEASE is one that is due to lack of or over functioning of some internal glands, or abnormal gland activity due to improper eating.

A CONSTITUTIONAL DISEASE is one that is associated with or is marked by a disturbance of the orderly change of foodstuffs into body tissue. 

AN EPIDEMIC is a disease that attacks at the same time a large number of persons living in a particular locality; such as influenza, smallpox, pneumonia, etc. 


The study of the skin is known as Dermatology and those possessing specialized training therein are known as Dermatologists. There are many diseases of the skin, far too many to be covered in this book. Beauticians are not dermatologists, but some skin diseases are so common and are apt to be met so often in your experience as a beautician it is hoped the outline here given will acquaint you with those diseases most likely to come under your observation. The beautician should be able to recognize the disease, even though the treatment of it may be outside the limits of beauty shop practice. 

Beauticians, by their intimate daily contact with the public, can be of real service by recommending medical attention for conditions that require it. 

When some simple but abnormal condition can be eased or cured by local applications, the patron may be treated in the shop but when there is any doubt in your mind about the disease and no improvement is seen after a series of treatments you may give, she should be advised to consult a physician. What may appear to be a local Dermatosis (any disease of the skin) may be the symptoms of a serious constitutional disorder.


1. Diseases of the Epidermis or external cells of the skin. 

2. Disease which affect the Pigment layer of the skin; Color Disorders. 

3. Diseases which affect the blood and lymph; Circulation.